Chapter 867 Incognito Visit] Please order!

For Yingzheng, he has never encountered such evil things in his life until now.

After entering Anding Fang, Ying Zheng has faintly felt that there is something wrong with this place.

The first is the place where the five members of this family live, the whole house is gray.

But above the house, there was a cloud of black air, which would not dissipate for a long time.

Yingzheng took a look and knew that this was caused by the persistent grievances of the five members of the family, so he didn’t feel much surprised.

At this time, Shu’er asked in a low voice: “Brother Zheng, what is the situation in this house, it feels very strange, and I feel that this should be caused by the Scarlet Ghost King.”

“Such a technique can only be achieved by the Scarlet Ghost King. After all, apart from the Scarlet Ghost King, no one in this world has a hobby of taking time out of human essence and blood.

Although Yingzheng also couldn’t see Shu’er on the side, after all, the two were holding hands.

Therefore, winning the government naturally does not worry that Shuer will lose.

Just listen to Yingzheng whispering: “This matter will only be known after we enter, but now there are guards at the front entrance, we are afraid it will be difficult to get in.”

“In this way, the two of us will go to the back to see if there is any way to open the windows at the back, and then go in and have a look.

Upon hearing the words of the victory, Shu Er shook the hand of the victory gently, which was regarded as an agreement.

The two of them were in the dark Anding Fang, and then they began to walk slowly to the back of the house.

After arriving at the back of the house, Ying Zheng took Shu Er around for anesthesia before finding a half-covered window.

Yingzheng looked around, and the nearest sentry post was a little far away, so Yingzheng didn’t worry about being discovered by the officers.

Ying Zheng gently shook Shu’er’s hand: “Shu’er, I open the window now, don’t you leave me too far, know, 々?”

“I can’t see you, and don’t know where you know?”

When she heard Ying Zheng’s words, Shu Er also whispered back: “Don’t worry, Zheng Zheng, I’m by your side, but the effect of your invisible fan is really good.”

“After the two of us are invisible, we can’t see each other.”

Hearing Shu’er’s words, winning the government also said that there is no way.

The effect of this thing is so good, who would have thought that everyone could not see each other when they were invisible together.

This is completely blocking myself.

But thinking about it, there is no way to think about it. Anyway, for winning the government, it is true that the matter is processed. As for the other things, it doesn’t matter.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng smiled: “It’s okay if you stay with me, and you want to know so much about the others?”

“Got it.” Shu Er whispered back.

In this way, the two slowly crawled in through the window one after another.

As soon as he entered the house, Victory was frowned by the resentment that came on his face.

“That’s a terrible evil spirit.” Ying Zheng whispered.

“What should I do with Brother Zheng? Shu’er is so scared.” “Shu’er also said with some worry.

“It’s okay, although this evil spirit is heavy, but I still don’t take it seriously.” Yingzheng said.

As soon as the voice fell, Ying Zheng raised his hand gently, and then in the next second, a translucent light circle appeared around the two of them.

It’s like a big bubble.

When Shuer saw this scene, she asked strangely: “Brother Zheng, is this?”

“This is a clear cover, which can protect us from this evil spirit. Now we can search this house with peace of mind.” Ying Zheng said.

“By the way, the effect of the invisible fan can now be eliminated.”

After Yingzheng finished speaking to Shu Er, he immediately waved his right hand again. In the next second, both of them slowly appeared.

*”Brother Zheng, you are really amazing. “Shu Er said a little excitedly.

“Speak down, there are still escorts out there.” Ying Zheng stopped.

The layout of this room shows that it is an ordinary family, not much wealthy, but it is a relatively ordinary Wukou family among the people of Daqin.

In addition to some simple furniture in the home, what is left is some household items such as pots and pans.

There is a corner staircase on the side of the living room. The staircase goes up to the second floor. It seems that the upper floor should be the end of the family’s bedroom.

There are still two spiritual positions in the living room, which should be the tablets of the family’s parents.

The whole living room was filled with black evil spirits.

Although Ying Zheng (Wang Zhao’s) and Shu Er now have a clear cover to protect them, they can’t stand the evil spirits.

Even with the current half-step innate cultivation of Yingzheng, I have to feel how resentful and unwilling this family was when they died.

But after all, this is really normal. Whoever is dead is willing. Besides, even a three-year-old child is not spared. There is nothing to say.

Thinking of winning here, he also said to Shu Er: “Let’s go up to the second floor and have a look.

“Yeah.” Shu’er nodded, and followed Yingzheng to the second floor.

Go up the stairs to the second floor.

As soon as I entered the second floor, I saw five black shadows in front of him. .

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