Chapter 921 Employing only talents, only Germany] Please order!

“If you are a king, what you have to do is not to ask a person’s origin but what talents a person has.

“As soon as I saw these three people, I knew that these three have talents in the world, and they must be the pillars of my Daqin in the future, so I value them in this way.” Yingzheng said.

Although I don’t know why Yingzheng values ​​these three people so much, there is one thing to say, since they have all said so.

So naturally there is nothing to say about Bi Shi and others.

After all, winning the government is the emperor of Da Qin.

At this time, Shu Er said to the side: “Brother Zheng, do you know?”

“Do you know what?” Ying Zheng looked at Shu Er curiously and asked.

“From the time I knew you until now, I have always felt that you are a person who seems to be able to behead everything.”

“I don’t know why this is, but I think you seem to have the ability to predict the future in 08,” Shu Er said.

Unexpectedly, whether the winning government had been hidden so deeply or was discovered by Shuer.

That’s right, winning politics does predict the future.

No way, it won’t work if you can’t predict it.

Who said that the soul wears the spirit to win the government. If the soul wears it in this great Qin era, if you can’t predict the future, the history lesson of the win government was in vain.

But there is no way to win the government, there are some things that cannot be said.

You can’t let Yingzheng tell everyone that you are actually the soul that wears Yingzheng.

I really won’t know where to die anymore.

If this is said, I’m afraid that the entire Da Qin will be the enemy of Yingzheng by then.

“Xiao Nizi, some things don’t require predicting the future, especially when you see a person, you don’t need to predict the future at all, you just need to know.”

“This person is indeed a talented person.” Yingzheng replied.

“I see.” Shuer said cheerfully.

For Xiao He, Liu Ji, and Fan Kui, winning the government will naturally not be wrong.

How could this be wrong.

The great ancestor Liu Jihan was quick to learn everything, with extremely high control skills and strong governance ability.

Xiao He, a serious logistics expert, has the highest internal political strength in history.

Fan Ha, although it is naturally unsightly when it comes to the formation of troops in battle, he can’t hold back this guy with loyalty and cruelty.

Dare to fight and kill.

Not to mention Cao Shen, Xia Houying and others around Liu Ji.

These are all talents, so how can you be wrong when you win politics.

It is impossible to read a mistake by mistake, and you will never read it wrong in your life. Only by making good use of these people can you manage a good world.

In fact, Yingzheng had also thought about it.

To put it bluntly, Liu Ji and others are also celebrities in history, so this ability is naturally not bad.

If it can be used wisely, then it must be able to manage this Daqin world in an orderly manner.

It’s just that Han Xin is not very old now, so I guess he will have to wait a few years, otherwise I will get Han Xin this guy.

That’s perfect.

As for Xiang Yu.

There is no other way. Encounters are of that kind.

The guy who smashed to the bottom with Da Qin, is the Overlord powerful? Very powerful.

But it’s useless if it’s so powerful, it’s useless no matter how powerful it is.

And what are Xiang Yu and Da Qin called? That is called the enemy of life and death.

So this is the real problem.

For Liu Ji and others, winning the government is absolutely to win.

But for Xiang Yu, I’m sorry, don’t let yourself meet.

It’s a death to meet it.

After a day’s rest in Linzi City.

Early the next morning, Ying Zheng took everyone on the big ship to Xianyang.

It’s been so long since I came out of Xianyang, and I should find a way to go back quickly.

During this period of time, although often the puppet emperor was able to convey the matter of the minister’s report.

But a puppet is a puppet after all, and it is not something that a puppet can do if it encounters some things.

Some things must be won by the government in person, and based on the actual situation to make the most true 797 feedback.

So it can’t be out for too long, it will be easy to cause problems if it takes too long.

After boarding the big ship, Yingzheng said to the three people: “This time the three of you and I are going to Xianyang City, and we will first stay in the inn in the city.”

“I want to go back to the palace first, and then the three of you will be summoned into the palace the next day. Don’t you three need to know?” Ying Zheng looked at the three and said.

“Brother Zheng, Bi Shi and I are not in a hurry, but Su Huan’s sister-in-law doesn’t know, hehe.” Shu Er said with a grin.

“Oh, Shu’er, I really ignore you when you say that.” Su Huan said with a flushed face.

“Hee hee, it’s a family that is still so shy. I said that you and my brother Zheng should have had a child sooner or something. That would be good.” Shu Er also didn’t care about Su Huan’s shyness.

“You are ignoring you.” Su Huan also couldn’t say that Shu’er, it can only be so.

While Yingzheng smiled and said to Shu’er: “Just your little nizi has a lot of ideas. When you arrive in Xianyang City, I will find a good brother, and let you marry you…”.

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