Chapter 879 Join Bi Shi] Please order!

“I grew up in the Sword Spirit Sect since I was a child, and I have never been down the mountain. This time I went down the mountain by Master’s order to help Sanchuan County kill demons and exorcise demons.”

“If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what it’s like to take a boat, so it’s inevitable to say something, and it’s inevitable that it makes people feel a little excited.” Bi Shi said embarrassedly.

It’s not incomprehensible to try this way.

In fact, if you are going to win the government for the first time by boat, it is natural to win the government~ it is a bit excited.

After all, how do you say this stuff, it still makes people feel fresh.

It’s just that for winning politics, if you sit often, you don’t have so much freshness.

Before long, the boat owner slowly started the big boat, and the three of them left Sanchuan County on the boat.

To talk about the water transportation of Daqin, first of all it is the canal by the Weishui.

The entire river directly leads to the East China Sea into the sea.

It can be said that these towns, counties and counties along the river transport depend on the river transport to feed themselves.

The cleavage is not because of this, and the river transport will not be so developed.

At this time, the winning government was happily telling the two of the help to the entire Daqin after the completion of the river transport.

There will also be the future role of the six countries of Shandong on this river transportation and so on.

At this moment, I only heard Bi Shi say: “Hey, I didn’t expect these six countries to be destroyed by Qin.”

Seeing Bi Shi’s dejected look, Ying Zheng also smiled and asked: “What? It seems that you are very dissatisfied with this Da Qin unified the six countries.”

“Hey, no, no, Bi Shi is just a young disciple of the Sword Spirit Sect. How do you understand these things? I just said casually. Brother Zheng should not go to the government to report me.” Bi Shi said quickly.

Seeing Bi Shi’s appearance, Ying Zheng also laughed happily: “Why, there is nothing that can’t be said, the emperor Qin is not a murderer.

“Don’t let the world talk about it, just say what you want to say.”

Bi Shi didn’t know the identity of Yingzheng, but Shu Er did.

Just listen to Shu’er saying: “Bi Shi, your Sword Spirit Sect wants to come to be a decent sect in the world, and you have a great reputation in the Taoist sect.

“I believe that all of your disciples from Taoism are talented, and they speak nicely. Think about it.”

What Shuer’s words meant, winning the government naturally understood very well.

I saw Ying Zheng happily said to Shu’er, “Shu’er, are you planning to sing double-track with Bi Shi sloppyly?”

“Hey, Brother Zheng, what is sloppy eyes? What is double reed?” Shu Er asked curiously.

Well, so it seems, it is for nothing to ask.

At this time, I saw Bi Shi smiled and said: “Brother Zheng, it is also a good thing that the Great Qin rules the world, so that the people will have less war.

“I used to hear the brothers and sisters on the mountain saying that there was a war again, and there were four people again.”

“Now it seems that after the reunification of Daqin, the entire Daqin has indeed no war, and a lot of things are missing.” Bi Shi said.

“Perhaps this is what people want. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the people can live with peace of mind without worrying about the destruction of war.”

“The emperor of Da Qin might be right to do this,” said the test.

What is called may also be correct, it is absolutely correct.

In this regard, winning politics can be said with his head.

It’s just that there is no way for Yingzheng to say this now.

0……Look for flowers…

For Yingzheng, it is not yet possible to expose his identity.

The most important thing is that Yingzheng is very clear in his heart.

If your identity is revealed now, then the identity of the puppet in Xianyang City will be in question.

So who is the real one?

Yingzheng fully believes that it cannot be ruled out that someone will take the opportunity to find things. At that time, if someone knew that the emperor in the Xianyang Palace was a puppet and not a true emperor.

Then maybe someone who is interested in doing this will turn the fake into the real, or the real into the fake.


Then it can be said that winning the government is a big loss.

Therefore, winning politics must never reveal their identity.

And Shu Er seemed to understand this truth, so she didn’t reveal her identity as a winner along the way.

In this way, the three of them sat on the big boat, and they said they were effectively driving towards Hanoi County along the way.

Halfway through the journey, suddenly, there was a storm in the sky.

Thunder and lightning roared.

It’s still a bit strange to win politics. It was a good sunny day just now, but now it’s suddenly like this.

At this moment, the boat owner ran over with a nervous look and said to the three of them: “The three guest officers are more careful, we are offending the river god.”

“The three hurriedly advanced into the cabin and avoided it. When we worshipped the river god, we could pass safely.

Hearing the words of the ship owner, Ying Zheng also asked curiously: “The God of the River? How come I haven’t heard of the God of the River where the river transport comes from?”

“This guest officer has a lot of things you haven’t heard of, but now you should hurry into the cabin, otherwise if you are fed to the river god later, you will suffer.” The factory,

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