Chapter 932 Proposal of Liu Bang and Xiao He] Please order!

“If Your Majesty really considers all the people of the world, he should immediately stop the palace under construction, and then liberate all these labors.”

“Let them all go home to work in agriculture, and at the same time, exempt the six countries of Shandong in the area outside the customs such as tax exemption. Only in this way can the people survive.

“There is no such thing as starving to death again.” Liu Ji said in a deep voice.

“Joke.” After hearing Liu Ji’s words, Li Si said, “If the taxes of the six countries in Shandong are exempted, then where do my Daqin taxes come from?”

“The untouchables of the six countries in Shandong are not sorry to die, so why should your majesty care about their thoughts.

This Li Si is indeed a person who is very politically minded, but he has always had historical limitations.

Apart from other things, it means that the six countries of Shandong are untouchables, and it is not a pity to die.

It was already enough for the winning government to dismiss him from office and go home.

When the six countries of Shandong were not wiped out before, then it is naturally okay to say such a thing.

Now that the Six Kingdoms have been wiped out, all the people in this world are already the people of Da Qin, and if you say this, it’s just looking for death.

“Li Si, it’s not what I said about you. What you said just now is really problematic. Are the people of the six countries of Shandong the people of my Daqin? Are they my people?’

“Could it be that Li Si, you want me to put myself before the people?” Yingzheng said.

Winning politics can be said to be very serious.

Don’t say anything else, at least for winning politics, this thing is plain, it’s not something that you don’t care about.

This is already related to the world.

Although this time the winning government only went along the Weishui River to a Zhao Penglai fairy island, but what has been seen and heard along the way, the winning government still saw something.

Now the two major threats of Da Qin, Donghu and Xiongnu, have all been wiped out.

So what Daqin has to do now is to rest and recuperate.

Let the people struggle from the line of life and death so that Da Qin can continue to walk.

Otherwise, it’s a bit awkward. When the day comes, the people have already endured to the limit, and then they may not be sure about winning the government.

“Liu Ji, what you said is not wrong, but if the tax is exempted, what should I do if Daqin’s taxation is changed? After all, Daqin also needs to pay taxes, 々.” Yingzheng said.

“Your Majesty, Liu Ji asks your Majesty to exempt the six caves from taxes, not all of them, but the three-year tax exemption for places with more serious conditions.

“If the conditions are better, then the tax will be lowered. If this is the case, the people’s pockets will become richer in a few years.”

“The people can eat well and live a warm life, so they will naturally love Daqin more and love your Majesty more.” Liu Ji said.

It is also very happy to be able to get Liu Ji to say this.

This time, the biggest thing for Winning on the tour was that I met Liu Ji and the three on the way.

Now Ying Zheng has brought these three people to Xianyang City for planning.

To put it bluntly, I also want to find a few strong supporters for myself to reform the New Deal.

Now Liu Ji and Mohe are good candidates, as for the fan.

A person who Yingzheng thinks is so brave, once he has a military industry, he will be promoted to become a Zuo Xiaowei or something.

Then it’s a beautiful thing.

Thinking of winning here, I also said: “Okay, Ting Yi I am very happy today, Liu Ji and Xiao He, you two will sort out this tax reduction and exemption in detail.”

“In the early days ten days later, I want to see the detailed methods you gave. As for Fan Ha, do you want to go to the frontier to be promoted?” Ying Zheng looked at Fan Ha and asked.

*”Bian Jun, meritorious service and promotion?” Fan Han immediately smiled when he heard the words of winning the government, “Think and think, your majesty, Fan dreams. ”

“Well, then I will send you to General Zhao Tuo in the south, starting from a small soldier, let me see if you have the ability to become bigger and stronger step by step?” Ying Zheng looked at Fan Han and said.

“Yes, thank you, Your Majesty.” Fan Ha is stupid but not stupid.

This clearly shows that winning politics gives me a chance to get promoted and get rich. If this doesn’t take me, there will be such a good opportunity in the future, isn’t it?

After all arrangements were made, Ying Zheng asked Liu Ji and others to go back and prepare first.

Li Si alone kept Li Si in custody.

After everyone was gone, Yingzheng said to (Zhao of Qian) Li Si Zhao Gao, “Li Si Zhao Gao, you two will follow me to the back garden.”

“Yes.” Li Si and Zhao Gao didn’t know what they thought about winning the government, but since the emperor had called out, they naturally didn’t dare to obey.

After arriving in the back garden, Ying Zheng said, “Li Si, you are the confidant minister of the United Nations. Why are you thinking that your confidant minister is really incompetent at all.”

“Have you never thought about what I want now?’

“Your Majesty, the minister is negligent, please punish your majesty.” Li Si said with his hands.

“I will punish and punish at every turn. I don’t want to punish you, nor am I interested in punishing you, Li Si, it’s not easy for our monarchs to conquer this world.”

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