Chapter 954 Wei Zhuang and Mao Watch] Please order!

Duan Murong heard the words of Yingzheng and looked at Mu Nianzhu beside her. Then she said, “Put this girl into my room.”

“Okay.” When Ying Zheng heard Duan Mu Rong’s words, he followed Duan Mu Rong into the back room with Mu Xianzhu on his back.

After reaching the back room, Yingzheng Mu Lianzhu lay down, Duanmurong said to Yingzheng, “You can go out.”

“I will take off your friend’s clothes and examine the whole body carefully before deciding how to treat it.

“You are men, it is not convenient here.”

Hearing what Duanmu Rong said, Ying Zheng also left the room with Bi Shi, and closed the door of the room easily.

After coming out, Yingzheng, Bi Shi, Su Huan and Shuer all sat in the pavilion.

At this moment, I saw Duanmu Rong’s younger brother smiling and walking over with things.

After serving tea to everyone, the man sat down on the side.

When Ying Zheng saw the man, he asked, “This brother, what’s your name-?”

“Under Mao Qiu, Duan Mu Rong is my senior sister.” Mao Qiu said.

“Well, Brother Mao Qiu, you and your senior sister left the nine palaces of the gods, doesn’t your master blame you?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“No, my master is the most reasonable. I didn’t plan to come out. If it hadn’t been for the previous Qin war, Qi and Wei were destroyed.,

“Senior Sister and I won’t come here to Yun Mengze, hey, this Qin State is full of extinction, and I don’t know what King Qin’s picture is.”

“I don’t know how many people are dead.” Mao Qiu said.

Hearing Mao Qiu’s words, Bi Shi’s expression suddenly changed slightly.

“This, in fact, the Qin State unified the world. Although it caused many deaths and injuries to the people, more people were saved from war, and there were not so many vassals.”

“You don’t have to fight at every turn. This is actually a good thing.” Bi Shi said.

Shu’er on the side smiled: “Brother Mao Qiu, I think you are also a straight person, but this person sometimes speaks too straightforwardly.,”

“But it’s easy to mess with things.

Hearing everyone’s words, Mao Qiu also laughed: “I am also feeling this when I walk down the road.”

Winning said nothing.

For Yingzheng, it doesn’t matter if everyone in this world doesn’t understand him, because the great cause of unifying the world,

It is not understandable by ordinary people. This is a great thing that will benefit the future.

It can be said that the entire Central Plains also began to unify all dynasties because of the unification of politics.

If the people of later generations want to become the monarch of the Central Plains, then this unification is the general trend, and there is nothing to say.

After all, to put it bluntly, if you can’t even achieve great unification, then basically you don’t deserve to be called the Central Plains orthodoxy.

It can be said that this is the positive side played by the first emperor’s victory in politics.

But now it is very important, that is, because the entire Daqin has just gone through the war of unification, what stage is the entire Daqin at now.

It is in the stage of waiting to be flourished.

In the next step, Li Si will begin to implement his half-step tax reduction decree, and then begin to reduce corvee and stop the construction of unnecessary palaces.

Let all the people’s power rest first, so that the people can get a complete rest.

Only in this way can we slowly accumulate financial and national strength.

As long as the people are wealthy, Daqin can become strong. There is nothing to say.

0……for flowers…

And Yingzheng also believes that with the passage of time, Daqin will naturally be able to survive for generations.

There is no doubt about this.

Thinking of winning politics here, I suddenly asked, “So brother Mao Qiu, do you think it is good or bad for Qin to dominate the world?”

When Mao Qiu heard the words of winning the government, he thought for a while, and then said: “Actually, it can’t be said that it is bad, but I think.”

“How to put it, I just think that wherever the Qin army went, wars were going on. I don’t know how many people were ruined.

Mao Qiu has nothing to say here.

Winning the government laughed: “Then think about it, if it is not for Qin to rule the world, will the people in this world have to endure more severe killings?

“Do you have to endure even more cruel wars?”

“It seems you are right.” Mao Qiu nodded in agreement.

“Actually, I don’t understand it anymore. I just heard what Wei Zhuang said along the way, so I don’t really know much.” Mao Qiu said with some embarrassment.

“Weizhuang?” Yingzheng looked at Mao Zhuang in surprise and said: “Is this Wei Zhuang also with you?”

“Yes.” Mao Qiu said cheerfully, “Does Zheng Zheng know Wei Zhuang too?”

How should this be said.

This Wei Zhuang was originally the younger brother of Gai Nie, and the two studied under Guiguzi.

The last time Gai Nielai brought Shanrou Shanlan and others to assassinate him, he was defeated on the spot by the winning government.

Later, Yingzheng couldn’t bear it, and also let go of Shanrou, Shanlan and others.

Otherwise, these guys who assassinated themselves would die in the Palace of Qin on the spot. factory,

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