Chapter 909 Infinite Corridor] Please order!

One can easily push the past.

The sound of water fell in the water tank.

After a while, the water tank was filled, and then I heard a “click” sound.

In the next second, I saw that the third stone bridge above was also ~ fully connected.

Upon seeing this scene, Ying Zheng said to the three of them: “Come one by one, don’t rush up-come, I’ll go up first.”

After talking about winning the government, he walked up the steps.

After reaching the third floor, Yingzheng shouted to the people below: “You come up first, Bishi.”

“Wait until Bi Shi comes up, Shu’er comes up again, and finally Su Huan comes up, you know? Don’t follow the order.”

After speaking, Bi Shi followed up the steps first.

Then Shu Er followed.

As soon as Shu’er left and the stone platform rose up, the bridge automatically disconnected by itself.

This is also the reason why the winning government has to come up one by one.

If you don’t come up one by one, you will definitely not come up.

After Su Huan came up at the end, everyone was able to solve the puzzle.

“Husband, how did you know that this puzzle was solved like this?” Su Huan asked curiously.

“Haha, I didn’t know it at first, but when I saw this ruby, I realized it.”

“Isn’t this the so-called Infinite Corridor, I’ve played it before.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

“Infinite? Corridor?” Su Huan didn’t know what to say when he heard Yingzheng’s words: “What is this infinite corridor?”

“This, this, oh, it’s just a way to put it anyway, it’s just a more powerful visual effect. In short, that’s the thing.” Yingzheng didn’t know how to explain it.

Sometimes it is troublesome when this soul passes through, and it will miss the mouth if it is not careful.

After cracking this mystery, then for everyone, this matter will come to an end.

Just when everyone was about to leave, only a “click” was heard.

When Ying Zheng heard this voice, he was a little curious.

What is this?

Then the next second, I saw that the ruby ​​in Yingzheng’s arms was indeed broken.

“My God, such a precious ruby ​​is so broken, is there any mistake?” Ying Zheng said while looking at the red envelope.

With a “bang”, the ruby ​​was directly broken into powder.

It’s a pity to win the government. It’s all broken into this, so what’s more to say.

It seems that the gods on Penglai Fairy Island didn’t intend to let themselves take these things away, otherwise it wouldn’t be the case.

At this time, I saw Shu’er looking at Ying Zheng with a pity on his face and said: “Brother Zheng, this ruby ​​just didn’t come, how much is it.”

“Your little Nizi is also a disciple of the Peach Blossom Palace anyway, so you still care about this vulgar thing?” Ying Zheng looked at Shu’er and asked.

“Hehe, girls like good-looking things.” Shuer replied.

Yingzheng was too lazy to say anything to Shuer, and led the three of them to continue walking forward.

After passing a section of wooden bridge, everyone finally reached the middle of Penglai Fairy Island.

I saw Penglai Fairy Island in the middle, with huge palaces on the third floor.

These palaces are all built on top of waterfalls everywhere. ,

From a distance, it really gives people a feeling of beauty.

But at any rate, it is also Penglai Wonderland, and the scenery in Heyang is not abnormal.

At this time, only Bi Shi said: “I have heard Master say countless times that there are gods on Penglai Xian Island.”

0………Look for flowers…

“I thought it was a lie before, but I didn’t expect it to be true. This time I finally saw it.

Seeing Bi Shi’s excitement, Ying Zheng once doubted whether this guy was going to find a god apprentice to learn art.

At this time, only a melodious sound was heard from the palace in the distance.

“Since several destined fellow Taoists are here, please come in.”

When Ying Zheng heard this voice, he led everyone towards the direction of the palace.

On the way, Ying Zheng also walked while looking at the surrounding scenery.

After all, the scenery is really beautiful.

And the most important thing is that for winning politics, even his own Xianyang Palace has not been built so beautifully.

I don’t know how these gods built these palaces.

After walking for almost a period of time, everyone arrived in front of the palace at the main gate.

At this time, a little boy stood in front of the crowd and said, “My fellow Taoists, my master has been waiting for a long time.”

“Thank you boy for welcoming me, and ask boy to lead the way.” Yingzheng said with his hands.

“Everyone please.” The boy made a please gesture, and then walked inside.

After entering the main hall, I saw a lot of what to say in the whole main hall.

There are also many disciples sitting cross-legged inside.

It seems to be practicing something.

And in the middle of the hall, there happened to be an old man in a white robe, sitting right in the middle.

Behind the white robe are three huge statues.

Winning political knowledge has these three statues, these three statues are the Sanqing mentioned by Taoism.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian leader are already Laozi. factory,

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