Chapter 931 Liu Ji, you are also a talent] Please order!

“My Majesty, please be able to listen to Xiao He’s words. Nowadays, the people of Daqin, not only the people of the six countries of Shandong, but even the old Qin people in the pass, are already out of breath due to the heavy taxes of Daqin. Now.” Xiao He said.

“Good point, Xiao He.” Ying Zheng smiled and nodded: “Li Si, did you hear that?”

Li Si heard the words of Ying Zheng and immediately understood that during this period of time the emperor had to think about the future of Da Qin for himself, it turned out to be on this.

“Chen, Li Si understands, Your Majesty, this tax and milk is the foundation of the Great Qin State. If you want to lower it in a hurry, I’m afraid it will shake the state.” Li Si replied.

“This is the reason why I want you to go back and think about it again to talk to me. I know that this haste will definitely shake the country, but it is also because of this.

“That’s why I have to discuss with you, Prime Minister Zuo. 08. But I didn’t expect that Prime Minister Zuo, you, didn’t know anything for a long time, so he gave me those ideas.

“Li Si, you are putting me on a fire.” Ying Zheng said.

“Your Majesty, the minister doesn’t mean that. The minister now knows that he was wrong, and the minister will immediately plan the tax reduction for his majesty.” Li Si said.

“Li Si, I admire this good temper that knows mistakes and can be corrected. Now you have to listen to what Xiao He and others say, and then what to do next.”

“If you want to think well, you are my Prime Minister Left, and I still rely on you for many things.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

“Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty.” Li Si felt relieved.

“Xiao He, keep talking.” Ying Zheng said.

“Your Majesty, what Xiao He has to say is almost the same. Xiao He and Liu Ji also discussed a lot. Liu Ji knows some things better than Xiao He.”

“I also hope that your Majesty can let Liu Ji also talk about it,” Xiao He replied.

This Xiao He is quite interesting. Knowing that this is an opportunity to leave a good impression in front of him, he naturally has to quickly let Liu Ji, who is a fellow villager, also talk about it.

“Liu Ji, let’s talk about it.” Hao Zheng also gave Xiao He a face.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Liu Ji said after he replied, “Your Majesty, Da Qin is naturally invincible in the world now. Your Majesty, Shenwu, has nothing to say…”

“But in Liu Ji’s view, although my Daqin is strong, there are three hidden dangers under it.

“What are the three major hidden dangers, let’s listen to them.” Yingzheng said with interest.

“First, it is the heavy taxation that Xiao He said.”

“Secondly, in addition to heavy taxes, my Daqin also has a wide range of projects.”

“Thirdly, some of my Daqin officials were flattering to the superior and bullying to the next. When Liu Ji was in Peixian, he was a majesty who had a deep understanding.”

“Yeah.” After hearing Liu Ji’s words, Ying Zheng nodded in appreciation: “Liu Ji, I did not misunderstand you. You, Xiao He and Fan Ha are indeed talents.”

“Liu Ji, talk about it carefully.”

“Yes.” Liu Ji also gained some self-confidence after being affirmed by winning politics.

“Your Majesty, Da Qin has used foreign troops for several years. With great difficulty, the war has finally been eliminated. Now it is the busy time of farming, and all places need a lot of labor.”

“Originally, it should be planting crops at this time. When the grain is harvested, there will be a good harvest, but your Majesty, you first built the Lishan Palace and conquered 500,000 people.”

“Later, 300,000 civilians were confiscated for the construction of the straight road. In this way, 800,000 laborers disappeared out of thin air.”

“These 800,000 laborers are accompanied by at least millions of families. Once these families have no labor, they basically face the possibility of starvation.”

“And these laborers will be dissatisfied when they hear that their family members are starving to death or that they cannot grow enough food to pay the food tax.”

“So that you can finally do things you can’t imagine, these are all possible sires.” Liu Ji said.

“You are right. The construction of this Lishan Palace and Qin Zhidao really cost a lot of manpower.”

“Your Majesty, these are nothing. After all, whether the palace is built or the Qin Zhidao is built, it is all for Da Qin.”

“But many of the officials in Daqin did exploit these civilian 803 craftsmen layer by layer, and they didn’t have enough to eat or wear warmth.”

“As far as I know, half of the 200 civil servants recruited from Pei County died on the road and waited after the Lishan Palace.

“Seven or eighty died again, and in the end they were able to come back alive. There are only a dozen people. It can be said that there is no one in ten.”

“Your Majesty, such a waste of people’s power, if one day a popular riot is triggered, I am afraid that Daqin will not only shake the Guoben saying that at that time.” Liu Ji looked at Yingzheng and said.

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at Liu Ji’s appearance, and suddenly thought of what this guy was thinking about when he came to the Central Plains and became the emperor in history.

Judging from what Liu Ji said today, winning politics knows it.

Although Liu Ji has a strong riffraff, he is still a bit lustful.

But when it comes to dealing with major events in the world, it is true and unambiguous, and it is often unique and accurate to see things.

“Then Liu Ji, what should you think of it?”

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