Chapter 854 First time in town] Please order!

Ying Zheng saw Shu’er running around here, as if he hadn’t seen anything before.

Then he asked curiously: “How do you think it’s the first time you have entered the city?

“That’s right, Brother Zheng, don’t you know, I have been practicing in the mountains with my master before, and finally I finally came down the mountain.”

“As a result, I have been in the dry well. I just practiced every day, and I didn’t do any other things.

Hearing Shu’er’s words, it was the first time that Yingzheng felt that this little Nizi was a bit interesting.

At first glance, you know that they belong to the kind of hard-working people.

“Brother Zheng, I like this. Can you buy it for me?” Shuer said to Yingzheng holding a handful of hosta.

“Okay, for the sake of the two of us just met, it should be yours.” Ying Zheng reluctantly took out a Qin note and handed it to the boss.

After thanking the boss, Ying Zheng handed the hosta to Shu’er.

And Shu Er smiled and said: “You-bring me.”

Yes, winning the government is to make this Shuer lose his temper.

“I’m asking if your little girl lacks love and love. I want to bring a hosta to you, really. I’m all others serving me, and I have to serve you.”

Although Yingzheng said so, but in fact he brought the hosta for Shu’er.

To be honest, Shuer feels like her own sister to win the government.

Even Shanrou, Shanlan and others, winning politics are just treated as ordinary people and just leave if they want.

Only this Shu’er, win the government is really treated as his own sister.

Maybe this is the so-called how to put it, this is the so-called fate.

Some people have nothing to do with each other, but they are more intimate than ordinary people.

After giving Shu’er the code name Hosta, Shu’er said: “I’m hungry, I want to eat.”

“Let’s go.” Yingzheng said.

Shu’er is really familiar with it. On the day of getting acquainted with Yingzheng, he immediately followed everything with Yingzheng.

It’s not too annoying to win the government, anyway, how do you say it, it really means to take care of your own sister.

The two were eating in the restaurant. At this time, what someone said at the next table also attracted the attention of the winning government.

The people at that table are actually not close to winning the government. If they are ordinary people, they will definitely not hear what they are living.

However, the current skill in winning politics is increasing day by day, so naturally this listening has also been strengthened a lot.

“Have you heard? There has been a strange incident in Sanchuan County recently.”

“What’s weird?”

“In Jiuhua Mountain outside the city, it seems that some incredible monster has appeared, specially eating people’s hearts.”

“The government sent several groups of people to catch this monster. In the end, there was no return. The government has no choice but to tell the people of Sanchuan County not to go to Jiuhua Mountain easily.”

“So as not to be caught by that monster.

“Oh, there is such a thing. I also said that I plan to go to Jiuhua Mountain tomorrow to collect medicine. It seems that it is better for you to tell me now.”

“Be careful, Jiuhua Mountain is not peaceful recently.

As the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, winning the government has the responsibility and obligation to protect the safety of the people of the Great Qin Dynasty.

So, after hearing about this, winning politics naturally became my heart.

At this time, Shu’er, who was sitting opposite to eat, said: “Brother Zheng, why are you also going to Li Jiuhua Mountain to see that monster?”

“How do you know? You heard it too?” Ying Zheng was a little curious.

0……for flowers…

“Oh, although my cultivation base is not as good as Brother Zheng, I can still hear you from the next table.”

“Then do you want to go?” Ying Zheng said, looking at Shu’er.

“I’ll go wherever Brother Zheng goes.

Shu’er is Shu’er, she really understands everything, since it’s all about the point.

Then there is nothing to say.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also smiled and said, “If this is the case, then go. I also want to see the monster.


“By the way, Shu’er, you have lived outside of Sanchuan County for a long time, so why don’t you know this monster?”

“I don’t know, anyway, I haven’t heard of it, or I just found out today.” Shu’er shook his head.

After eating, the two walked towards Jiuhua Mountain together.

In the past, Yingzheng was a bit lonely going here alone, but now there are two people, but there are people who speak.

Along the way, I heard Shu’er chattering.

Yingzheng almost didn’t get noisy to death by this little Nizi.

“I said Shu’er, you can’t stop for a while? You talk a lot.”

“Hey, Brother Zheng, don’t people see you boring to accompany you to talk to you, this way to Jiuhua Mountain, the journey is so long, that’s boring.”

“I’ll talk a little bit more, then you won’t be bored.” Shu Er said with a smile.

“I asked if your master drove you down the mountain because you talked too much.” Ying Zheng looked at Shu’er and said.

“Why, don’t mention that my master loves my little apprentice too much, but in accordance with the rules of our school, I have to go down the mountain to practice when the time comes.

“So I can only leave.” Shu Er said helplessly. factory,

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