Chapter 912 Good things, everyone to share] Please order!

Hearing Su Huan’s words, Ying Zheng also smiled and said: “Su Huan, if you talk to me like this, then we are really going to die.

“Just be my concubine for me, and don’t take care of other things.”

Su Huan wanted to say something when he heard the words of winning the government, but after thinking about it, he didn’t say anything at all.

After all, the emperor has spoken, what else a weak woman said.

At this time, I saw that Ying Zheng brought out the ginseng fruit: “Just this one, if I eat it for you, I won’t have it, and neither will Bi Shi and Shu’er.

“So it can only be so.” After finishing speaking, winning the government was to call Bi Shi and Shu’er into the room.

Bi Shi and Shu’er didn’t know why Yingzheng called themselves. After they arrived in the room where Yingzheng was located, they asked, “What do you want me to wait for?”

“I said you two don’t want your Majesty, Shu’er, you know my identity from the beginning, you should call my brother Zheng, listen to it, and get used to it.” Yingzheng said.

“Hehe, Brother Zheng.” Shu Er nodded and said.

“Competition, you can just call me Zhengxiong, I said what else do you do this or that.” Yingzheng said.

“Your Majesty, I’m afraid this is wrong.” Bi Shi said.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you tell my brother Zheng to insult you?” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“No no, Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng.” Bi Shi said quickly.

At this time, Yingzheng took out the ginseng fruit, and then said: “It’s just such a fruit, I eat it alone as a sole meal, 々.”

“It can only be the four of us eating together, and we all say that we can live forty-nine thousand years by smelling it. Then we divide it into four parts, how can we live 12,500 years old alone?” Zheng Le happily said.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Bi Shi first said: “Your Majesty, ah no, Brother Zheng, this ginseng fruit is given to you by Yuanshi Tianzun.

“How can this be distributed to us, this can’t be done, this can’t be done.”

Seeing Bi Shi’s victory in politics, he laughed happily: “I said, you kid, where is so much red tape coming from.”

“After all, I heard that this ginseng fruit cannot fall to the ground and cannot see gold. It must be something specific to get this thing out.”

“I don’t have anything so good today, I just broke him off.”

After finishing speaking, winning Zheng directly transported the zhenqi in the body, and then directly made the ginseng fruit into four pieces from above.

“This is yours, this is yours, this is yours, this is mine.” Ying Zheng happily divided the ginseng fruit.

Then Ying Zheng took a bite.

Not to mention, this ginseng fruit is fragrant as soon as it is tasted.

Yingzheng only feels like he is eating some kind of fruit.

In short, it is crisp and sweet.

“Kacha Kacha” won the government a few times to eat this ginseng fruit into the stomach.

Then he smiled and looked at everyone and said, “Although I don’t know how this ginseng fruit is.

“But I feel that after eating it, the whole person’s body feels a little lighter. It seems that this ginseng fruit has some effects. You should also eat it quickly.”

Hearing the words of victory, the three of them hesitated at first, but they all started to eat.

Soon after the three of them had eaten ginseng fruit, they all began to have different reactions.

“Husband, Su Huan feels that his cultivation seems to have broken through the profound level, and it turned out to have entered the early low-level stage. This is simply amazing.”

“I heard that this ginseng fruit has the effect of prolonging longevity, but I didn’t expect it to increase gong power.” Shu Er also said excitedly.

It can be seen that the three of them have gained varying degrees of strength growth after eating this ginseng fruit.

In this case, there is no waste of this ginseng fruit.

Thinking of winning politics here is also a little happy.

That night, Yingzheng was also the first time to eat fairy rice in his life on Penglai Fairy Island.

It is really not too much to say that it is the first time Xianfan.

Anyway, at least I haven’t eaten it before in Yingzheng. If I haven’t eaten it before, it must be a good meal.

Otherwise, this time the Penglai Fairy Island will be in vain.

Thinking of winning politics here, I also ate a few more bowls.

After dinner, the four of them sat on the island of Penglai and looked at the stars in the sky.

*”Brother Zheng, why didn’t you (Zhao Nuo’s) stay in the Xianyang Palace? Why did you run out?” Bi Shi asked curiously.

Hearing Bi Shi’s words, Ying Zheng also smiled and said: “I want to stay in Xianyang Palace, but there is no way.

“The six countries have just been unified, and now I must know how the people of these six countries in Shandong have lived under the rule of Da Qin.”

“And I am more responsible for these people than I need to.”

Hearing the words of winning the government, Bi Shi also nodded: “It is really rare for your Majesty to have such thoughts. Your Majesty is really Mingjun.”

“What you said, is it possible that if I don’t come, I won’t be Mingjun?” Ying Zheng said with a smile. .

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