Chapter 904 Penglai Fairy Island] Please order!

“The son seems to be a well-informed person who travels north and south. Every time I wait to go out to sea, this behemoth dare not come close.

“Several times this giant beast went mad, and basically none of the people on this ship can survive. Does this giant really not attack us?” the ship owner asked again.

“Don’t worry, the ship owner, this dolphin has a very gentle temperament. The reason why he will attack you is entirely because you have attacked him.”

“If you don’t attack him, then there will never be such a thing.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

“Ming~~~!” At this time, the sound of the dolphin came out again, and a jet of water rushed out from the sea level in the distance.

“Brother Zheng, is this dolphin capable of such a deep water spell? It seems to be really powerful.” Shu Er looked at the dolphin and said.

“Haha, Shu’er is not a spell, it’s just that the dolphin is breathing air and draining the water from the body.” Ying Zheng explained.

Although I don’t know exactly what the principle is, Shu’er seems to be very smart, and he only needs to tap it to get it right.

At this time, I only heard the boatman say: “Please look at the guest officer, not far in front is ~ Penglai Xiandao.”

Hearing what the ship owner said, Ying Zheng looked in the direction the ship owner pointed.

I saw an island looming in front of the sea.

“Really disgusted and surrounded, there is a spirit of immortality.” Ying Zheng nodded appreciatively.

“The guest officer is really an expert. It is said that there have always been gods on Penglai Fairy Island, but after I went to the island, I did not see it.”

“So it’s not very easy to solve.” The boatman said.

“Oh, since you have all been on the island, why did Meiyu meet the gods? Is this god so unkind and reluctant to come out to see you?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“This” the owner of the ship did not know what to say when he heard the words of winning the government: “Perhaps it is because I am not sincere enough. After all, this god is not the one I wait for mortals to say and see.” The owner of the boat was happy. Said.

Hearing the words of the ship owner, Ying Zheng said: “The ship owner, Shier, etc. can’t even see the gods with such sincerity, so I have no chance to see them.

“But I didn’t come here to see any gods, I just came to see if there is something I want on this Penglai Fairy Island.”

“If there is nothing I want, then there will be nothing to miss on Penglai Xiandao.” Yingzheng replied.

At this moment, the ship was gradually approaching Penglai Xian Island.

With a “Widang” sound, the boat slowly docked on a pier next to Penglai Xiandao.

“Guest officers, I’m waiting for you here. You have to be careful when you go to Penglai Fairy Island.” The boat owner said cheerfully.

“This Penglai Fairy Island is strange. Every time I go in, I don’t know why I can’t find a way out of this island no matter how I look for it, so I feel strange.”

“Several times I almost got stuck on this island and couldn’t get out. I think it should be the god who didn’t let me wait to disturb his cleaning, so let’s do it.” The ship owner said.

Seeing the ship owner’s face a bit sad and reluctant to give up, Ying Zheng knew that the ship owner definitely wanted to see what this fairy was like.

0……Look for flowers…

Who doesn’t want to see the gods, it’s just that there is no chance.

“Don’t worry about the ship owner. If I see a god, I will ask the god to meet you and other sincere people.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the ship owner thanked him and said, “Thank you so much, son.

After getting off the boat, everyone walked towards the Penglai Fairy Island under the leadership of Yingzheng.

From the outside, Penglai Fairy Island is a big round island.

The whole island is divided into three outer layers and inner three layers. It can be said that the entire Penglai Fairy Island is like a huge circle.

It’s just that the layout of the entire island is relatively wide.

There is no such thing as a fairy in a moment of eagerness.

And the purpose of Yingzheng coming here this time is mainly to see the elixir of life mentioned by Li Si and others.

This thing is not so attractive for winning politics.

Ying Zheng now only needs to practice this emperor’s conjugation art, and he can live forever and live the same life as the heaven and the earth.

It will last forever for thousands of years in the Great Qin Dynasty, so Yingzheng now has no big demand for this elixir.

It’s just that since Li Si said so, and Zhao Gao said so, then it should be taken back by himself.

“Husband, this Penglai Immortal Island looks really weird.” Su Huan said with some worry.

“It’s okay, I’m still here, you don’t have to worry.” Ying Zheng looked at Su Huan cheerfully and said.

“Yeah.” Su Huan nodded.

“Hehe, Brother Zheng, although Miss Su Huan is now your daughter-in-law, you can’t kiss me and me like this.” Factory,

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