Chapter 924 I found an errand] Please order!

This was a shock to Xiao He.

Originally, Xiao He was just thinking about trying his luck. After all, you said that you met such a person on the way.

Said to let himself come to Xianyang City to find an errand.

What is this Xianyang city?

That’s the root of the imperial city at the feet of the emperor. You said you came to find an errand when you came for an errand?

Who dares to agree with this change?

Originally, Xiao He didn’t believe what Zhao Zheng said.

But I don’t know why, after seeing Zhao Zheng for the first time, Xiao He believed in what Zhao Zheng said.

In addition, he originally wanted to find an errand for Liu Ji in Linzi City, but finally did not get the errand in place.

So the three of them together, anyway, they haven’t gotten an errand now, why not come to Xianyang City to try your luck?

Thinking of this, Xiao He brought Liu Ji and Fan Ha to Xianyang City.

After arriving in Xianyang City, Xiao He inquired everywhere, and only then did he find the Changshi Mansion where Sima Xin was located.

After reporting the names and intentions of the three of them with a sense of anxiety.

It didn’t take long for Sima Xin to meet these three people.

Sima Xin himself had already been greeted by the winning government. As long as these three people came, then they would be assigned a few small and small positions in the Changshi Mansion.

It can show the talents of three people, but it is not too small.

In order to prevent Liu Ji and Fan Ha from performing too poorly, the winning government also specifically explained to Sima Xin.

This Liu Ji is smart, he can listen to what others say, and he learns things quickly.

This fan is mainly brave and can be sent to the barracks to experience and practice.

As for Xiao He, there must be no problem in working as a civilian.

Therefore, Sima Xin also strictly followed the win-government theory.

Fan Ha was sent to the imperial city forbidden army camp as a cavalry.

This imperial cavalry is absolutely a good place. In the imperial city, it belongs to the presence of a proud presence.

After all, the cavalry in this era is the best class of arms.

The second is infantry, but in terms of status, it is naturally inferior to infantry.

Of course, the most powerful is naturally the Imperial Guards.

This is the most powerful existence in the entire imperial city that is directly responsible for the emperor’s comfort.

Fan Ha was sent to the cavalry camp as a cavalryman from the very beginning.

And Liu Ji was arranged to learn things next to Sima Xin.

Xiao He was sent to the Changshi Mansion as an errand by Sima Xin’s transfer order.

Responsible for some daily internal affairs.

Otherwise, Sima Xin is also an individual talent, and his understanding of what Ying Zheng said is also very profound.

The arrangement of the three of them is very good, and there is no flaw or omission.

Winning Zheng knew this point naturally in his heart.

“Your Majesty, these three ministers have been arranged according to your majesty’s wishes, but I don’t know if your majesty will summon these three?” Sima Xin asked curiously.

“Not for the time being, but you have to keep me informed about the dynamics of these three people at any time, and I want to see if the Lian has made a difference to these three people.” Ying Zheng said to Sima Xin.

“Your Majesty, rest assured, Sima Xin will definitely handle this matter well and will not disappoint your Majesty.” Sima Xin said to Ying Zheng.

After letting Sima Xin go back, Yingzheng started to figure things out in the hall of cultivating the heart.

It is natural to know the arrangement of these three people to win the government, but it is not the time to meet these three people.

Let these three people make some achievements first.

If you find the right opportunity, then you won’t see them until you win the government.

0………Look for flowers…

For this army of anti-Qin princes at the end of Qin, Ying Zheng naturally knew what to do.

To put it bluntly, as long as Liu Bang and others are drawn to his side, Xiang Yu is left.

It is absolutely impossible to cause trouble.

In addition, Ying Zheng now knows that Qin’s laws are indeed too strict.

It’s not that the laws of the Qin State are so strict, but the laws of the Qin State are no longer suitable for the unified world.

When this was not unified, the entire Qin State was a huge chariot.

Now that it is unified, then this war-prepared tank should be stopped.


It is necessary for the people to take a good rest.

Both the Huns and Donghu in the north have been resolved.

The south is also resolved.

Now the Western Regions are left, but don’t worry too much.

Now the Western Regions are not at all an opponent of the Central Plains, and they are not yet a big threat to the Central Plains.

So what we have to do now is to cultivate and live with the people, so that the people of Daqin can escape from the cruel war.

Can live a peaceful life for more than ten years.

The population of the Central Plains has decreased a lot after so many centuries.

Then, the restoration of the population and the restoration of productivity must naturally be achieved by finding ways.

For the win-government, the main purpose now is to see if we can extract something useful for agricultural development from the system.

If this is a big gift package.

Especially if there is development in agriculture, then winning the government will be a laugh.

Now Daqin has no strong enemies on the outside and no internal troubles on the inside. Now is the time to recuperate.

Therefore, winning politics naturally takes these things into consideration. factory,

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