Chapter 856 Prayer machine] Please order!

Although Bi Shi also wanted to let the two enter Jiuhua Mountain to get rid of this monster.

After all, judging from the fight just now, the woman’s cultivation base is similar to her own, but the man’s cultivation base seems to be very advanced.

Maybe it is really possible to completely wipe out the monsters in Jiuhua Mountain.

However, the prefects of the Sanchuan County have regulations and no one is allowed to enter without his order.

So this Bishi is naturally a bit embarrassing.

At this time, I saw Shu’er smiling and saying: “Bi Shi, you can rest assured that we will go over, there is my brother Zheng.”

“You don’t have to be afraid of any monsters, my brother Zheng can handle it in a few clicks.”

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Bi Shi also hesitated.

Bi Shi naturally didn’t want to miss such a good opportunity to get rid of this monster.

But if the two of them are really allowed in, nothing happens, if something happens.

Bi Shi couldn’t walk around by himself.

At this moment, a huge roar came from the mountain.

Listening to this 08 sound, the monster in Jiuhua Mountain seems to have woke up, and is about to come out to find food.

“Di, the main mission is released.”

“Destroy the Jiuhua Mountain Prayer Machine, and the successful mission will reward a lottery chance.”

Yes, this eternal emperor system finally released the mission.

Whatever the winning government has done recently is to death, without any rewards or benefits.

Now that the mission system is suddenly released, winning the government is naturally happy.

The most important thing is that the monster in Jiuhua Mountain turned out to be a prayer machine.

It is very clear that this thing wins politics.

Legend has it that this prayer machine looks like a tiger with long hair, human face, tiger feet, pig mouth and teeth, and long tail.

His personality is violent and impermanent, and his favorite is cannibalism.

Originally this thing was in ancient times, because Emperor Xuanyuan and Chi You fought against the Central Plains.

Later, Chi You was called out to defeat the Yellow Emperor’s army.

In the end, he was beheaded by Emperor Xuanyuan’s Xuanyuan Sword.

Unexpectedly, the legend was true, but the beheading was false, and he was hiding in this Jiuhua Mountain now.

If you don’t take a good look at this, then you are really sorry for yourself.

Thinking of winning politics here, I also said to Bi Shi: “This monster of Jiuhua Mountain is a prayer machine, fierce.

“I watch the sky at night, this guy is just born, and now he is not good enough, if you wait for the guy to regain his mana in time.”

“At that time, I’m afraid you won’t be able to find out that the entire Daqin is its opponent. Quickly let me go in.” Yingzheng said.

Bi Shi was actually taken aback by the roar of the prayer machine just now.

Now I heard that Yingzheng knew what it was before seeing this guy.

Bi Shi naturally believed more in the ability to win politics.

“It’s okay to go in, but I want to go in with you, otherwise if something happens to you two, I can’t explain it to the county guard.” Bi Shi said.

“Then come with us, don’t get in the way, don’t get in the way of me know?” Yingzheng looked at Bi Shi and said.


Bi Shi didn’t know why, but felt that the man in front of him was speaking with a kind of power without anger and prestige.

When Bi Shi saw the man in front of him, he couldn’t help but want to kneel down.

And this is also the reason why the emperor wins the government and cultivates the emperor’s confession technique.

Only the true dragon emperor can practice this emperor’s confession of the gods.

Let the rest of you not say that you can’t get this Heavenly Conferring God Art, even if you get it, you won’t be able to cultivate.

Can’t anyone tell you that you are not the emperor of the true dragon?

Even if you want to practice forcibly, you will end up in a suicide by committing suicide in the end.

Therefore, the cultivation of the emperor’s confession technique of winning government naturally makes people feel a kind of majesty without anger and self-prestige.

It’s normal for Bi Shi to feel this way.

In this way, under the leadership of Yingzheng, the three of them walked into the Jiuhua Mountain together.

At night, Jiuhua Mountain is very dark all around.

Except for the moon in the sky, basically the entire Jiuhua Mountain is invisible.

Along the way, Shu’er was a little nervous holding Yingzheng’s hand.

Yingzheng smiled and said, “I said Shuer, didn’t you still have the courage just now?”

“Why are you afraid of this now? 753”

When she heard the words of winning the government, Shu’er said with embarrassment: “Oh, brother Zheng, a weak woman, I am afraid that such a monster is also normal.”

“Furthermore, you heard the cry just now. It was really scary. Brother Zheng will wait for you to protect people.

My God, winning the government can’t stand the way Shu’er speaks.

Is it true that the people in this Peach Blossom Palace speak like this?

If this is the case, then Yingzheng would rather go to Penglai Xiandao in the East China Sea alone than take such a grinning little fairy on the road.

Just as Yingzheng was about to speak, Bi Shi on the side suddenly said, “You two, be careful. This is where the prayer machine often haunts.

“Several of our brothers have died here, the two of us are careful.”

Just as Bi Shi had just finished speaking, suddenly he heard only the footsteps of “Dong Dong Eat” coming in front of him.

At the same time it was accompanied by a low growl gasping sound.

“Be careful, the prayer machine is just ahead.”,

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