Chapter 898 Difficulties in Narcissus Palace] Please order!

“Good, good.” Yingzheng nodded.

“Your Majesty, I don’t know how I, a bad guy, got to know your Majesty and want to marry your Majesty? This” Shui Yue asked in a puzzled way.

At this time, I only heard Ying Zheng say: “When you were on the river that day, your disciple was rescued by me, and then because of the emergency at that time, it was because of the kinship of the skin.”

“So it’s what you know now.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing the words of winning the government, Fairy Shuiyue also smiled: “I didn’t expect that my bastard would have such fate, but if he can follow your majesty, your majesty will not dislike me, the bastard’s stubbornness.”

“Then I’m relieved as a master,” Shuiyue said.

Just kidding, who is more reliable than winning politics in this world? No thanks!

“Fairy Shuiyue, I’ve come along this road, but I have heard a lot of your legends. You really have some ability in this Daoist School of Central Plains.” Yingzheng said.

“It’s all fake names, Shuiyue’s own ability knows how she can afford to say 777.” Fairy Shuiyue replied happily.

At this moment, a female disciple of the Narcissus Palace came forward, said a few words to Fairy Shuiyue’s ear, and then stepped back.

While Ying Zheng looked at Fairy Shuiyue curiously and asked, “But what happened to the Narcissus Palace?”

“That’s not true.” Fairy Shuiyue waved his hand and said, “You don’t have to worry about a few small things, Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty, please go to the backyard wing to rest first. I immediately arrange for my disciples to prepare meals, and Shuiyue will take care of other little things first.”

As the so-called guest does whatever the host does.

Yingzheng now mainly follows the meaning of Fairy Shuiyue, anyway, he is now a guest.

As long as the winning government follows, it’s fine, and the others are in charge of so many things.

“Since Fairy Shuiyue has something for you, then I will go back to the wing to rest first.” Ying Zheng said.

A female disciple took Ying Zheng and walked towards the wing room in the back mountain.

Along the way, the female disciple smiled and asked, “Master, are you the husband of Senior Sister Su Huan?”

“Exactly.” Yingzheng nodded.

It seems that the matter of himself as Su Huan’s husband has spread to everyone in this Narcissus Palace, and everyone seems to be waiting to see themselves.

Although Yingzheng doesn’t understand what he is good at, everyone seems to be very interested in him.

“I really envy,” the woman said suddenly.

“Huh?” Yingzheng didn’t seem to understand this.

“Envy? What’s so enviable about? The girl looks beautiful, and the person is gentle and kind. It’s not easy to find a wishful man.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

“Well, the son doesn’t know, this fate is the most unpredictable thing. After so many years, so many seniors in my Narcissus Palace have really found the one they love.

“Ten don’t save one.” “The woman sighed.

It seems that these female disciples of the Narcissus Palace are really moved by their treatment of love.

I have never seen such a persistent woman.

After having a few conversations with the woman, Yingzheng also arrived at the door of his wing. (aibd)

“The master has ordered that the son and others are the distinguished guests of my Shuiyue Palace, so this wing is naturally the best to live in.”

The female disciple said.

“Thank you Master Shuiyue.” Ying Zheng also replied.

“If the son has any needs, he should tell Senior Sister Su Huan that it is. Senior Sister Su Huan will be responsible for the lower price of the son and the son according to the needs.”

“If the son is nothing, then I will leave first.” said the female disciple.

After the female disciple left, Ying Zheng entered her room.

The wing room where the guests live in the Narcissus Palace is indeed unique.

First of all, not to mention anything else, just from the perspective of this style, it is relatively fresh and elegant.

Of course, it may also be because this wing room was cleaned up by a woman.

Therefore, the overall style of the whole wing room is more biased towards the style of girls.

So it’s good to live, but a big master living in such a room still feels a little weird in his heart.

Although Yingzheng himself can’t tell how strange it is, it’s very strange that it can’t stand it.

“Brother Zheng, are you there?” Shu’er’s voice came from outside the door.

“Here, come in.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Shuer came in with Bi Shi also cheerfully.

At this time, I saw Shu’er saying to Yingzheng: “Brother Zheng, what are you talking about with the Lord of the Water Moon Palace.”

“Little clever ghost, what are you asking about all day long? How can I tell people what I said to Master Shuiyue, what do you think is in your head all the time, Xiao Nizi.” Yingzheng said.

“Hehe, people are just curious,” Shu Er said.

“If you should ask what should not be asked, don’t ask, you know?” Yingzheng said.

“Oh, I see.” Shuer replied with aggrieved expression.

“Brother Zheng, this Shuiyue Palace is indeed well-deserved.” Bi 11 said with excitement on his face.

“Your expression is completely as if you are telling me that you seem to have experienced the ups and downs in your life.” Ying Zheng looked at Bi Shi’s expression of excitement. .

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