Chapter 902 Start again]

But now the most important thing is only one thing.

That is, the next step is to go directly to the Penglai Xian Island in the East China Sea.

Look at the so-called elixir.

Although there is no need for an elixir to win the government, there is a saying that the news from Li Si and others is relatively reliable after all.

If you really let yourself find this elixir of life, then you will definitely be happy to win the government.

After leaving Dongshishan, Yingzheng and the three of them walked towards the Dongjun Pier.

On the dock, Ying Zheng took a closer look, and the disciple of the blood refining hall was not there.

On this point, it was unexpected to win the government.

Originally, Yingzheng thought that this blood-training disciple was going to come together to seek revenge.

But I didn’t expect that no one would come to avenge myself on this East County pier.

“Husband, what are you thinking?” Su Huan looked at Ying Zheng curiously and asked.

“It’s nothing, I’m just thinking about when the people from the blood refining hall will appear.” Ying Zheng said.

“The people in this blood refining hall are really Damn it, they are magical, and there is no way to know their existence in advance, they can only wait passively.” Su Huan said.

“Madam, I just want them to show up by themselves. If I go to them one by one, then I won’t be exhausted.”

Su Huan also “pouched” and laughed when she heard the words of winning the government.

“Husband, this is your worst.”

I don’t know whether it’s bad or not, but now the top priority is to get on the ship first.

This East County is the last dock on the Yellow River Basin.

If you head towards the East China Sea, there will be no pier.

You can only enter the East China Sea by going to Linzi by land and then going to sea from Linzi.

Therefore, Merchant Shipping in East County is the only choice to win politics.

It’s just that in this only choice, the disciple of the blood refining hall did not appear.

Could it be that the last time I saw that I couldn’t beat myself at sea, so I didn’t dare to come?

Yingzheng didn’t really believe that the blood refining hall was so courageous.

How can such a courage come to start a school?

After discussing a good price with the boatman, the Qin Dynasty price of 50 per person.

Yingzheng took the three people aboard the boat.

According to the owner of the ship, this ship is dedicated to Penglai Xiandao.

This Penglai Fairy Island is very famous in the east of Daqin, and countless people asking people and people will basically find time to go to the Penglai Fairy Island to have a look.

No matter who arrives in Linzi City, they must visit this Penglai Fairy Island.

After coming and going in this way, it has become a business, which directly feeds a large number of people.

I am also happy to see such a situation.

After all, how can I say it is a good thing for the people of Daqin to survive hard work and get rich with their own hands.

Much better than starving to death.

And this is what Yingzheng is happy to see.

After a sweet time sailing, everyone arrived in Linzi City, according to the owner of the ship.

I want to stay in Linzi City for one night first, and after buying supplies tomorrow morning, I will go to Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea.

After arriving at Penglai Fairy Island, the boatman was waiting for Yingzheng and others on the shore.

Yingzheng and others can go directly to Penglai Xiandao to have a look.

But the time cannot exceed two days, because each time the ancient supplies can be used for two days.

In fact, Yingzheng knows that this guy just wants to make more money, it’s not a matter of replenishing a few days.

Is it possible that such a large ship can’t hold such people’s supplies for a month?

Even if the boatman is added, there are only a few supplies.

However, Yingzheng was originally to come out to see the so-called elixir in this rumor.

After checking it out, then Yingzheng will leave this Penglai fairy island in the East China Sea, and then rush back to Xianyang City.

During this period of time, every day when the puppet doll went to court in the mind of winning the government, the ministers gave their own reports.

Fortunately, Mengzhi has already wiped out Donghu and Xiongnu.

The entire Daqin is now free from side effects, so naturally it is more leisurely above the court.

Most of the things reported by the Minister of Civil Affairs and Armed Forces are related to people’s livelihood issues, and some of the folk customs and customs of the people.

This is not a big problem for winning politics.

It’s just how to put it. Now that I have been out of politics for such a long time, I am really afraid of nights and dreams, so I naturally have to hurry (Zhao Qian’s) to finish the matter and return to Xianyang Palace.

There was no word for a night, and early the next morning, Ying Zheng took the three people aboard the ship to Penglai Xiandao.

After going out of the sea, facing the sea breeze, facing the sea, did you know what is called the rough sea.

The sea breeze blowing on the sea is really refreshing.

At this time, Su Huan and the others were also happy.

For Su Huan, it was the first time that he saw the sea. Wouldn’t it make people feel happy? Chun.

Besides, this is how to say to accompany myself, my sweetheart goes out to sea together.

It must feel different.

Just when Ying Zheng and the others were looking at the scenery on the sea intently.

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