Chapter 953 Duanmu Rong] Please order!

‘So I went to Shendu Nine Palaces, but Senior Feng Puzi told me that Duanmu Rong was not in Shendu Nine Palaces, but in Qinyun Courtyard.

“Zhao Zheng brought my friend to see this girl Duanmu Rong, to see if I can seek medical advice and treat my friend.” Ying Zheng said.

Hearing the words of winning the government, the woman thought for a while and said: “If you have something to eat first, I’m almost starving to death.”

“You said that the poison of the white bones and scarlet flowers, I know it, this poison can be regarded as a wonder in the world, but the person who is infected with this poison will not die for a while.

“But you will become extremely ugly, and then live for twenty years under extremely ugly conditions, and then you will die. That is to say, you will die directly in the brightest days of your life.”

“Is there a pen that is more disgusting and vicious? I don’t think it is anymore,” the woman said.

Then the woman took the food out of Xunmei’s hand.

Then the woman sat on the mat in the pavilion 823.

After opening the food box, the woman exclaimed: “Wow, I didn’t think there was such a delicious thing. This bacon is so fragrant.”

The woman said cheerfully, and ate the bacon with chopsticks.

Seeing the woman’s contented look, Yingzheng has every reason to believe that this woman can really eat.

It’s just that Mu Nianzhu’s condition is very serious now, so Yingzheng doesn’t have any mood at all to watch the women play and broadcast.

“Since Duanmu Rong is not here, Zhao Zheng has left, and Zhao Zheng still has to go to Duanmu Rong.” After Zhao Zheng finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

“Brother Zheng, you help your friend into the inner hall to rest first, and when my senior sister has finished eating, she will naturally help.” The man said.

“This?” Ying Zheng looked at the man with some confusion and said, “Could it be that your senior sister can also cure this poison?”

“I (aibd) said you really don’t have eyesight.” The woman said to Yingzheng while eating vaguely, “Is this lady so unrecognizable?”

“Could it be that the girl is Duanmu Rong?” Yingzheng reacted.

“Of course, besides me, Duan Mulong, who else in this world can eat but not be fat, but also grow beautiful and cute?”

“Zhao Zheng has met Duanmurong girl, and please ask Duanmurong girl to treat my friend.” Yingzheng said with great joy.

“Okay, okay, I’m still eating, you can help your friend into the inner hall first, if you are lucky, there is no poison in this world that I can’t solve.

“It just so happens that I am very interested in the poison of the bones and safflower. If I am not interested, then I will not help at all. Your friend is lucky.

“You get your friend in first, and I’ll come and see after dinner,” Duan Mulong said while eating.

Since I saw Duanmu Rong, the rest is easy to talk about.

Yingzheng was also a little excited.

Mu Nianzhu’s luck was so good that he didn’t find it after looking for it for a long time.

It turned out to be met here. Can you please make people feel excited?

Thinking of winning here, he hurried to the carriage and said, “Su Huan, Shuer, Bi Shi, help Miss Mu Lianzhu out.”

“Girl Duanmulong is really here.”

Everyone was also very excited when they heard the words of winning the government.

Bi Shi carried Mu Rosary on his back, and then walked towards the house.

Sitting in the inner hall, everyone drank tea while anxiously waiting for Duanmu Rong to finish eating.

At this moment, Shu’er was a little waited, she said, “This Duanmu Rong shelf is too big.”

“We have been waiting for her for almost an hour, how much is this to eat?

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Ying Zheng also smiled and said: “Since I have seen this girl Duan Mu Rong now, then Mu Nianzhu’s illness is saved.”

“How can things like eating disturb others? If it disturbs others, it would be so rude.

“We have been waiting for so long, do you still care about this time? It’s okay.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Duan Murong nodded helplessly when he heard the words of winning the government. “Well, let’s listen to my brother Zheng, if it wasn’t for my brother Zheng.”

“Today I must burn her other courtyard.”

As soon as Shu’er finished speaking, she heard Duan Murong’s voice outside and remembered: “Oh, you wicked girl, you are going to burn my courtyard when you come up.”

“You beg me to heal your friend and burn my other hospital, which is fine.

Yingzheng, after hearing Duan Murong’s words, stood up and said with a smile: “Girls don’t want to be angry, my girl likes to make jokes.”

“Sometimes it’s a little speechless, but the nature is not bad.

Shu Er was originally her daughter’s home.

The girl and the girl are angry and contradictory, it is absolutely absolute.

Those are absolutely intrigue.

But for Yingzheng, this matter is not a big deal, as long as the Mu Rosary matter can be made right today.

Then the rest is easy to say.

Thinking of winning here, I also quickly said: “I also ask the girl to see the importance of saving people, and save my friend.”

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