Chapter 955 Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang] Please order!

It has always been known that there are two disciples under Guiguzi, who are proficient in assassination and have very high martial arts.

Unexpectedly, I met Guai Nie’s junior disciple Wei Zhuang here. To be honest, this is probably really fate.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also asked: “Although I don’t know Wei Zhuang, I have heard his name, and his senior brother Gai Nie also told me about it.”

“So, I know there is such a person, so where is Wei Zhuang now?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“Weizhuang is here now” Mao Qiu hadn’t finished speaking.

I saw two people walking outside the door, a man and a woman.

The men born in “August Two and Three” are handsome and beautiful, while the girls are very handsome, but there seems to be some melancholy between their looks.

It doesn’t seem to be very happy.

At this moment, when the man saw everyone, he said, “Below is Wei Zhuang, who is looking for me?”

Hearing this voice, Ying Zheng stood up and said, “Under Zhao Zheng, I brought friends to find girl Duanmu Rong for healing.”

“It just happened to mention the Wei Zhuang brothers, so this is just a few more words.”

When Wei Zhuang heard Yingzheng’s words, he said, “Brother Zheng, in Xiaweizhuang, I don’t know what’s wrong with Brother Zheng’s friend.”

“Madam Bone’s Bone Scarlet Flower.” Ying Zheng replied.

“I heard that Mrs. Bones is also a big wicked person. I didn’t expect to be such a friend of the political brother. It is really disgusting.”

“But if there is girl Duanmu Rong, you can definitely heal your friend.” Wei Zhuang said.

Hearing what Wei Zhuang said, Ying Zheng said with a smile, “Brother Wei Zhuang is polite.”

At this moment, I only heard Duanmurong’s door open, and then Duanmurong walked out and said, “Mao Qiu, go and prepare some saffron.”

“Then there are ghosts and flints, and dragon scales. By the way, I have to prepare a little rescue, you know?

“Okay, world.” Mao Qiu happily went to the backyard and prepared to go.

“Girl Duan.” When Wei Zhuang saw Duan Mulong, he shouted, “Do you need my help?”

“Weizhuang, you are back. This help is no longer necessary. You can help me greet these guests. I want to treat this girl Mu Lianzhu.”

“Unexpectedly, this Madame Bone’s Bone Scarlet Flower is so powerful. This is the first time in my life that I have encountered such a poison. This time I just show my skills and see my medical skills.”

“Madam White Bone’s poison skills are clever.” Duan Murong said cheerfully.

At this time, after Wei Zhuang heard Duan Murong’s words, he took the woman beside him into the pavilion where Ying Zheng and others were.

At this time, Ying Zheng looked at Wei Zhuang curiously and asked, “Brother Wei Zhuang, who is this?”

“This is Wei Zhuang’s wife-Bai Qianhong.

Hearing that it was Wei Zhuang’s wife, Ying Zheng naturally gave up and said, “I have seen Mrs. Wei.”

“The son is polite.” Bai Qianhong replied softly.

“Madam, there is a melancholy complexion, it seems that there is something in my heart that cannot be solved, although Zhao Zheng is not a doctor.”

“I’m not proficient in this medical technique, but Zhao Zheng knows in his heart that this mental illness is the most difficult to treat in the world.”

“If this is not done, I’m afraid it will disturb Madam Wei’s mood at that time, leaving Madam Wei in a state of non-stopping.” Ying Zheng said.

Bai Qianhong seemed to be a little moved when she heard the words of Ying Zheng: “What good do you have for the son?”

“This, I have to worry about medicine. This can only be opened by the lady herself. If the lady doesn’t mind, you can tell Zhao Zheng what is worrying in her heart?”

Hearing the words of winning the government, Bai Qianhong thought for a while and then said: “Thank you, son, there is actually nothing to do, but Bai Qianhong is so heartbroken.

Seeing Bai Qianhong’s appearance, Ying Zheng knew in his heart that Bai Qianhong was unwilling to say something about her.

But there is one thing to say, for Bai Qianhong’s matter, the victory itself is not very familiar.

Although you can see that Bai Qianhong seems to have something on his mind, Yingzheng has no way to figure it out.

In addition, Bai Qianhong didn’t say it himself, so it would be impossible to ask more about winning the government.

“Since Mrs. Wei doesn’t want to say more, Zhao Zheng just doesn’t ask.” Ying Zheng replied.

But what makes Yingzheng strange is that Wei Zhuang doesn’t seem to care about his wife’s illness from beginning to end.

It seems as if the mind is not on Bai Qianhong’s body at all.

Could it be that these two people are not a husband and wife relationship? They just pretend to be a husband and wife to conceal 1.3?

Although there are some doubts in the heart of the winning government, after all, this has nothing to do with the winning government, so naturally it is not easy to ask more.

Before long, Mao Qiu had already sent in the prepared medicinal materials.

At this time, Wei Zhuang was still very worried and looked at the situation in the room.

Before long, only a heart-piercing shout came from the room.

Yingzheng heard that this was Mu Lianzhu’s voice.

I saw Ying Zheng stood up and looked into the room.

At this time, Mao Qiu said to Yingzheng: “Brother Zheng, don’t worry, this should be my senior sister detoxifying Miss Mu Nianzhu.”

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