Chapter 855 Sword Spirit Sect disciple] Please order!

“Then you will come down the mountain for me, inhale Yang Qi, kill people and practice qigong!” Ying Zheng looked at Shu’er and said.

“Oh, brother Zheng, we’ve all agreed, we won’t talk about this in the future, I’ll follow you in the future to correct the evil and return to the right.”

In this way, the two of them said one sentence to you and one sentence to each other. After walking for almost half a day, they finally reached the foot of Jiuhua Mountain.

At this time, on the side of the road into the mountain under Jiuhua Mountain, several guards were standing there.

At this time, one of the handsome and burly men came over and said after seeing Ying Zheng and Shu’er: “There is a monster that cannibalize in Jiuhua Mountain ahead.,

‘If you two are on your way, go around the “Seven-Five Zero” road, don’t go into the mountains and be eaten by monsters. ”

Hearing the words of the officer, Shu’er said with a smile: “Don’t look down on people. With my brother Zheng, the monster is afraid to be killed by my brother Zheng, and dare to eat people?”

“We are here to enjoy the blessing of the monster this time. You quickly get out of the way and see how my brother Zheng casts down demons.

Hearing Shu’er’s words, the officer suddenly changed his face and frowned and said, “Girl, the monsters in Jiuhua Mountain are so fierce and so fierce, I think you’d better not be joking.”

At this time, I saw Shu’er’s eyes suddenly brightened, emitting a faint blue light, and then said to the officer: “Brother officer, my brother Zheng and I are going to Jiuhua Mountain to get rid of the monster for the people.”

“Why are you so persistent? Let’s go in.

Ying Zheng on the side saw that Shu’er turned out to be using charms, but he thought of letting Shu’er use charms to deal with these servants.

So it can be regarded as saving a lot of effort, so winning the government will not care, after all, Shu Er has not used this charm technique to harm people.

At this moment, the servant turned his face greatly changed in anger, and said, “Bold and enchanting, he will use this kind of charm that confuses people’s hearts.

“You are from Peach Blossom Palace.”

When Shuer heard the man’s words, she said coldly: “Who are you?”

“Huh, it really is the evildoer of the Peach Blossom Palace, how can my disciple of the Sword Spirit Sect be deceived by your little charm, evildoer, you two come here to do something.” The man drew his sword after he finished speaking. Came out.

“So courageous, do you know who my brother Zheng is, and you dare to hold a sword in front of my brother Zheng?” Shu’er also turned into an angry expression.

The man actually said, “I don’t know any of your brother Zheng. Since you are a disciple of the Peach Blossom Palace, the person next to you is probably not a good person.”

“Today you two leave, forget it. I still have official duties and can’t entangle you. If you two don’t leave, then don’t blame me for being merciless.

Seeing the man he was about to draw his sword, Ying Zheng coldly snorted: “What is your name? What is the official position now?”

“What is my official position and what do you do with you, if you two don’t leave, then don’t blame me for being rude.”


The man hadn’t reacted yet, and the saber in his hand had already been taken by the winning government.

“It is said that Hong Ling, the head of the Sword Spirit Sect, is good at making swords, and everyone under his disciples has a good sword.” Ying Zheng said while looking at the sword in his hand.

“I didn’t believe it before, but now it seems to be a well-deserved sword. This sword is not bad.”

When the man saw that the sword in his hand was won by the government, he immediately took it. He didn’t even react at all. The man was a little surprised.

“Who are you? Seeing your cultivation level is so high, why are you with this demon girl?”

“Up to now, you still didn’t tell me your name when you talked to me. This has to be put on weekdays. Your head has fallen into place early.”

“I will give you one last chance now. What is your name.” Ying Zheng asked coldly.

To be honest, winning the government is originally an emperor, and naturally there is an aura of self-prestige.

Now that this is the case, the emperor’s air in his body is immediately revealed.

So the man was also frightened by the momentum of winning the government.

“In the next Bishi.” Bi Shi said, arching his hands.

After Ying Zheng heard Bi Shi’s words, he handed the sword to Bi Shi and said, “Bi Shi, you are a wise man. You just escaped a disaster.”

“Otherwise your head is already on the ground.”

“This Xiongtai, the Jiuhua Mountain is in danger right now. I have been ordered to guard here, so I can’t put two people in.” Bi Shi said.

Yingzheng nodded: “You are indeed a good officer of my Daqin. You can not neglect your duty and be loyal to your job. I appreciate you very much.”

“No 1.3 after this time I came here to come to Jiuhua Mountain to get rid of this monster, otherwise how long can you stay in Jiuhua Mountain?”

“One year, two years? Or ten years?” Ying Zheng looked at Bi Shi and said.

“This… Bi Shi is obviously a bit embarrassed, but what Yingzheng is telling is the truth.

Indeed, you can stay here now, not allowing people to enter.

Until then, you can’t keep it for the rest of your life. Once you have something to do, as soon as you walk away and others don’t know, you still have to enter the Jiuhua Mountain.

The best way is to get rid of this monster.

After all, there is no reason to guard against thieves in a thousand days. .

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