Chapter 930 Xiao He is indeed a human being!] Please order!

Before Xiao He had finished speaking, Li Si had already scolded: “Bold Xiao He, you dare to object to the tax laws set by the merchants and the Qin kings of the past.”

“I think you don’t want to live anymore.

Hearing what Li Si said, Xiao He could only shut up and said nothing.

At this time, Ying Zheng just slapped the dragon chair and said: “Li Si, I haven’t spoken yet, Li Si, will you speak first?”

“Your Majesty, Li Si is reckless.” When Li Si heard the words of the victory, his back was wet.

Just now I was a little anxious for a while, which made me a big taboo.

“Okay, you want people to talk. It’s also Prime Minister Zuo anyway. Isn’t that enough “eighty-three” to do so? How can you be Prime Minister Zuo?” Yingzheng said.

These words about winning politics seem to be unimportant, but they are actually a trick on Li Si’s pain.

“Your Majesty, Li Si knew it was wrong.” Li Si replied.

“Okay, Xiao He, you continue to say, and if you find any problems, just say. Lian asked you to come today to tell you the problem, not to let you sing praises, you know?” Yingzheng said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Xiao He replied.

“Your Majesty, although Xiao He only visited three villages during this period, the lives of these villagers can be regarded as a reflection of the hardships of the people in Daqin.”

“First of all, according to my Daqin tax law, the head tax for all people’s homes is 10 Qin banknotes per person per year, which does not count the people’s annual crops.”

“The government is about to collect 80%, while the people can only keep 20%. Many villagers can survive the day if the population is small.”

“If the population is a little bit larger, it takes only five days to eat a dry meal. The people have many different dishes, and they are as thin as wood.

“In many people’s homes, there have even been incidents where the remaining children are drowned or given away. This is still in Daqin’s gate.”

“Your Majesty, many villages in the six countries of Shandong, outside the Guan, because the excessive taxes and taxes are too onerous, many people are already facing a situation of bankruptcy and extreme poverty.”

“What’s more, it has reached the point where the whole family commits suicide. Your Majesty’s sweeping the six-in-one unification and unification is really a great cause for the future.

“But your Majesty, if you don’t cherish the people’s power and blindly abuse the people’s power for your own personal so-called majestic power, I am afraid that the world of Daqin will not be able to maintain long-term stability.” Xiao He said.

“Bold.” Zhao Gao looked at Xiao He and said, “Xiao He, you are so arrogant, you dare to curse my great Qin national destiny.

“Your Majesty, Xiao He is really arrogant, he deserves a death penalty.” Zhao Gao said to Ying Zheng.

“I think you are bold, Zhao Gao, you don’t see me as the emperor anymore.” Victory immediately became angry.

After Zhao Gao heard the words of winning the government, he immediately knelt on the ground: “Your Majesty, the ministers are very loyal, please give your majesty a lesson.”

“Zhao Gao, I have already said that, in the Hall of Nourishing Hearts today, I will pardon them not guilty if you say anything. If you continue to interrupt, then today I don’t mind to clean up you first.” Yingzheng said angrily.

“Yes, Your Majesty, please forgive me.” Zhao Gao was frightened and knelt on the ground shivering.

Who would have thought that His Majesty the Emperor would allow someone to say such things today.

“Xiao He, you continue to say.” Ying Zheng said to Xiao He.

Xiao He at this time was completely indifferent.

During this period of time, when he visited the villages in the Guan, Xiao He had actually discovered that Da Qin seemed to be strong on the surface, but in fact it was 0.

In fact, it is very weak.

Where is the weak point? It is in the people of Da Qin.

It seems that in big counties such as Xianyang, Dongjun, and Hanoi, the people’s life looks pretty good at first glance.

But this is not the case at all.

Most of the people of Qin Dynasty are living very hard, and many people are already on the brink of bankruptcy.

This is nothing else.

Xiao He inspected along the way, and he also had a deep understanding of Daqin’s severe taxes.

Xiao He had always been passionate and wanted to serve the country.

Now there is such an opportunity to speak out in front of the emperor.

Don’t say that the emperor is going to be angry, even if the emperor is going to kill himself, Xiao He has to say it at this point.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” After Xiao He replied, he continued: “Your Majesty, the troubles of the Huns and East Lake in the north of Daqin have been eliminated.

“In the south, Baiyue and Nanban were defeated by my Daqin General Zhao Tuo, although they could not be completely wiped out in a short period of time.

“But the general situation of the thief is gone and it is not a concern. The Western Regions are in the vast mountains and rivers of the Qin Dynasty. Your Majesty’s desire to open up the Western Regions can understand.,

“But now it is obviously not the time. Now it is the most urgent matter. Your Majesty should re-draw our tax burden, if it can reduce the burden on the people.

“More hiding wealth in the people, so that the people can live a good life, then at most 20 years, our Daqin will once again be invincible in the world.”

“At that time, the people were wealthy, and the court was also wealthy. The use of troops in the Western Regions is what the people want from the peak of the army. Your majesty’s army will definitely go to Pimo without any disadvantages.”

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