Chapter 906 Bai Ze] Please order!

Although Shengzheng thought so in his heart, after all, Shengzheng still did not dare to do so.

To put it bluntly, winning politics is arrogant, but winning politics is not a fool.

If you really burn the five elements and eight formations on this island, then I’m afraid that the entire Penglai fairy island will be immortal with you.

Who would dare to do such a thing?

“Husband, there seems to be something wrong when I look at the five elements and eight formations.” Su Huan said while looking at the surrounding peach blossom forest.

“I also feel that something is wrong, but there is no way. Something seems to be watching us in this place, although I can feel the existence of this guy.”

“But I can’t deal with him.” Yingzheng said.

“Husband, you give me the thread group, I will be responsible for this thread group, you are responsible for paying attention to the surrounding area of ​​08.” Su Huan said.

“Okay.” After the winning political leader gave the line group to Su Huan, this was the neighbour’s hands.

There are dense peach blossoms everywhere in this peach blossom forest.

It can be said that at a glance, you can’t see anything else at all, you can only see the peach blossom forest everywhere.

This is also the reason why Yingzheng feels a little uneasy.

Because you really don’t know when something will suddenly appear and catch you by surprise.

If you can spot your enemy at the beginning, that’s nothing, but I’m afraid that you won’t be able to spot your enemy at the beginning.

Then this matter really makes people feel a little hard to say.

At this moment, only a “pop” was heard.

Everyone immediately became alert.

“Roar.” A low whistling sound crossed at the same time.

“It seems there is something?” Bi Shi whispered to Yingzheng.

“Well, there should be something like a strange beast. It doesn’t sound like a human voice.” Ying Zheng said as he took out the Chengying Sword.

At this time, I only heard Shu’er say from the side: “I once heard my master say that on this Penglai fairy island, there seems to be a monster called Baize.”

“This Bai Ze can speak human words, and his hair is white all over. How can I say it. It is a very powerful monster. If ordinary people get it, it can cross the Three Realms.”

“I don’t know if it’s true, maybe we met today.” Shu Er said.

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Ying Zheng also smiled and said, “I’ve heard of Bai Zezhi’s words, but it is said that as early as the Xuanyuan Emperor fought Chi You, that Bai Ze had fallen.”

“There can be no other Bai Ze in this world, right.”

“Who said I fell? Did you kill me? What an arrogant kid talking nonsense.” A voice suddenly rang.

In the next second, I saw a whole body of snow-white feathers with special horns on the head, and four sturdy monsters appeared in front of everyone.

This monster beast had a pair of wings on its back, and two horns on its head looked like a sheep, but it didn’t look like it.

Looks like a wolf, but it’s not a wolf.

The most important thing is that you have to say that he can fly, but this guy has wings on his back, and he has never seen him fly by when he walks on his feet.

“Are you Bai Ze?” Ying Zheng asked curiously when he saw this guy.

“Of course.” Bai Ze looked at Ying Zheng with an unhappy expression: “I was also an ancient alien beast that followed Yun Zhongzi against Chi You for 300 rounds.”

“Why did you say that I was so vulnerable? What kind of person is Chi You? Is he capable of killing me?”

Seeing Tsundere’s expression on Bai Ze’s face, Ying Zheng couldn’t help but smile: “You are right, you are right.”

“I’m clumsy at the bottom, so I don’t know if Brother Bai Ze is willing to take me out of this peach blossom forest? This peach blossom forest is really annoying.”

“I have been shopping here for a long time, and I really don’t want to continue shopping here.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Unexpectedly, I really saw the legendary Bai Ze here today.

Victory couldn’t believe that he still had such a situation.

At this moment, Bai Ze said cheerfully: “It’s not that I won’t take you out of here, but that you took the wrong path from the beginning.”

“Go back, you have to take 783 another road, but I can’t say which road it is, because the real person has said that the person who can get to Penglai Xiandao is the destined person.’

“As a destined person, you have to walk out of these five elements and eight formations by yourself, otherwise you will be missed to see the real person his old man.” Bai Ze replied.

Hearing what Bai Ze said, 10,000 alpacas passed by in Yingzheng’s heart.

But there was no way. Bai Ze didn’t want to say that he really couldn’t help it.

Thinking of this, Yingzheng said: “Then in that case, I’ll just find another way again.” Yingzheng said.

“Wait,” Bai Ze yelled: “The other two roads, one is the road to Penglai Xiandao, and the other is the road to the bottomless abyss.”

“There is a thousand-year-old giant python in the bottomless abyss. It is extremely powerful. Ordinary people are not its opponents. If you find it, you should leave quickly.”

“Don’t fight with it, otherwise, don’t blame me for not reminding you of these little babies when you die.” Bai Ze said.

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