Chapter 923 Entrusted with important task] Please order!

“Then you don’t care about it. I have my own concerns about this matter. As for my beloved concubine.”

“That was a silly account in the past, anyway, now I just want to figure out this silly account, do you know?” Yingzheng said cheerfully.

“This minister understands that seeing his majesty so happy, the minister already understands that his majesty likes this concubine very much.” Zhao Gao said happily.

“It’s alright, don’t flatter, just ask if there is anything else you want to ask.” Yingzheng said.

“Your Majesty, who are Liu Ji, Xiao, etc.? How come your Majesty suddenly has to entrust an important task?” Zhao Gao asked again.

“The situation of these three people is a bit special, and it’s not convenient for me to talk about the specific circumstances, but these three people are deliberately coming to investigate them.”

“So you just let Sima Xin arrange the errands for them, and don’t care about the rest.” Yingzheng said.

800 “Yes.” Zhao Gao replied.

What kind of things Zhao Gao hasn’t seen in the Qin Palace for so many years?

Zhao Gao could not understand such a simple truth.

The emperor had arranged things. As a subject, just do it, and ask why.

There is no benefit.

After all these things were arranged clearly, Yingzheng said to Zhao Gao: “Zhao Gao, I have unified the world for so long, do you say that the people of the world are satisfied with me?

“Your Majesty, these six countries have just been wiped out. The people in this world naturally respect the majesty of your Majesty. It’s only for a while, I guess you may not be able to appreciate your majesty’s thoughts.”

“But as long as it takes time, the teaching of Wang Hua will naturally be able to convince the people of the world.” Zhao Gao said.

This Zhao Gao said something like a human word on this matter.


After resting for one night, Sima Xin took the three to the hall the next day.

In front of the civil and military officials, winning the government also made Zhao Gao promulgate the imperial decree.

Suhuan was sealed as Mrs. Wei, only because Dongshi Mountain where Suhuan was located originally belonged to the land of the State of Wei.

And Bi Shi was named the Imperial Guard.

Although the ministers did not quite understand the sudden addition of the imperial guards.

However, winning the government and doing things has always been vigorous and resolute. As long as the emperor’s imperial decree is the matter, the ministers will basically shut up directly.

You and the emperor are fighting against you, do you have a head cut?

As for Shu’er, she was left by Su Huan’s side directly, and she was not a maid. Anyway, she lived with Su Huan in the palace.

These two sisters can be regarded as taking care of them in the palace.

Yingzheng also knows that the life of this harem is indeed something to say, it is indeed a bit intriguing.

With Su Huan’s temper, it is naturally impossible to live happily in such an intriguing harem life.

If it weren’t for Shu’er to accompany him.

After arranging these things, Ying Zheng retired and took Su Huan and others to the Hall of Yangxin to eat.

Sitting in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart, Ying Zheng said to the three of them: “How about it, isn’t our palace still magnificent?”

“Your Majesty, this is the first time Bi Shi has seen this palace in Xianyang City. Before going down the mountain, I always heard Master say that Xianyang Palace is the number one palace in the world.”

“At that time, Bi Shi didn’t believe it. I saw it today and it was worthless.” Bi Shi said.

“You kid didn’t learn anything else. You learned a lot about this glib skill,” Ying Zheng said.

“Your Majesty.” Su Huan said: “Your Majesty Su Huan will be in the palace from now on, so you can’t go to Dongshishan Narcissus Palace to visit Master and fellow masters.”

“This” Su Huan didn’t say anything at all.

Winning the government naturally understood what Su Huan meant.

“Don’t worry, if you want to go to the master gate to meet your master, see your master and sisters and tell me, I will arrange for the Forbidden Army to accompany you there.” Ying Zheng said.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Su Huan said happily.

“Brother Zheng.” Shu Er said: “This sister-in-law Su Huan became a concubine, and Bi Shi also became your personal guard. What am I doing?”

“At any rate, I also came here with your Majesty and you all the way through the ups and downs. Don’t your Majesty want to give Shu’er something?

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Ying Zheng said with a smile: “You spooky little Nizi, what do you want? You haven’t figured out your award union yet.”

“When I think about it, I will naturally give you a reward. Don’t worry, you can live in the palace with peace of mind.

When she heard the words of winning the government, Shuer also happily agreed.

In fact, for Shu’er, Yingzheng still feels a little different.

You have to say you like it, Shu’er is really a little bit up and down, and it’s unspeakable.

But you have to say you don’t like it.

In fact, winning politics is really what games like.

But now that he has just brought Su Huan into the harem, Shu’er still has to wait.

After resting for two days, Liu Ji and others finally arrived in Xianyang City.

After Xiao He took Liu Ji and others to find Sima Xin, Sima Xin also arranged an errand for the three in Xianyang City. .

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