Chapter 872 Blood Demon] Please order!

“There is only one person.” The Scarlet Ghost King said suddenly and solemnly.

“Who?” Ying Zheng also became serious.

“Blood Demon!” said the Scarlet Ghost King.

“Blood Demon?” Shu Er said with some curiosity.

“Why, Shu’er, do you know this blood demon?” Ying Zheng couldn’t help asking when seeing Shu’er’s surprised look.

“It’s more than just acquaintance. To be precise, there is no one in Da Qin who doesn’t know this guy.” Shu Er said.

“Why?” Ying Zheng was a little curious, his soul has been in Daqin for so long, and he has indeed never heard of this blood demon.

Is it because he is ignorant and ignorant?

It shouldn’t be!

At this time, I only heard Shu’er say: “This blood demon is a person who is despised by all the main roads in the Central Plains.”

“This person is a monster who sucks human blood and kills people for fun.”

“Because this guy’s practice is to use human blood for cultivation, so every time this guy makes a shot, there are as few as three or five people, and as many as thirty or fifty people.”

“In the beginning, the various gates of Zhongyuan gathered together a group of fellow people in order to eliminate this guy.

“Then finally found this guy’s lair in the Blood Refining Valley, and finally under the encirclement and suppression of the right way door, this guy died in the Blood Refining Valley that year.”

“Everybody knows about this. It shouldn’t be him anymore. After all, the dead won’t come out to harm others.” Shu Er said.

Hearing Shu Er’s words, winning the government is also a bit strange.

Since these are all dead people, everyone in the world knows, then why the Scarlet Ghost King said that it is only possible to be a blood demon.

“But there will be no other people besides the blood demon. This way, the blood demon can do it without leaving any wounds. Only the blood demon can do it.” The Scarlet Ghost King looked at Ying Zheng and said.

Hearing the words of the Scarlet Ghost King, Ying Zheng was also lost in thought.

It can’t be said that what the Scarlet Ghost King said was wrong, and of course he was not just right.

But since he has said so, then it is very likely that this blood demon may also be.

Although they are all saying that the blood demon is dead, if it is not sent out, maybe the blood demon is still in the world.

Thinking of winning here, he also said to the Scarlet Ghost King: “Then can you take us to find this blood demon?

“There is no way, I am just guessing, but I haven’t really seen this person, so I have no way to treat you.” The Scarlet Ghost King said helplessly.

After a long time of trouble, everything went back to the original point.

After coming out of the cave where the Scarlet Ghost King lived, the two also flew back towards Sanchuan County.

Along the way, Shu’er asked curiously: “Brother Zheng, you are so sure that the Scarlet Ghost King is not the murderer.”

“It’s definitely not.” Yingzheng nodded and said.

“Why?” Shu Er obviously didn’t quite understand.

“It’s very simple. Although this guy doesn’t look like a good person, since we entered the cave and saw the first side of this guy, this guy didn’t have any suffocation.”

“There is no violent atmosphere. With such a calm mind, it is absolutely impossible for a murderer to be a murderer, or to use such cruel methods.”

“So I decided it wasn’t this guy, plus the eyes of the person I saw in the message left by the little boy, and I knew it.”

“This guy is definitely not a murderer. I will never forget the eyes of that guy in my life.” Yingzheng said.

Shu’er nodded when she heard the words of winning the government. “Well, then, Brother Zheng, what can you do now? It’s definitely not good for us to be like a headless fly.”

Hearing what Shure said, Ying Zheng also nodded: “‘” For the time being, we can only find a way to inquire about this matter. It is too late today. Let’s go back to the inn and rest.

“After tomorrow morning, we will go find the boy Bi Shi, and when we find the boy, we will ask what went wrong.

“In this case, then we can rely on these clues to find the real murderer.” Ying Zheng said.

“Brother Zheng.” Shu Er said to Ying Zheng with a smile suddenly: “I’m very surprised, why do you care about this matter so much, strictly speaking.”

“Anyway, there are also local officials and county guards. You are also a magnificent Da Qin emperor. Why should you care about these things?” Shu Er said.

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Ying Zheng smiled and replied: “It is precisely because I am the emperor of Da Qin (Wang Zhao) that I should care so much, otherwise I, the first emperor, did not do it in vain.”

“And Shu’er, I wanted to ask you last time, why do you know me so well and know who I am? To be honest, I don’t think I have any impression that you know me.” Yingzheng asked.

“Do you have a hobby of investigating emperors in Peach Blossom Palace?”

After hearing Yingzheng’s words, Shu’er said: “Brother Zheng, I haven’t investigated you, nor the Peach Blossom Palace, and we dare not. This is an investigation into the current emperor, the emperor.”

“That is simply the capital crime among the capital crimes. Who dares, it’s just that I saw you once outside Xianyang City in the first place, but at that time, you yelled and hugged you.”

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