Chapter 913 Want to see Zhang Liang] Please order!

“No, no, no matter what your Majesty said, your Majesty is naturally the first Mingjun today. This is for sure.” Bi Shi said.

Hearing that Bi Shi had no horses at all in technical content, winning the government didn’t know what to say.

But there is one thing to say, this Bi Shi is actually Zhang Liang’s nephew.

This makes the winning government somewhat unexpected.

But fortunately, it happens to be able to see the 400-year-old Zhang Zifang from here. In this case, winning the government is not a white soul wearing a game.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng said: “If you have a chance to show me your uncle Zhang Liang.”

“This… Bi Shi is a little nervous: “Your Majesty, although my uncle Zhang Liang is a noble of Han country, he has always lived in peace and has never done anything unfavorable to Da Qin. ”

“You kid is a typical place where there is no silver three hundred taels. When did I say that your uncle did something unfavorable to Da Qin 790?”

“I’ve heard people say before that your uncle is a rare wizard in the world. I want to meet, if possible, he can be the pillar of my great Qin.

“Is it good to benefit the people of one party?” Yingzheng said.

Bi Shi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words of winning the government:” “If this is the case, then there is no big problem. I thought your Majesty wanted it. ”

“Think I was going to kill Zhang Liang? What do you think, I’m not so bored yet.” Ying Zheng said while looking at Bi Shi.

In fact, for Zhang Liang, winning politics is still quite tangled.

On the one hand, it goes without saying that this good talent is natural.

People of later generations didn’t always say that when mentioning Zhang Liang.

But on the other hand, this guy really didn’t deal with Da Qin, because it was Houyi, a noble of Han country.

Therefore, it is somewhat (aibd) bloody enmity with Da Qin.

I am afraid that it is not easy to let Zhang Liang assist him.

But what does that sentence say?

It’s a matter of people.

I always have to try it before I know what is going on.

Thinking of winning politics here, I also said to Bi Shi: “This time, when we return to Xianyang, you will take me to meet your uncle by the way.”

“I have always wanted to have a good chat with him, maybe after the chat, I will let go of each other’s prejudices.

Hearing the words of winning the government, Bi Shi nodded in relief: “Since your Majesty said so, then Bi Shi is the arrangement.

No words for a night.

It was almost noon the next day that Ying Zheng slowly got up from the wing.

The wing room in this Penglai Fairy Island is really quiet.

After Ying Zheng lay down, closed his eyes and started to sleep, he has been asleep until now.

This is simply how to say, this Penglai Xiandao is really a good endemic disease for the treatment of insomnia.

This can happen for sure.

After bidding farewell to Yun Zhongzi, Ying Zheng brought the three of them back to the dock.

When approaching the dock, I saw that Bai Ze also ran out again.

“Unexpectedly, the dignified Emperor Qin is so affectionate and righteous, that ginseng fruit is so precious, you actually shared it with the other three people.

“It seems that the old man did not misunderstand you.” Bai Ze said.

Originally, the four of them were walking on the road, but when Bai Ze came out, they were all confused.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ze was waiting for everyone here.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng smiled and said: “Senior Bai Ze, are you here to take me on board or are you?”

“Hehe, I have a few words to tell your Majesty when I came this time.” Bai Ze said.

“Senior Bai Ze, please say.” Ying Zheng said with his hands.

“Your Majesty, your Majesty must be more careful about things on this temple. Although your cultivation is impeccable, your majesty is above this temple.”

“Your Majesty may not be able to win all battles, please be careful and cautious.” Bai Ze said.

“I have a Wolong Pill here. This Wolong Pill is made by me from the essence of the heavens and the earth. Although this Wolong Pill has no effect on prolonging life.

“But after taking it at the critical moment, you can improve your cultivation to reach the realm of Da Luo Jinxian within twelve hours.

“You can help your Majesty at the critical moment, so your Majesty must remember to keep it safe.” Bai Ze said.

To be honest, I really didn’t expect that this time I came to Penglai Fairy Island, and there were so many good things in succession.

This feeling is really good.

If it weren’t for such a good thing, winning the government would really not know why it would do it.

As a result, after Wolong Danhou, Ying Zheng brought everyone to say hello to Bai Ze, and then returned to the boat.

After boarding the ship, the owner of the ship cheerfully said to Ying Zheng: “The son and the others have seen the gods, right.”

“Well, the gods on Penglai Fairy Island are really different.” Ying Zheng said with a smile and nodded.

“It’s really enviable.” The boat owner said with a smile: “I have waited several times and wanted to see the gods and never had a chance.”

“I didn’t expect the son to see him directly. This is really so happy.” The boat owner said with a smile. .

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