Chapter 952 Girl who can eat] Please order!

Xunmei’s words immediately aroused interest in winning politics.

What kind of person is a girl who can eat so much? One person can eat three people.

What are you doing? Is this mocking that winning politics can’t eat too much?

None of this is important. Is Yingzheng now concerned with the question of how much food is eaten?

Yingzheng now cares about the Mu Rosary in his arms.

Now that we have reached Yunmengze, then for the win government, it is necessary to deal with the matters here.

Only by finding Duanmu Rong can the poison of Mu Yanzhu be cured.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Mu Lianzhu is going to die in this Yunmengze.

In line with the principle of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Ying Zheng also said to Xunmei: “Xunmei, can you take us to meet these three people?”

“Yes, it’s not far ahead.” Xunmei said, pointing to the front.

“Then let’s go now.” Yingzheng said.

Su Huan asked at this moment: “My husband is now suffering from the poisonous rosary girl. Let’s go find those people. If it’s not, wouldn’t it take a lot of time?”

“There’s no way, even if you know it’s not, you can go and see, now it’s only a gamble, and betting on the rosary should not be forgotten, otherwise, none of us can do it.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing the words of winning the government, Su Huan thought about it and nodded: “Well, it seems that this is the only way now.

“Xunmei, I’m going to set up a carriage now, you can show me the way.” Yingzheng said to Xunmei.

“Okay, 々.”

In this way, under the guidance of Xunmei, Yingzheng drove the carriage and drove everyone towards the place Xunmei said.

After walking for almost half an hour, Xunmei finally pointed to the front and said, “You see it is the yard there.

“The three people who came there live here.

Ying Zheng looked over through Xunmei’s hand and saw that there really is a house in Yunmengze.

To be honest, Shengzheng doesn’t understand at all, why is there such a thing here, and who helped build this house?

Winning politics at this point is totally incomprehensible.

This is obviously a very strange thing.

It’s just that Yingzheng is not in the mood to think so much now.

At this time, only Xunmei said to Yingzheng: “It’s right here, I have to deliver food to the three of them every day.”

After Ying Zheng stopped the carriage, he turned his head and said to Su Huan and Shuer: “You are waiting for me in the carriage, and Xunmei and I will go down and take a look.”

‘If it’s the person we’re looking for, then it’s best. If it’s not, I’ll come back right away and look for it. ”

“Good.” Both women replied in unison.

After getting off the carriage, Yingzheng and Xunmei walked towards the house.

At this time, Xunmei shouted: “I’m bringing you food. Come out and get it. There is delicious bacon today.”

“What? There is bacon?” A high-pitched female voice rang.

“Sister, you are a woman anyway, so can’t you be a little reserved?” A man’s voice rang.

“What kind of reservedness is that you men have a lot of thoughts. Why do you want to be reserved when there is delicious food? This girl wants to express my joy when she sees delicious food. What, is there any problem with this?”

“No problem, no problem. It’s just that after you go back, if the master and his elders know about it, you will be scolded again.”

“Cut, Master can take care of me if I know it, Xunmei, where is the bacon you said, I really like it.” After seeing the victory, the woman looked at the victory curiously.

It was at this time that Ying Zheng saw this woman for the first time.

I saw this lavender gown, with a handkerchief-like thing on his forehead.

With a pair of chopsticks in his hand, he ran out cheerfully.

After seeing Yingzheng, the woman looked at Yingzheng with some curiosity and said: “^”Are you? Why are you so familiar, where did I meet you?”

Hearing what the woman said, Ying Zheng also laughed: “I have no impression of you and never saw you.

“Forget it, eating is important. Big things can’t control what this lady wants to eat.” The woman said cheerfully.

“Bacon, bacon, twice as fast.” The woman looked at Xunmei and said.

At this time, a young man also came out of the house.

I saw that this man was handsome and his skin was white, and he looked very comfortable.

Winning politics is actually considered handsome, but what I did not expect is that there are still more handsome people than winning politics.

You say this thing is bearable?

I just can’t bear this stuff.

However, after seeing the victory, the man was not as surprised as the woman. He was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded.

“I don’t know what the young man is here to see for me?” the man asked when he saw Yingzheng.

“Under Zhao Zheng, I came here to find a girl named Duanmu Rong.” Ying Zheng said with his hands.

“Duan Mulong, what are you looking for for her?” the woman asked curiously.

“A friend of mine was poisoned by Mrs. Bone’s Bone Scarlet Flower. I visited famous teachers everywhere and said that only the disciple Duanmu Rong of Jiugong Fengpuzi of the God Capital can heal in this world.”

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