Chapter 933 Li Si, I don’t worry about your work] Please order!

“You should also cherish it, otherwise, how can you manage the world well? Now the people of Da Qin are in an extremely difficult situation.”

“If you don’t want a way to lower Daqin’s taxes, then there must be a big problem, so this time, Li Si.

“Now Liu Ji and the others have already put forward it. You will be required to do it when the time comes for the specific implementation. This will give you a chance to gain a good reputation.”

“Do you know if you want to implement it well for me? If the implementation is crooked, I can’t spare you, do you know?” Yingzheng said.

“Yes, please rest assured, your Majesty, Li Si will definitely fulfill his mission and live up to his high hopes for Li Si.” Li Si replied with his hand.

“Yeah.” Yingzheng nodded and said: “Okay, the palace in this hand should stop, Zhao Gao, you will make an order immediately. I will announce it tomorrow morning.”

Busy 807-day, Ying Zheng also met Su Huan and Shuer in the harem.

Su Huan had just entered the palace now, and no one in this harem knew anyone, and it was also intriguing in this harem.

Su Huan was naturally willing to get closer to Shu Er.

At this time, when Yingzheng came, he saw Su Huan whispering to Shuer.

After Ying Zheng saw it, he smiled and said, “What are you two talking about, so happy?”

“Your Majesty, I and Sister-in-law Su Huan are talking about your Majesty.” Shu Er said.

“E?” Yingzheng pointed at himself: “Talk about me? Then I have to listen carefully. What do you say are you talking about me?”

“Isn’t he saying something bad about me again?”

“Nothing.” Shu’er said: “You are my Majesty today. Shu’er dare not say your Majesty even after eating the Xiongxin Leopard.”

“I told Sister-in-law Su Huan (aibd), let Sister-in-law Su Huan give you a son and a half, so that you can be safe in the harem.”

“There is no need to worry that someone will bully Su Huan’s sister-in-law, but Su Huan’s sister-in-law will not listen, saying that she is afraid that your majesty will be too tired to take care of everything, and this matter of giving birth is still late.” Shu’er said here also haha ​​laughed. .

Su Huan blushed and said, “Shu’er, you can say anything.”

Ying Zheng smiled and said, “Oh, if Shu’er doesn’t say anything, I still don’t know that Su Huan, you want children so much.”

“Well, come here, find an opportunity, and let’s do all the work for the children.”

“Okay, your Majesty, don’t listen to where Shu’er said this. Your Majesty, I walked around the harem today, and I always feel that there seems to be something wrong with the harem.” Su Huan said.

Hearing Su Huan’s words, winning the government is also a bit regretful: “This harem is the bedroom where my ancestors lived, and there is nothing wrong with these ancestors.

“How come I have a problem?” Yingzheng asked.

Hearing Ying Zheng’s words, Su Huan also quickly said: “Your Majesty, although Su Huan’s cultivation level is not as good as your Majesty, but my Narcissus Palace is a stranger to these demons.”

“Usually you can find out very accurately. Although there seems to be nothing in this harem, there is a vague and murderous spirit in the harem.”

“Although Su Huan’s cultivation base is not high, this thing can’t be mistaken.” Su Huan said.

At this moment, Shu’er nodded and said, “Sister-in-law Su Huan is right. The harem is indeed quite demon and murderous.”

“In the Narcissus Palace, it was originally known as the decent sect. This ability to detect monsters is also a must. If Su Huan’s sister-in-law said so, there is absolutely no doubt.” Shu Er said.

Hearing what Shu’er said, Yingzheng was also a little curious and said, “If this is the case, why didn’t I feel it?”

Winning politics is not unreasonable. The main reason is that winning politics is now a half-step innate master.

But now that the harem is so heavy, it turned out to be winning the government and he didn’t even notice it.

I’m afraid that I will be beaten by someone.

But Su Huan and Shu’er, whose cultivation base was obviously inferior to their own, had indeed felt this unusual aura, which was a bit unreasonable.

So for Yingzheng, this thing really doesn’t know how to say it.

At this time, I just listened to Su Huan saying: “My husband, don’t worry, this demon is not very powerful. Although it is very intent to kill, it will not become a climate after all.”

“If your Majesty believes in Su Huan, then let Su Huan get rid of the evil in the harem.” Su Huan said.

Hearing what Su Huan said, Ying Zheng thought about it and said: “Well, this matter is called to you and Shu’er, and you two will handle it.”

“But let me talk about it first, if I can’t handle it, don’t you know? After all, I don’t want to see you two get injured.” Ying Zheng said.

“Hee hee, Brother Zheng, it’s fine for you to tell my sister-in-law Su Huan, and you still tell Shuer and me, do you want to give Shuer a place of empress?” Shuer said.

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Ying Zheng also laughed: “Shu’er, you’d better be honest with me, otherwise I will let your master, Mrs. Peach Blossom, come from the Peach Blossom Hall someday.”

“At that time, don’t blame me for not reminding you. Why did you sneak down the mountain from the Peach Blossom Palace? You thought I didn’t know. Someone told me during this time.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

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