Chapter 866 Chasing the murderer] Please order!

Then ask clearly what is going on in Bi Shi, otherwise, it is useless to guess the situation here.

After arriving at the Yamen, I talked to the guard at the Yamen door about the purpose of the two people’s coming here.

Yingzheng and Shuer were waiting for Bi Shi at the door.

To be honest, when did Yingzheng still stand at the door waiting for the people of the country, that was all on weekdays and others were waiting for him.

But now there is no way, I can only stand here and wait,

After a while, Bi Shi ran out. After seeing Yingzheng and Shu’er, Bi Shi said happily: “Brother Zhao and Girl Shu’er, is there anything wrong with you two coming to see me?”

At this time, Ying Zheng said: “We came to you, in fact, to ask about the murder case of the family of five in Andingfang.

“This” Bi Shi is obviously a bit embarrassed in 08: “Brother Zhao, this is not because I don’t talk about it, but because of the official affairs of the yamen. I can’t just say it casually.”

Hearing what Bi Shi said, Ying Zheng nodded and said: “I know the difficulties of the Bi Shi brothers. I have no plans to inquire about other things.”

“I just want to know if the blood in the body of the five members of the family is really cleaned.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Bi Shi nodded: “Yes, the five people in this family, including the youngest three-year-old child, are all because of the blood in the body being cleaned.”

“That’s why I died at home. The Andingfang is now so grievous. I’m afraid that it will not be long before the county guard will arrange for everyone to leave the Andingfang and find a place to live again.”

“That place is completely inhabitable now, and the county guard has also found several Taoist priests who can do it. He wants to be a mage for the family to see if he can drive away those grievances.

Hearing what Bi Shi said, Ying Zheng nodded: “Thank you, brother Bi Shi, since this is the case, then I probably know.”

“I will go and find out who the murderer is.”

After Yingzheng finished speaking, without waiting for Bi Shi to say anything, he took Shu’er and headed for Anding Fang.

Shu’er asked strangely along the way: “Brother Zheng, do you have a way to track down the murderer?”

“Of course there is.” Ying Zheng nodded.

Just kidding, who wins the government is absolutely omnipotent.

The six countries have been unified by him, so it is difficult to track down a murderer.

When the two arrived outside the gate of Andingfang, the people watching the excitement at the gate had already dispersed.

Only a few guards remained at the door, not allowing unrelated people to enter.

Ying Zheng looked at the officers, his eyes rolled, and he turned to Shu’er and said, “I have a stealth fan here. Let’s find a place, use this stealth fan, and then go in and take a look.”

“Okay, okay.” Shu Er was originally a little girl’s character, and naturally liked these novel things.

Hearing that the winning politicians take themselves to do such stimulating things, it is natural that the generation is unambiguous.

In this way, under the leadership of Ying Zheng, the two found a corner with no one, and then under Shu Er’s gaze.

Yingzheng took out a stealth fan.

Then Ying Zheng first sprinkled some on the top of his head.

Then the winning government disappeared in place.

“Ah, Brother Zheng, where have you been? Since this stealth fan is so powerful, it can even shield its breath?” Shu Er said in surprise as Ying Zheng disappeared suddenly.

“Xiao Nizi, this stealth powder is a good thing that I developed by myself. This is the only one in the world, and there is nothing else.”

“Okay, I will use it for you now, you can also feel my masterpiece.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Then, under the operation of Yingzheng, Shuer followed with some small white powder appeared on the top of his head.

In the next second, Shu Er also disappeared in front of her eyes.

“Brother Zheng, I can’t see you now, and you can’t see me either.” Shu’er asked.

“Yes.” Yingzheng replied: “So you must follow me, don’t get lost, you know?”

“Good.” Shu Er said softly.

In the next second, Ying Zheng just felt a pair of warm, soft hands holding his hands.

This feels to be honest, so that Yingzheng’s heart beat slightly at that 760 moment.

“No, I still feel this way. This is simply unbelievable. I am a winner, not those dicks.” Yingzheng muttered a little in his heart.

After all, I am the emperor now, what kind of woman I have never seen.

But the winning government knows that just now, winning the government is indeed heart-warming.

“Brother Zheng, what are you thinking about? Let’s go.” Shu Er suddenly whispered.

“Well, hold my hand tight and don’t let it go, you know?” Yingzheng urged.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let go, even if Brother Zheng kicked me, I won’t let go.” Shu Er said with a grin.

“This little Nizi, I can’t bear it either.” Ying Zheng thought in his heart.

In this way, with the help of Yingzheng’s invisible fans, the two swaggered into Anding Fang.

As soon as he entered the Anding Fang, Ying Zheng was immediately rushed by a wave of evil spirits.

“Be careful, this restaurant is really evil.”

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