Chapter 871 Red Ghost King] Please order!

“But, I’m a little curious, why did you show up in that family of five?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“It’s not because many people in Sanchuan County are saying that I killed the five people in this family, so I was a little angry, so I just wanted to investigate and investigate, and wonder if I can be innocent.” Chi The ghost king said helplessly.

“So in that case, why did you run again when you saw us?” Yingzheng asked again.

“Where do I know who you are? Who are you? I can only say that you left first. Who knows if you are with those officials.”

“After all, everyone suspects me now, so naturally I can only be more careful.” The Scarlet Ghost King said helplessly.

“Then have you found anything out of the investigation?” Yingzheng asked.

At this time, Shu’er said, “Brother Zheng, be careful. This Scarlet Ghost King is said to be cunning. Don’t believe him. It is estimated that he is the murderer. It’s just a confusion.”

08″ I want to disturb our sight so as not to doubt him.

Hearing Shu’er’s words, the Scarlet Ghost King was about to speak, but the Ying Zheng on the side smiled and said, “The fierce beast is indeed not him.”

“Huh!” Shu’er and the Scarlet Ghost King both looked at Ying Zheng in surprise at the same time.

“How do you know, Brother Zheng?” Shu Er asked curiously.

“When I was in the family’s house just now, I saw through the message that the kid left before he died, that the murderer’s eyes were insidious.”

“As long as you look at it, you can never forget it in your life. It can be said that that guy’s eyes are the ones I have seen, and the kind that makes me feel the most uncomfortable.

“It’s the kind of thing I can’t help but want to beat him as soon as I see him.”

“But this Scarlet Ghost King isn’t. This Scarlet Ghost King doesn’t have such sinister eyes. I’ve seen it. It’s not him.” Ying Zheng said.

“My brother Di, someone in this world finally believes me. I have told many people that it is not me, but no one believes.”

“I was so angry that my whole body was trembling, the hell was empty and the devil was in the world, this Central Plains is not going to get better.” Said the Scarlet Ghost King.

“Stop it, don’t punch indiscriminately, you can punch in this kind of place, you are also kind.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the Scarlet Ghost King said: “Since you believe that I am not a murderer, then I will tell you what I know.”

“I think you are doing extraordinary things. I think your cultivation base should be very high. If you help me investigate, I will definitely be able to return my innocence soon.”

Hearing the words of King Scarlet Ghost, Yingzheng nodded: “If you want to be innocent, then you really have to do this.”

“At that time, after hearing the news, I found the opportunity immediately and sneaked into the house.”

“However, because there were a lot of guards and it was daytime, I couldn’t get in, so I had to wait till night.

“At that time, I was also investigating for a long time in that family’s house, but the result was nothing. You are here at this time.”

“I went into hiding quietly, and after you got upstairs, I walked out secretly.

“It’s just that you didn’t find me. I was planning to hear that you found me, but I didn’t expect you to find me directly.” Said the Scarlet Ghost King.

And Ying Zheng asked after hearing the words of the Scarlet Ghost King: “Then you didn’t investigate anything else?”

“Yes.” The Scarlet Ghost King said, “I have seen the corpses carried out from a distance, and also heard the officials say.”

“All the blood of this family is absorbed by others, and there are no scars or wounds on their bodies.”

“If I did it, to be honest, I think I don’t have the ability to do this. How can there be anything in this world that can suck human blood without making a wound?”

“I’m afraid that this kind of cultivation has already reached a state of reaching the highest level. I ask myself that it can’t be done.” Said the Scarlet Ghost King.

Hearing the words of King Scarlet Ghost, Ying Zheng asked curiously: “Then you know who else in this world 763 can do it?’

“Yes, there is such a person. To tell the truth, those of us who use essence and blood to cultivate, in fact, basically everyone does not use human blood to cultivate.”

“After all, how do you say it, this thing is too wicked, we all use those cattle, sheep, pigs and some game to practice.”

“It is possible to absorb the essence and blood of these livestock, and then eat their meat. There is no burden at all in this regard.

“But we are also very repulsive and disgusted by people who absorb human essence and blood. After all, we are recruiting gangsters for our sects.” Said the Scarlet Ghost King.

“So you did all the bones outside the cave?” Yingzheng asked.

“That is, I caught some beasts, and then after absorbing the essence and blood, just the remaining meat can be used to make a soup, get a barbecue or something to taste.” The Scarlet Ghost King said cheerfully.

“I said you are really interesting.” Yingzheng said with a smile: “Then who do you think did this thing like?”.

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