Chapter 900 Earth Spirit Beast] Please order!

Hearing Fairy Shuiyue’s words, Ying Zheng also walked over curiously and asked: “Master Shuiyue, this earth spirit beast is so cruel, why don’t you just kill it.”

“Why keep it?”

Hearing the words of Yingzheng, Fairy Shuiyue said: “This earth spirit beast is really precious. If it can be used by my Shuiyue Palace, it will be of great help to my Shuiyue Palace.”

Really, people die for money and birds die for food.

Although Master Shuiyue looked very immortal, he did not touch the smoke and flames of the world.

But there is one thing to say, this Shuiyue Fairy still considers his school more.

What did you say after “Seven-80”, this Narcissus Palace would be soaring in the next hundred days.

Then this successor must find a way to continue to carry forward the Narcissus Palace.

After all, this is not something ordinary people can do.

“Prince Zhao Zheng, I want to ask you a favor.” Shui Yue said suddenly.

“If there is anything I can help, just say, I will do my best.” Yingzheng said.

“I have no way to conquer the earth spirit beast. I also ask Young Master Zhao Zheng to do me a favor in Narcissus Palace. I will definitely not forget the kindness of Young Master in Narcissus Palace,” said Fairy Shuiyue.

Yes, all the leaders of this dignified faction have said so, and it is impossible to win the government without helping.

Thinking of winning here, he nodded: “Okay, then I will help you, but where is the earth spirit beast?”

“Let Su Huan take you there.” Fairy Shuiyue said.

Now with Master Shuiyue’s approval, there is no problem with winning the government to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Narcissus Palace.

“Brother Zheng, shall we go with you?” Shu Er asked from the side.

“No, you and Bi Shi are here, and Su Huan and I will come as soon as I go.” Ying Zheng said.

After speaking, Ying Zheng followed Su Huan to the place where the earth spirit beast was held.

“Husband, that jade talisman cave is the forbidden area of ​​my Narcissus Palace, and it is also the place where the earth spirit beasts are held. Husband’s earth spirit beasts are extremely fierce, and you must be careful.” Su Huan worried.

“Don’t worry, you still don’t believe in my skills when you come along the way?” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Everyone knows the ability to win politics. There is absolutely no doubt about this.

It’s just that Su Huan’s concern is chaotic.

At this time, I arrived at the entrance of the Yufu Cave.

A long distance away, Ying Zheng felt that a very dangerous aura came from this cave.

It was the first time that Yingzheng encountered such a thing when he came from the soul to this Daqin.

It can be said that nothing can send such a dangerous signal.

“It seems that this earth spirit beast is really extraordinary.” Ying Zheng said happily.

Su Huan looked at Ying Zheng with a worried look and said: “Husband, you must be careful, this earth spirit beast is not an ordinary thing.”

“Don’t worry, I will naturally be careful.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

After entering the Yufu Cave, go through a tunnel of tasting.

Yingzheng walked into a gorge.

This canyon is where the earth spirit beast is.

At this time, I saw something that looked like a giant lizard, but not like a lizard, lying on the ground and seemed to be sleeping.

Although this body shape is not exaggerated, it is quite large.

Moreover, Ying Zheng knew very well that this guy seemed to be sleeping to replenish his energy after the battle.

With a “click”, Yingzheng stepped on a dead branch under his feet.

“Roar!” The earth spirit beast opened its blood-red eyes and suddenly let out a roar.

“Little guy, I don’t think you have a big temper.” Ying Zheng said, looking at the earth spirit beast.

The earth spirit beast originally had a ferocious look. At this moment, after seeing the victory, it first stayed for a while, and then stood motionless.

If you look carefully, you can still see that the whole body of this earth spirit beast seems to be trembling.

“Haha little guy, you are really interesting, why do you tremble when you see me?” Ying Zheng laughed again.

Yingzheng knows very well that it is his own emperor’s conferring god technique that has played a role.

For nothing else, this Heavenly Conferring God Art is first and foremost the greatest nemesis of all creatures in the world.

In this place of the emperor’s air, the world only sees who is fighting for the front.

So this earth spirit beast itself is more intelligent.

Knowing that the guy on the other side is not someone he can afford, naturally he dare not shoot casually.

However, after seeing this earth spirit beast, he also understood that this earth spirit beast must be like that sea snake -1.3, fearing the air of the emperor from his own emperor’s enchantment art.

“Little guy, I didn’t come to accept you today. If you promise me one thing, then I will let you go. Otherwise, don’t blame me for the action.” Ying Zheng said while looking at the Earth Spirit Beast.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” When he heard the words of the victory, the earth spirit beast actually lay his two forefoot on the ground, and then leaned over and bowed his head.

“Very well, starting today, you have to assist the palace owner of Narcissus Palace with peace of mind, help Narcissus Palace against enemies, and protect Narcissus Palace at the same time.”

“Do you understand what I mean?” Ying Zheng asked, looking at the earth spirit beast. .

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