Chapter 868 In-house survey] Please order!

The five shadows just wandered around in the bedroom on the second floor.

However, no one paid attention to Ying Zheng and Shu Er L.

At this time, Ying Zheng carefully took Shu’er’s hand and said: “Be careful, this family of five resentful spirits are here on the second floor, don’t get caught by them.”

“Otherwise, every minute of it will let you survive and not die.”

Shu’er was also a little scared when she heard Yingzheng’s words: “Brother Zheng, can you see these resentful spirits? Shu’er can’t see it.”

“Your cultivation level is not enough. Naturally, I can’t see it. I can see it. But I don’t know what soul-removing technique is. So I can’t help it. I can see it and avoid it, but there is no other way.”

“If I know spiritism, I can have a chat with the five resentful spirits in this family, so that I can know who killed them.” Yingzheng said.

Shu Er also nodded when she heard the words of winning the government. After all, how can this thing be said? It is indeed a bit weird, but now there is no way to win the government, so Liangren can only continue to investigate.

Otherwise, there is no way at all.

“Brother Zheng, do you think this family is physically different from ordinary people? Will you be targeted by the Scarlet Ghost King?” Shu Er suddenly asked.

“Don’t talk nonsense, now I just suspect that it is the Scarlet Ghost King, but it doesn’t mean it must be the Scarlet Ghost King, and there is one more thing.”

“In the evil ways of the world, there are many people who will suck blood and soul, not necessarily the Scarlet Ghost King. If it is not the time, then the good people will be wronged.” Yingzheng said.

When she heard Yingzheng’s words, Shu Er said “Oh” and stopped talking.

At this time, Yingzheng was seeing the grieving spirit of the youngest three-year-old child, who was walking towards Yingzheng and the others with a stern expression on his face.

Seeing such a situation, Ying Zheng hurriedly took Shu Er to stand aside and avoid.

To be honest, in Daqin, anyone whose cultivation base can reach the yellow level cultivation base.

There is no such thing as fear of these resentful spirits.

To put it bluntly, these resentful spirits are nothing more than a stronger soul, a stronger soul.

For ordinary people and people who have a foreign level cultivation base, then it may not be a big problem.

But once they entered the yellow level cultivation base, basically these resentful spirits had no chance.

Although Shu’er doesn’t look like a harmonious resentful spirit, if these resentful spirits dare to attack Shu’er, they will immediately show up in front of Shu’er.

So this is also the reason why Yingzheng didn’t put these grievances in its eyes.

There is just one thing to say, these resentful spirit guys are souls after all. To be honest, whoever is on the scene will feel a little uncomfortable.

Not to mention how are you going to go up, do you say right?

Thinking of winning politics here, I also try to avoid the resentful spirits of this family.

There are a total of four rooms on the second floor, one of which is larger should be occupied by the couple, and the other three rooms are for the children to live in by themselves.

The layout of the rooms on the second floor of the whole building is quite simple and chic. Although it looks a little simple, (aibd) is not bad.

After wandering around, winning the government did not find any more valuable clues.

To be precise, the perpetrator was really powerful, and left nothing or evidence.

No matter how to find the winning government, I couldn’t find it.

Seeing the victory here, some don’t know what to do.

After all, there is nothing under investigation now, which is really difficult to handle.

At this moment, only Shuer’s “Huh” was heard.

Ying Zheng turned his head and looked around, and saw that Shu Er seemed to have discovered something.

“Brother Zheng, look at the underside of the cabinet, what is that shiny thing?” Shu Er asked, pointing to the corner of an inconspicuous cabinet.

“Your eyes are quite poisonous.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully, then walked over, and squatted down to look at the place.

This shiny place should be something like a mark.

This little thing that can emit continuous light at night is a very special kind of powder produced in the Western Regions.

There is no such thing as Daqin Central Plains.

And because of the long distance from the Western Regions to Daqin, the transportation is not very convenient.

So there is not much information from the Western Regions.

On this point, winning politics is very clear, and it is because of this very clear that winning politics is curious.

Why are there these things in such a place?

Could this be the murderer left behind?

Thinking of winning here, I touched the shiny thing lightly.


Ying Zheng’s body shook like an electric shock, and then a not-so-clear picture flashed through Ying Zheng’s mind.

“Huh!” Ying Zheng was curious.

On the side, Shu’er looked at Yingzheng a little strangely and asked: “Brother Zheng, did you find something? Why did your face suddenly change?”

“You wait.” Yingzheng said to Shu’er.

In the next second, Ying Zheng once again gently touched the shiny object with his hand.

This time, the winning hand did not let go.

At this time, a clear picture appeared in Ying Zheng’s mind.

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