Chapter 899 Bi Shi, your kid is not honest] Please order!

“Hey, I grew up in the Sword Spirit Sect. The first time I went down the mountain was in Sanchuan County. I have never been to other places. This is the first time I came to the Narcissus Palace. I was naturally a little excited.” Bi Shi was embarrassed. Said.

“I don’t think you mean this.” Ying Zheng said with disbelief looking at Bi 11 on his face.

For Yingzheng, this Bishi has never been like this.

Now Bi Shi looks like this, it’s really ~ a bit how to put it.

It’s really that kind of indescribable feeling.

“Oh, brother Zheng, I know what’s going on.” Shu’er said.

“Shu’er, what you said to keep secret for me, everything is given to you, if you don’t keep secret for me, then return the things to me.” Bi 11 said with excitement on his face.

“Well, well, who told me to accept your things, Brother Zheng, sorry, I can’t tell you about this, but you will find out by yourself in the future.” Shu Er said with a grin.

“Hey, I still wonder why, it turns out that you kid has a sweetheart.” Ying Zheng didn’t understand what Shuer’s expression looked like when he saw Shu’er.

What about this man, other than meeting his sweetheart?

Could there be anything else.

When Bi Shi heard the words to win the government, his face flushed.

“This, this, this is not actually either.”

“Hahaha.” Seeing Bi Shi’s quick explanation, Ying Zheng couldn’t help but laugh.

“Okay, okay, it’s not a big deal for the male college to marry and the female college to marry. If you feel a little embarrassed, then you have to find a way by yourself.”

“If you need my help, just say, I still have a thin face.” Yingzheng said.

Although I don’t know why Yingzheng is so confident, Bi Shi still knows it very well.

If Yingzheng comes forward, it might really be possible.

“I take care of this matter myself. If I need the help of Zhengzheng, I will not be embarrassed.” Bi Shi said.

Just when Yingzheng and the two were chatting happily, Su Huan walked in slowly at this time.

“Husband, what are you talking about? So happy.” Su Huan couldn’t help but curiously asked when seeing the Yingzheng trio laughing.

“No, it’s just that Bi Shi has a sweetheart, it should be one of your senior sisters or younger sisters.” Ying Zheng said.

“Really?” Su Huan immediately happily said when he heard the words of winning the government, “Who is it, you can tell me about it, let me see if I know it.”

“Maybe I can help you.”

I saw Bi Shi hurriedly waved his hand and said, “No, no, thank you Miss Su Huan, I will take care of it, and I will take care of it.”

Hearing what Bi Shi said, everyone could only laugh.

This kid is really a shy person easily.

At this moment, I only heard a loud “bang” outside.

After Ying Zheng and others heard this voice, they all stood up.

But Su Huan’s face changed drastically.

Upon seeing Su Huan, Ying Zheng quickly asked, “But what happened?”

“It must be the earth spirit beast,” Su Huan said.

“Earth Spirit Beast?” Ying Zheng looked at Su Huan curiously and asked, “What is that?”

“This earth spirit beast is one of the five element beasts. When my master found this earth spirit beast at the foot of Lishan Mountain, he brought this earth spirit beast back to this Dongshi Mountain.”

“At that time, the earth spirit beast was still young, so Master didn’t expect the earth spirit beast to be so aggressive.

0…………Look for flowers……

“Now when I grow up, I didn’t expect this earth spirit beast to be so difficult to tame, so the three-day master must find a way to give this earth spirit beast a lesson.”

“It’s just that this admonishment will inevitably have to be done again.” Su Huan said here also looked at the outside of the wing with some worry.

“Go, let’s go and see.” Yingzheng said.

“But the place where the earth spirit beast is imprisoned is the forbidden area of ​​my Narcissus Palace. If you are not a disciple of my Narcissus Palace, you cannot enter it, and it is even a disciple in the Narcissus Palace.”


“You can’t enter without a certain grade, so” Su Huan said, looking at Ying Zheng with some embarrassment.

“I understand the truth. If this is the case, then we won’t go. If you can’t do it, tell your master about it. If you need my help, then you just tell me directly.

Su Huan nodded when he heard the words of winning the government.

“It’s not good, Senior Sister Su Huan, Master was injured by the earth spirit beast, go and have a look.” A female disciple’s voice rang and shouted outside the wing.

Su Huan’s face suddenly changed when she heard this voice.

Ying Zheng also hurriedly followed Su Huan and ran towards the Nuxin Palace.

Unexpectedly, this earth spirit beast is so powerful. ,

With this Shuiyue Fairy’s cultivation base, all injured, so it seems that winning politics this time is definitely going to be shot.

After arriving at the Nuxin Hall, I saw Fairy Shuiyue lying in the center of the main hall, and a group of disciples stood silently guarding Fairy Shuiyue.

“Master.” Su Huan ran over and called.

“It’s all right, it’s just a slight injury, it’s not a big problem, just rest and recuperate for two days.” Fairy Shuiyue said. factory,

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