Chapter 880 River God] Please order!

It can be seen that the boat owner is still very jealous of the river god.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so eager to hope that everyone rushed into the cabin.

Yingzheng thought for a while, nodded and led the two into the cabin.

After a while, I saw the owner of the ship yelling non-stop: “Quickly, get ready for the cattle and sheep. The cattle and sheep were bought in Sanchuan County.”

‘Just to wait for this time to come in handy, take it out quickly and worship the river god. If it is later, we will all feed the river god. ”

Hearing what the ship owner said, Ying Zheng was also a little curious.

“Brother Zheng, are you also curious about the river god?” Shuer asked “Qiqiling”.

“Yeah, what is this? Why have I never heard of this river god?” Ying Zheng asked.

“It’s also the first time I heard that, I just saw it today, otherwise we will give this river god?” Bi 11 said with excitement.

“You can pull it down, do you know the strength of the river god? Don’t get the river god by the time, you got yourself.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Isn’t that you still have Brother Zheng, I don’t worry about Brother Zheng,” Bi Shi said with a smile.

Hearing Bi Shi’s words, Ying Zheng also said in an angry tone: “It seems that you guy really knows how to pick people.”

“Let’s take a look in the cabin now to see what it is. I don’t believe that there is a river god in this world, maybe it is a monster.”” Yingzheng said.

At this moment, I only heard a roar outside the cabin.

That huge voice resounded through heaven.

This is the first time that Yingzheng has heard such a loud voice.

“This voice is so loud, it seems that this so-called river god is just a big beast.” Ying Zheng said when he heard the voice.

Then to win the government is to open the window in the guest room.

I saw that on the river at this time, a huge tornado was raging around ships.

Some small boats were directly buried in the river on the spot because the hull was not strong enough.

The tornado was blowing everywhere at this time.

There are seven or eight huge whirlpools on the river.

Ying Zheng was also a little curious when seeing this situation: “There is definitely something deliberate about this thing, Shuer, Bi Shi, you two be careful.”

“If that guy comes out later, I’ll go up and kill it, which would be considered as an eradication for the people.”

Hearing the words of Ying Zheng, Shu Er said with some worry: “Brother Zheng, I don’t know what it is right now. If I go up rashly, I’m afraid it will be

“I can’t take care of so much now. If the monsters in this river are not eliminated, it will obviously bring a series of huge losses to the surrounding boaters who use river transportation.

“Economic losses are all trivial things. If this life is gone, then nothing is really lost.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing that Yingzheng said so, Shuer was naturally hard to oppose.

After all, it is indeed the situation now, and naturally everyone has nothing to say.

Not long after, I saw the owner of the ship on the bow deck and a few guys, madly dropping lamb and beef into the river.

Then he kept shouting in his mouth: “Bless the river god, I and others are all honest people, and have never done anything that hurts the truth.”

“Please also the River God can collect magical powers, let me wait for the safe passage.”

Looking at the cashier boss, Ying Zheng also understands that this so-called river god has caused fear and shadows on many people in this area.

Thinking of this, winning the government is also a decision. If that thing comes out later, I will kill it immediately.

At this moment, I saw that the surface of the river suddenly started to roll with waves.

Then in the next second, some water jets rushed out continuously.

Those water columns seem to be connected to the sky,

Directly rushed to the sky high.

Ying Zheng was also a little surprised to see such a situation.

Unexpectedly, this so-called river god is so powerful.

This way of manipulating the river water again, it seems that Yingzheng has encountered a great deal today.

At this moment, only one “roar” was heard.

In the next second, under the turbulent river, a huge head slowly appeared.

When that head emerged from the surface of the water, it had already caused a huge wave and the shouts of people from the surviving ships.

A huge wave hit the boat where Ying Zheng and others were sitting.

The violent shaking of the ship made Shengzheng also feel uncomfortable for a while.

At this time, I only saw the huge head rise at 1.3, and then I could see clearly what it was.

Isn’t this a giant sea snake?

The sea snake’s head was almost half the size of a hill.

His eyes are like two huge bells, and his mouth is spitting out letters.

At the same time, there was a sound of “gulugulu” in his mouth.

It seems that this time, the lamb and beef that these boat owners lost did not satisfy the sea.

“Brother Zheng, be careful, this sea snake seems very unusual, I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere!”

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