Chapter 870 Shanri Mountain] Please order!

“Brother Zheng, this man in black seems to live in this mountain?” Shu Er asked curiously.

“It’s very possible, Shu’er, be careful, follow me closely, don’t rule out this guy and accomplices.” Ying Zheng nodded and said.

In this way, after chasing all the way, Yingzheng and Shuer finally stopped in front of a mountainside cave.

Listening to the sounds of wolves around Shanri Mountain, Ying Zheng and Shu Er approached the cave cautiously.

For Yingzheng, the surrounding situation is really weird.

If possible, winning the government is naturally reluctant to come, but now we have to track down the affairs of Andingfang.

Then winning the government must find a way to clarify all things like “Seven Six Three”.

“Shu’er, go.” Yingzheng said, pointing to the cave in front.

“Yeah.” Shu Er also nodded.

The two of them walked toward the cave like this.

Along the way, there are many bones of sheep, cows, wild boars and hares around this cave.

Judging from the above, the bones of these animals have been left here for a long time.

I don’t know if the people in this cave killed him.

It’s probably to get some food.

Thinking of winning here is also a little disgusting.

Isn’t it smelly to live in such a place?

After the two entered the cave.

Not a few steps away, I saw that in the dark cave, suddenly many torches were lit.

At this moment, I saw a burly man standing in front of the two men.

Ying Zheng saw this man and said, “Who are you? Why did you harm that family of five?”

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the man turned around.

It’s okay not to turn around, but when I turned around, I almost didn’t scare the winning government and Shu’er to death.

This man is actually tall and strong if he talks about the figure, and the whole person is tall and tall and looks very temperamental.

However, since this man turned his head, he immediately understood in his heart what it means to score more points.

This man is a typical back multipoint.

I saw that his face was completely red.

I don’t know why, this guy is not about, why he blushes like this.

And on the whole face, there are two or three small scars, the mouth is a little lordotic, and the nose is a little sunken.

All in all, this guy is not too much to say that he is a freak.

Anyway, it doesn’t look like a normal person.

“Brother Zheng, this guy is so scary.” Shu Er was taken aback.

“Humph!” The man snorted coldly, “What are you doing for following me to this cave?”

“Why did you appear in front of the murdered house in that Anding Fang?” Ying Zheng asked, looking at the man.

“I didn’t kill the family. I was just curious to see and see how there is such a method of murder in the world,” the man said.

“Then who are you?” Yingzheng asked again.

“I don’t have to tell you about this.” The man did not reply to the question of winning politics.

“Do you not want to answer, or dare not answer.” Yingzheng asked.

“In no mood.”

“In this case, then I will hit you to speak out.” Yingzheng sneered.

“You?” The man obviously didn’t believe that winning politics had this strength.

With a sound of “chiang”, Chengying Sword had already flown directly towards the man.

“Chengying Sword, how can you have a Chengying Sword.” “The man exclaimed.

At the same time, the man quickly avoided the Yingying Sword’s attack driven by the winning government.

“Don’t ask so much for now, you’d better protect yourself as a way to be true, do you think you still have a chance to talk nonsense?” Ying Zheng said coldly.

In this way, I saw that Yingzheng kept driving Chengying Sword towards the man.

The men are constantly avoiding the attacks of winning politics everywhere.

It seemed that he wanted to avoid the attack of winning the government.

And where will win the government make him do what he wants.

I saw that Ying Zheng was using the Shadow Sword to attack the man’s colleague, and a thunder in the palm of his left hand struck out.

With a “wow”, the man was directly knocked to the ground by the victory.

“Don’t fight, don’t fight, you are too powerful, I am not your opponent.” The man sat on the ground and said, clutching his chest.

Originally planned to give this guy another sword to make him be more honest. I didn’t expect this guy to say this directly. As far as winning politics is concerned, there is nothing to say.

“Don’t fight?” Yingzheng said with a smile: “Since you don’t fight anymore, you should answer my question now.

“What is your name in 1.3 characters? What are you doing here?”

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the man slowly rubbed his chest and stood up and said, “My name is the Scarlet Ghost King, and I have always been in this cave in Shanri Mountain.”

“Speaking of this, this is my Dongfu. I have lived here for a long time.”

Hearing what the man said, Ying Zheng asked curiously: “The Scarlet Ghost King? Are you the Scarlet Ghost King?”

“Yes.” The man looked at Ying Zheng with a little puzzled: “Thinking that I have such a bad reputation for the Scarlet Ghost King in the Central Plains, there shouldn’t be anyone who wants to impersonate me.”

Hearing the words of King Scarlet Ghost, Ying Zheng nodded: “Ask over here on the way, your reputation is really not good.”

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