Chapter 914 Xuangui] Please order!

“Okay, let’s set off the boat. This Penglai Xiandao is where the gods live. Don’t disturb, let’s go.” Yingzheng said.

In this way, after harvesting a bunch of good things on Penglai Xiandao, everyone also got on the boat back to Linzi City.

Originally, I wanted to take a boat back to Xianyang directly from the beginning of the victory.

But after much deliberation, Yingzheng decided to take a look at Linzi, the old capital of Qi.

You are a cargo and you are here. Wouldn’t it be a pity if you don’t have a look at Linzi City?

Thinking of winning here, it is natural to choose to visit Linzi City first, and finally leave Linzi City by boat.

When the ship was halfway down, I only heard that the sponge suddenly made huge waves.

At the same time, the sky and the earth also changed color.

Thick clouds are mixed ~ the sound of lightning.

Seeing this situation, Ying Zheng immediately asked, “”The boatman is-what monster appears?”

The boatman was already pale looking at Ying Zheng and said, “I’m afraid that the mysterious turtle has appeared.”

“I didn’t expect that I would meet this mysterious tortoise this time.”

“Xuangui?” Ying Zheng asked when hearing the ship owner’s words: “What’s wrong with this Xuangui? Does this Xuangui like eating people?

“Exactly, this mysterious tortoise is uncertain and has a very strange personality, but once it meets, this mysterious tortoise will definitely not let anyone go.”

“What to do, I’m afraid this time I’m going to be the belly of this mysterious turtle.” The boat owner said.

“Boss, haven’t you never met you when you pass by here on weekdays?” Yingzheng asked.

“Yes, I have never met before, but I didn’t expect to meet it this time.”

“This waterway has always been safe.” The ship owner said helplessly.

At this moment, I saw that the mysterious tortoise had slowly stretched out its huge head, and then the whole body was slowly hatched from the surface of the sea.

Seriously, this mysterious turtle is really big.

It really makes people feel oppressive when they see it.

I don’t know if this mysterious tortoise has lived for tens of thousands of years. Just that head is the size of this ship.

“You three be careful, I will meet this mysterious tortoise.” Ying Zheng said to Su Huan and the others.

Originally the three wanted to help, but perseveringly, they were really not the opponents of this mysterious turtle, and they could only let Yingzheng go up and try.

At this time, I saw Ying Zheng’s left hand move, and Cheng Ying Jian immediately appeared and floated in front of his chest.

Yingzheng jumped next time, and the whole person jumped onto Chengying Sword in the next second.

“Go.” Ying Zheng stepped on it, and suddenly Cheng Ying Jian flew over with Ying Zheng.

“Oh, you are all gods, right? Only gods can do this.” The ship owner said suddenly when he saw Yingzheng like this.

“The ship owner, we are just ordinary cultivators, not gods, you don’t need to be so nervous.” Su Huan said.

The ship owner nodded after hearing Su Huan’s words.

Regarding this sudden situation, no one actually thought of it.

It just appeared suddenly now, so naturally everyone has to find a way to handle this matter well.

At this time, only the Yingzheng textbook Cheng Yingjian flew towards the big mysterious tortoise.

And after the big mysterious tortoise raised his head, it also revealed two eyes as big as copper bells.

There was a golden light in the eyes.

There was still a burst of black air in his mouth.

0……Look for flowers……

At this time, a huge vortex appeared in the sponge.

It can be seen that the appearance of this guy has been planned for a long time.

“Hahahaha.” After seeing Yingzheng, Xuangui also let out a deep laugh.

“Unexpectedly, my Xuangui has lived so well in this life, and I can actually eat this real life emperor and get this real dragon energy.”

“This tortoise is tired of being a dragon for tens of thousands of years. Let’s try it out as a dragon to see what’s different.” Xuangui said cheerfully.

And when Ying Zheng heard Xuangui’s words, he also sneered: “Old tortoise, are you sure you can eat me and I will become a dragon? Do you really think I am Tang Seng?”


“Boy, I don’t care what you can do if you eat it, but at least I can’t mistake the true dragon spirit on you, so let’s go.”

“I know that there is your companion on the boat over there, you yourself obediently enter my stomach to let me eat, I will let your friends go and let them pass.”

“If you don’t listen, then you all mind eating you while eating a few more people.” Xuangui said.

Hearing Xuangui’s words, Ying Zheng snorted coldly: “Arrogant, you really think I’m afraid you won’t make it, but you old tortoise want to eat me?”

“You’re afraid that you don’t know what Wang Batang is.” Ying Zheng scolded.

“Boy, it’s useless to speak quickly. You have nothing to do except waiting to die more miserably.” Xuangui said.

“Who is the one who speaks quickly? Then I will know after trying this. I don’t even try this. Who knows who is the killer?” Yingzheng snorted coldly.

Seeing that Yingzheng was so tough, Xuangui directly shouted: “If this is the case, then don’t blame me for making the shot.” Factory.

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