Chapter 905 Five elements and eight formations] Please order!

“Are you ashamed?” Shu Er looked at the two with a cheerful expression and said.

“Oh, Shu’er, you still talk nonsense, if you talk nonsense, I will ignore you.” Su Huan looked at Shu’er with a flushed face and said.

“Don’t don’t don’t, it doesn’t matter if you care about me, anyway, your husband will care about you.” Shu Er said cheerfully.

Winning is not too lazy to play tricks with this little girl, after all, winning is not so leisurely.

“Bi Shi.” Ying Zheng turned around and said to Bi Shi.

“What’s wrong with Zheng Zheng?” “Bi Shi asked when Ying Zheng called himself.

“Did you find anything wrong with the three-way road ahead?” Ying Zheng said, looking at the three “seven-eight-three” roads in front of him.

“There is nothing wrong with this.” Bi Shi watched for a long time and was a little unclear why Yingzheng said so.

“This is a three-way intersection. We can find one to go first, and then we can go to the other one if we can’t get through.”

Hearing Bi Shi’s words, Ying Zheng said with a smile, “Competition, your Sword Spirit Sect doesn’t have any research on these five elements and eight formations?”

“This obviously takes the yin and yang and five elements of the Taoist school, combined with the maze created by Fuxi’s Eight Diagrams array. If you don’t choose the right position, you can go in.”

“I’m afraid we starve to death in it and we won’t be able to get out.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Ah.” Hearing the words of Yingzheng, I was a little surprised and looked at Yingzheng and said: “Then what to do, I don’t understand this, Master hasn’t taught it.

“Hehe, to be honest, I don’t understand these five elements and eight formations. To be honest, I originally thought that the execution of Penglai Xiandao would be easy this time.”

“But I didn’t expect it to be so difficult at all. It’s still a bit difficult to handle.” Ying Zheng said, looking at the three roads in front.

Su Huan and Shu Er both frowned.

It can be seen that the two of them are not very familiar with these five elements and eight formations.

As far as the victory is concerned, the five elements and eight formations actually know a little bit about themselves.

However, perseveringly, this thing really doesn’t take time for you to learn more, so winning politics can only be seen roughly.

The rest is completely without any research.

So it can be said that the biggest problem encountered in this Penglai Fairy Island this time is not meeting some gods blocking the way, but meeting these five elements and eight formations.

So for the winning government, this matter is really a bit incomprehensible.

“Nafujun, what should we do now when we have reached this point? We have all come, can’t we just leave like this, right?” Su Huan asked.

“Fool, is your husband the kind of person who gives up halfway?” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

“Su Huan and Shu’er, are you wired? It’s better to have as many as possible.” Ying Zheng said while looking at the two.

“Yes, I have it here.” The two women didn’t have this thing on their bodies, but Bi Shi did.

“Hey, these threads are all because I am at the foot of the mountain. Master said that I must know how to sew clothes by myself, so I prepared such threads.” Bi Shi said embarrassedly.

“That’s what I said, but are you too much? I didn’t see it, Bi Shi, you still have such a hobby.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully, looking at the large ball of thread in his hand.

“Brother Zheng, what use are you using this line ball? Will it break the lineup?” Shu Er asked curiously.

“Of course this can’t break the formation, but it can help us not get lost.” After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he found a tree that seemed to be relatively hard.

Then Yingzheng tied one end of the wire ball to the trunk.

After it was fastened, Yingzheng made a relentless tugging and determined that there was no problem.

Then Yingzheng said to the three people: “Follow me, let’s go to the left first, if the left can’t get through, then we go to the right.”

“Okay.” The three nodded.

Then Yingzheng released the thread ball in his hand and walked towards the lead path on the left.

Along the way, winning politics is very careful to look at the surrounding situation.

Because the victory is not sure if there is something unacceptable around here.

If something strikes out suddenly, seriously.

Yingzheng still has a certain understanding of these five elements and eight formations.

In addition to making people lose their way, these five elements and eight formations also have a greater ability, that is, they can give to some monsters or Taoists in it.

Instantly increase a very powerful combat power.

At this point, it is incomparable to any other five elements and eight formations. 1.3

There is no doubt about this at all.

And for winning politics, this time can be said to be a trickier thing.

The main reason is that Yingzheng has never had such an experience.

So I can only take a step and look at it one step at a time. After all, how can I say it? I don’t know or have seen this thing winning politics, so naturally I don’t know what to do.

Along the way, Ying Zheng looked at the dense peach trees on both sides of the road.

The first reaction in my heart was.

If it doesn’t work, just burn it with a fire. Burning this fire will burn all the peach blossom forests.

Then you know how to pass is not. .

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