Chapter 903 Go to sea] Please order!

At this time, I saw the boatman walk over cheerfully and said: “Guest, this is half a day out of Linzi City to Penglai Fairy Island.

“This sponge is very windy, and I invite all the guest officers to enter the cabin to rest, so as not to accidentally happen.”

After the owner of the ship had finished speaking, winning the government waved his hand: “It’s hard to get to the sea once, so naturally you have to take a good look at the sea.”

“You don’t have to worry about the boatman, you just set the boat with peace of mind to send us to our destination.”

After speaking, Yingzheng led the three of them to continue standing on the ship deck and looking at the sea.

At this time, Bi Shi said: “I once heard my master say that there seems to be a black tortoise near the Penglai fairy island, and that black tortoise is said to have lived for tens of thousands of years.”

“The body is huge, and you can ride the huge waves wherever you go.”

“I don’t know if we can see such a spectacle when we go to sea this time.” Bi Shi said with a sigh of 780.

Hearing Bi Shi’s words, Ying Zheng also smiled and said, “Isn’t the Xuangui you talking about Xuanwu?”

“Didn’t it mean that I was subdued by Su Huan’s master.” Ying Zheng asked.

“This black tortoise is not the same as that black tortoise. The black tortoise is a quadruple beast. This black tortoise seems to exist longer than the black tortoise. I don’t know exactly what it looks like.

“It’s just that there won’t be much difference.” Bi Shi said cheerfully.

Hearing Bi Shi’s words, Ying Zheng also nodded: “This time we came to Penglai Xiandao to see it. Maybe there is something good that we can’t say clearly.

When everyone was discussing what good things could be on this Penglai Fairy Island, they only heard a low hum from the sea.

The sound was like crying from it.

The sound (aibd) is very loud and resounding across the sky.

“Isn’t it because I met a dolphin.” Ying Zheng thought strangely in his heart.

“Husband, could this sound be that mysterious tortoise?” Su Huan asked curiously.

“It should not be.” Ying Zheng said, looking at the voice coming from the front.

At this time, I saw a place not far from the big ship.

Suddenly a jet of water jetted out.

The shape of the water column is also relatively huge.

It is the first time that Yingzheng has seen such a shape of water column in so many years. Naturally, I feel a little curious in my heart.

“Husband, what exactly is that huge water column?” Su Huan asked when seeing the huge water column.

“It should be a dolphin.” Yingzheng said.

“Dolphin?” Everyone also looked at Ying Zheng and asked with a dazed expression.

People in this era naturally don’t know what a dolphin is.

Ying Zheng has always learned about a group of creatures called Kun in books that record some ancient myths.

Yingzheng has always suspected that this won is the dolphin, but it is just that there is no way to prove it.

For Yingzheng, the dolphin itself is naturally familiar, but for Su Huan and others.

That is, I really haven’t heard of it.

“How do you say this dolphin? To be precise, it is a group of common creatures in the sea. It belongs to mammals. Oh, this mammal.”

“Anyway, it’s just a group of animals with intelligent creatures like ours.” Yingzheng didn’t know how to explain it, and could only explain it like this.

After all, this thing is related to the accumulation of thousands of years of biological culture.

This is really not to say that the past is over. This thing really needs a huge reserve to understand.

Therefore, winning politics can only be explained in this way.

While Su Huan and others saw Ao Yingzheng, although they still didn’t understand what a dolphin was, or what a mammal was.

But seeing Yingzheng’s explanation, presumably this thing should be very difficult to explain.

So everyone didn’t ask anything anymore.

At this time, after a low humming sound came from the sea again, only a huge fish appeared on the sea in the next second.

Yingzheng took a closer look, and it turned out to be a dolphin.

The size of the dolphin is really huge, and Bi Yingzheng is not as big as any whale I saw in the book before.

I don’t know why such a big whale disappeared before the spirit of winning government was worn.

Could it be that these ancient Taoist Taoists have been killed completely?

Thinking that these guys are okay, they like to make some big news, and winning the government can understand that if these Taoists see this huge whale.

Isn’t that shocking to the heavens, and then directly served it in a pot?

“Brother Zheng, is this a dolphin?” Shu’er asked on the side.

“Yes, this animal is very docile. As long as we don’t disturb it, it won’t attack us.” Ying Zheng said, looking at the dolphin.

“Oh, it’s like this. I thought it was some kind of monster, but it looked so big, but I didn’t expect it to be so gentle.” Shu Er said with a face suddenly realized.

“Several guest officers, some guest officers, please hurry into the cabin, this big fish has an uncertain temperament, I am afraid it hurt a few guest officers.” The ship owner said with some worry.

“Do not worry about the boat owner, this dolphin does not hurt people, as long as you don’t provoke it.”,

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