Chapter 908 Ruby] Please order!

“Well, this ruby ​​seems to be the key to solving the puzzle.” Yingzheng nodded and said.

It’s just that although this ruby ​​is said to be the key to solving the puzzle, the question is how should this ruby ​​be used?

I can’t say one thing is the key to solving the puzzle, and that is the key.

There must be some hints or something.

“Brother Zheng, you show me.” Shuer stretched out his hand and said to Yingzheng.

“Here you are.” Ying Zheng handed the gem to Shu’er.

“Well, this gem is of high quality. It is a rare thousand-year ruby. Those high-ranking officials are definitely willing to spend a lot of money to buy this ruby ​​and go home to make their daughter-in-law happy.” Shu Er said cheerfully.

“I’ll go.” When Ying Zheng heard Shu’er’s words, he couldn’t help but directly express his catchphrase: “This is a treasure to solve the mystery.

“What you think of at the first time is selling money. You really let me say it. You are really a 787.

“Hehe.” Shu Er smiled and returned the ruby ​​to Yingzheng: “I really don’t know what to do with this ruby.

“Brother Zheng, you are so smart, you and Su Huan’s sister-in-law should have no problem.

Winning government actually doesn’t know what to do, but now it is clear that this ruby ​​must be the key item.

I just don’t know if I want to put the ruby ​​on the eyes of the statue.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also directly transported the spiritual power in the body, and then prepared to fly towards the statue.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise.

“Wow!” Yingzheng sat on the ground, clutching his head.

“There used to be an enchantment on this, this enchantment is really powerful, I can’t even do it at all.” Ying Zheng said, clutching his head.

Only now does Yingzheng believe what the old man said, why this place can’t fly up.

Sure enough, if this can fly up, then why set up this puzzle?

Just fly up directly, why do you want a puzzle?

At this time, all three of them hurried over to check the head of Yingzheng to see if there was anything wrong.

Seeing that there is no problem in winning the government, I was relieved: “It’s okay, it’s okay, but fortunately, my head is not hurt.”

“This is internal injury.” Ying Zheng said helplessly.

“Now it seems that this ruby ​​can’t be placed on the statue, so how should this ruby ​​be used?” Ying Zheng looked at the ruby ​​in a daze.

At this moment, I saw sunlight shining on the ruby, reflecting a beautiful light.

“This ruby ​​is so beautiful, I don’t know what’s in it?” Yingzheng said as he put the ruby ​​in front of his eyes.

At this time, I saw the surroundings of Yingzheng, and they changed their perspectives at once.

At this time, Ying Zheng looked at the people and himself through the ruby ​​as if he was on top of the statue.

At this time, Ying Zheng realized that why this ruby ​​is called the key to solving the puzzle.

Quite simply, this ruby ​​can only see the key to the puzzle by placing it in front of the eyes of the person who cracked the puzzle.


After Ying Zheng carefully saw the situation of the country this week through the ruby, he laughed.

“Husband, why are you laughing?” Su Huan asked incomprehensibly.

“I now know how to solve this mystery, Su Huan, Shuer, Bi Shi, the three of you follow my command.” Ying Zheng said.

“Okay.” The three replied in unison.

“First of all, Shu’er, stand on the stone platform in front.” Ying Zheng said.

After speaking, Shuer stood on the stone platform beside the stone steps in front.

Seeing Shu’er stepped up with a “click”, the stone platform slowly sank.

“Su Huan, do you see that the stairs overlap?” Ying Zheng said.

“Yeah, I saw it, it’s amazing, the stairs unexpectedly overlap.” Su Huan nodded and said.

“Climb up the stairs, and then stand on the second stone platform.” Ying Zheng said.

“Okay.” After Su Huan finished speaking, he directly climbed the stairs and stood on the second stone platform.

With a sound of “wow,” water fell on the bridge on the second stone platform.

The water fell from the bridge and squirted to the side.

At this time, only Ying Zheng said again: “Bi Shi, do you see something like a water tank there?”

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Bi Shi nodded: “I see.”

“You pushed the same thing as the water tank to the place where it fell into the water.” Ying Zheng said.

“Such a big water tank, I may not be able to push it alone.” Bi Shi said.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to worry, the water tank looks heavy, but there is definitely a mechanism below, you can push it with just one push.” ​​Yingzheng said.

Although Bi Shi felt a little disbelief when he heard the words of winning the government, it was obvious that there was no good way.

After a while, Bi Shi walked to the side of the water tank.

“Yeah!” Bi Shi let out a soft shout, and then heard the sound of “Boom”.

Sure enough, as Ying Zheng said, this water tank has a mechanism.

Although it looks cumbersome, but in fact, there is no problem at all.

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