Chapter 922 Hold thigh] Please order!

“I don’t want it. I will follow Brother Zheng. You are the number one thick leg in the world. I’m stupid with such a big thick leg. I won’t report it. I’m going to marry someone else.”

“Follow my Zheng elder brother, it is simply that all beings can enjoy the glory and wealth.” Shu Er said with a grin.

Bi Shi on the side didn’t say anything when he arrived, just watched the three chatting cheerfully.

At this time, Yingzheng looked at Bi Shi with some curiosity and asked, “Bi Shi, have you ever thought about doing something by my side?”

“This, Bi Shi didn’t think about it. Bi Shi was ordered by his teacher to go down the mountain to experience it.” Bi Shi replied.

“It’s not promising.” Ying Zheng said: “When you arrive in Xianyang, you will be my personal guard.

“It’s just right, there are Xuan-level masters in my Xianyang Palace, just to take you, lest you can’t fly.” Ying Zheng replied.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Bi Shi hurriedly said, “Thank you, no, thank you, son.”

In this way, everyone sat on the big boat and spent almost two days, from Linzi City to Xianyang City along the smooth wind.

Back to Xianyang City again, it was half a month since I left Xianyang City last time.

The fifteen-day experience can be regarded as a good journey for winning politics.

In addition, I also met Liu Bang and others this time, which is a worthwhile trip.

After arriving in Xianyang City, Ying Zheng first arranged the three in an inn.

After winning the government, he went to a cave outside the city.

Only Yingzheng and the pre-Qin emperors knew about the cave, and no one else knew about it.

Therefore, Ying Zheng easily got into the hole.

Entering this damp cave again, Ying Zheng also felt that if there is a chance in the future, he must renovate the cave well.

Otherwise, it would be too painful to come out this time.

Turning left and right, Ying Zheng finally entered the palace.

After confirming that there was no one outside, Yingzheng only got out of the hole.

Then through the unique communication channel with the puppet doll, Ying Zheng called the puppet doll back.

After seeing the puppet doll, Ying Zheng directly put the puppet doll away.

Then Ying Zheng asked the maid to prepare hot water for herself.

After taking a hot bath comfortably, Ying Zheng changed into his dragon robe.

With this puppet doll acting, then everything in this world will not be difficult to win politics in the future.

“Zhao Gao, 々.” Ying Zheng shouted.

“The minister is here.” Zhao Gao replied.

“Go and call Sima Xin.” Ying Zheng said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” After Zhao Gao heard Ying Zheng’s words, he hurried to call Sima Xin.

There are mainly two things now. The first is Su Huan, Shu Er and Bi Shi entering the palace.

The second is that Liu Ji and others arranged for them to do things after they arrived in Xianyang City.

All these need to be handled by Sima Xin, a guy with vision.

After all, for winning politics, this guy can be regarded as a very good person.

Not long after, Sima Xin followed Zhao Gao to the front of Yingzheng.

Sima Xin knelt on the ground and shouted: “Sima Xin has seen our emperor long live long live long live long live long live.”

“Let’s go flat, this is in the partial hall, there is not so much attention to it, there is something for you to do when I come to you.”

“Your Majesty, please.

“Two things. The first is in the city of Xianyang. There are three people living in an inn called “Xiaoyaoju”, two women and one man. ”

“One of the women is Su Huan, the other is Shu’er, and the man is Bi Shi.,

“Among these three people, Su Huan is my concubine, Shuer is my good friend, and Bi Shi is a good friend and personal guard of Lian. You will bring these three people into the palace to see me tomorrow.”

*”Got it?” Ying Zheng said, looking at Sima Xin.

“Yes, the minister knows.” Sima Xin didn’t talk too much, and directly replied.

“The second thing is that in just one or two days, three people will come to you. They are called Xiao He, Liu Ji, and Fan Ha.

“After these three people come to Xianyang City and find you, you will arrange a position for the three of them in Xianyang City. I want to see how these three people are capable of doing things, do you know?”

“It can’t be too small, but it can’t be too big. It must be able to reflect the abilities of these three people without being overkilled, understand?” Ying Zheng asked.

“Your Majesty, rest assured, Sima Xin understands.” Sima Xin replied.

“Okay, go down and handle this matter.” Ying Zheng waved his hand.

After the (money) Sima Xin retired and left, Zhao Gao then asked, “Your Majesty, the minister has a few words that I don’t know if it is appropriate to say it.”

“Zhao Gao, you and I have been a good friend for many years, and you should not talk about it properly. Just say what you have. Can I still kill you or not?” Ying Zheng knows what Zhao Gao wants to ask.

“Yes.” Zhao Gao bowed his head and turned back: “Your Majesty, when did you have a concubine? Do these ministers really don’t know?

“And this personal guard, Your Majesty, this personal guard is carefully selected, whether it is loyalty or a beast, it is first-class.”

“Your Majesty now suddenly has a personal guard, Your Majesty, Shuchen is frank, is this person reliable?” Zhao Gao asked.

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