Chapter 907 Solve the puzzle] Please order!

Hearing what Bai Ze said, Ying Zheng said, “Since I’m so thankful to Senior Bai Ze, I will go back here.

Since Bai Ze had told everyone that they couldn’t go here, then the victory was to take everyone to leave the road on the left and return along the original road.

Don’t even mention that you have this thread ball, everyone just needs to follow the thread ball back.

Nothing else is used, and it is easier to use.

After everyone returned to the place where they started again, they discussed again.

“Brother Zheng, just now the senior Bai Ze said that the left side can’t go, so how do you go between the middle and the right?”

“Which one to choose?” Shu Er asked.

“Let me think about it.” Although Yingzheng didn’t know which one should be chosen in his heart, after all, how to say it, this thing has no bottom in his heart.

If you choose which one you choose, if you choose the wrong one, you don’t know if the thousand-year giant snake is powerful or not.

If you win politics alone, it’s okay. The big deal is a battle. When you’re done, you peel the snake skin and smoke the snake tendon to make soup.

But there are still three people, but they dare not sloppy to win politics.

After all, if something really happened, winning the government itself would really be hard to explain.

But now that there are two roads in front of me, I must choose one. If this is not chosen, then it will be difficult to handle.

“In the selection period.” Yingzheng thought for a while and finally said to everyone.

“Why did you choose a room?” everyone asked puzzledly.

“Because I like it, 々.” Ying Zheng looked at Su Huan and said.

Although he didn’t understand, Peony Stone saw Ying Zheng’s firm eyes, Su Huan chose to believe in his husband.

After all, his husband’s ability is still placed here.

Now that the middle road has been chosen, there is naturally nothing to say about winning politics.

Everyone strode into the middle road.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with winning the political favorite.

After entering the middle road, there was nothing around here along the way, except for occasional trees or something.

In fact, everything else is fine, there is nothing else.

“Brother Zheng, you see there is a flower pond in front, what is that? And you see a huge statue in it.” Shu Er pointed to the big statue and said.

When Ying Zheng saw this statue, he was also a little curious.

How could there be such a huge statue in this place.

The statue is even more strange because there are two eyes on the head, but one of the eyes is still playful.

The other eye is gone.

What is going on here?

And beside the statue, there is a huge step.

These steps are all said to be, they are all staggered, and there is no connection.

When Ying Zheng saw this situation, he felt a little pity in his heart.

Could it be that the fairy in Penglai Fairy Island still likes to play text decryption?

Although I don’t know what the immortal thinks, at least for winning politics, since this path is on the right, then it must be the answer to this mystery.

If you don’t solve this puzzle, you won’t have any way to get out of here.

At this time, Su Huan looked around, and then said to Ying Zheng: “Husband, I always feel that the key to solving this puzzle lies in the statue’s eyes.

“Yeah.” Ying Zheng nodded when he heard Su Huan’s words: “I also know it was on that eye, but to be honest, we can’t find this eye now.”

“There is absolutely no way to solve this puzzle.”

As soon as the voice fell, only a burst of hearty laughter came out.

At this moment, I saw an old man in a white robe with a childlike face and a crane on the broken steps above the crowd. He looked at the crowd and said, “”” All fellow Taoists.

“I know you want to enter this Penglai Fairy Island, but this Penglai Fairy Island is not so easy to enter. You have already passed the first level.

“Although the first level was passed to you by the boy Bai Ze, at least you can pass it.

“The second level is to solve this puzzle. As long as you can solve this puzzle, then anything can come up through this stone step.”

“Don’t think about whether you can fly over, you must know in your heart that you can’t use flying skills when you enter this formation.”

“So be at ease.” The white-robed old man said with a smile.

(Zhao Qian is good) “In that case, I haven’t asked Taoist friend Zun’s name yet.” Yingzheng said.

“I have nothing, where can I get the dust? If you want to know the name of Pan Dao, then you can come and ask me after this puzzle.” The old man said cheerfully.

Then I saw the old man turning around, and at the same time a red gem fell in front of everyone.

“This red gem is the key to solving the mystery, so you can make good use of it.”

Listening to the old man’s words, Ying Zheng picked up the red gem and placed it in his hand to take a look.

“My husband, the eyes of the red gem and the blue gem on the statue seem to be exactly a pair.” Su Huan said. .

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