Chapter 878 The matter is finally over] Please order!

Only then did Bi Shi arrange for someone to go to Pingyuan to get the body of Wu Daozi out.

Then, Ying Ying brought Shu’er to the door of the Anding Fang.

At this time, Andingfang is still densely murderous.

Everyone who passed by here felt that the evil spirit was extremely heavy, and couldn’t help hiding from here far away.

Ying Zheng took out the heart from Wu Daozi and placed a magic circle in front of the family’s door.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the victory was to burn Wu Daozi’s heart directly in front of this house.

Sure enough, there were five resentful spirits in the serious evil spirit above the An Ding Fang.

After this series of operations to win the government, it slowly disappeared.

It can be said that what happened this time can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

After all, how do you say it, Wu Daozi is also guilty of death, so as long as the heart of Wu Daozi is sacrificed, then naturally the resentful spirit of this family will be able to leave.

After dealing with these 770 things, Ying Zheng also took Shu’er back to the inn.

After this trip to Pingyuan, both of them were smelly.

Each took a shower comfortably in their own room, and both of them changed into clean clothes.

Only then happily eat and rest.

The next day, Ying Zheng and Shu Er were ready to leave Sanchuan County.

This Sanchuan County has been staying for several days. In the next time, Yingzheng will have to take a boat to Penglai Xian Island in the East China Sea through the Weishui River.

Yingzheng also intends to see if the Penglai Fairy Island really resembles what Li Si Zhao Gao and others have reported back.

There are immortals on Penglai Fairy Island, and there are also elixir of life.

But these are not the main points. The main point is to win politics and want to see if I can meet Xiang Yu and Liu Bang on the road.

After all, these two guys are Da Qin’s mortal enemies.

Strictly speaking, Liu Bang is three years older than the winning government.

At this time, he should also be the pavilion chief at the Sishui Pavilion.

Just when the two were about to leave by boat, Bi Shi ran over all the way out of breath.

After seeing Yingzheng, Bi Shi said: “Brother Zheng, let me go with you.

“Huh?” Yingzheng was a little in estrus: “You are an escort, Daqin’s escort, how can you just leave?”

“Hey, I just served as a temporary escort in this Sanchuan County by Master’s order to help the county guards of Sanchuan County eliminate the surrounding beasts or some bad people who are doing harm to the world.”

“Now that everything is almost done, I naturally gave goodbye to the county guard.”

“I knew from the first sight of Brother Zheng that Brother Zheng was definitely not an ordinary person, so I didn’t want to travel well with Brother Zheng and get some insights.” Bishi said cheerfully.

Although I don’t know what Bi Shi thinks.

But it was not a bad thing to have a disciple of the Sword Spirit Sect join in on the way, and the disciple of the Sword Spirit Sect looked good.

Everyone went on the road together, and there was some kind of support along the way.

Thinking of winning here, he nodded and said, “Okay, if you want to go with (aibd) me, then you have to be careful.”

“It’s inevitable that there will be a lot of difficulties and dangers along the way. You must be psychologically prepared.”

“Don’t worry, Brother Zheng, there must be no problem with this matter.” Bi Shi said with a smile.

In this way, in Sanchuan County, Ying Zheng brought Shuer and the newly-joined Bi Shi on the big boat to Hanoi County.

The water transportation in the Qin Dynasty is still relatively developed, so it can also go down the river along the way, directly towards the East China Sea all the way.

It’s just that for winning politics, this time you’re coming out, you’ll definitely have to see more along the way.

After all, the world of Da Qin has just been unified, and there are probably many people on the land of Jiu Zhou who are completely unfamiliar with Qin laws and Qin system.

All these things need the young cadres of Daqin to implement and consolidate by themselves.

After boarding the big ship, the boat owner also happily arranged the three in the three upper wing rooms.

According to the boatman, from Sanchuan County to Hanoi County.

Walking in the water is a half-day journey.

As long as you sleep on the boat, you will be able to enter the city in the evening when you wake up.

After all, the boatman also went to Hanoi County to do business, so naturally he had to dare to go to Hanoi County before the evening.

Otherwise, there is no way to enter the city after perfection.

So the three of them were also very excited.

It’s okay to win politics here. After all, I’m used to it. Shu’er got used to winning politics. Of course, I couldn’t help but get excited.

After all, it’s the first time to take a boat.

But Bi Shi is different.

Sure enough, he was a disciple of the Sword Spirit Sect. After getting on the ship, I had a look here and there.

It’s just like he hasn’t seen the world before.

Even when Ying Zheng saw Bi Shi like this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“I said Bi Shi, as for you kid, you are also a disciple of the Sword Spirit Sect anyway, don’t tell people to laugh at it.” Ying Zheng said.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Bi Shi also said with a smile: “Brother Zheng, don’t you know, it’s the first time I’m on a boat.”

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