Chapter 853 Enormous] Please order!

“I’m telling you that you shouldn’t be fooling around here, evildoers, what crooked ways of cultivating, and dare to make axe in front of me?” Ying Zheng looked at the woman and snorted coldly.

“Hmph, don’t pull it, don’t pull it, people get up by themselves.” The woman snorted and said to Yingzheng.

After the woman got up, Ying Zheng said to her: “Name, I don’t like nonsense.”

“Shu Er.”

“Dare to lie to me.”

“I didn’t lie to you, Yingzheng brother, my name is Shu’er indeed, the one just now is just my blindfold.”

“Don’t you see, Brother Yingzheng, who is practising the emperor’s confession technique?” Shu’er said.

Seeing that Shu’er didn’t lie, Ying Zheng also coldly snorted: “What are you doing next to this dry well, how many people have you killed?”

“Brother Yingzheng, you can’t talk like that. I don’t want to harm people. I just want to say harm. That’s why these people came to the door by themselves.”

“To tell you the truth, these people have moved their own minds. If they didn’t move their own minds, they could be used by me.”

“I’m just for cultivation, you know, the Dao cultivation in this world of 750 is not easy to cultivate. I am a weak woman, and I can only rely on a little method to cultivate Dao.

Seeing Shu’er’s face that looked like a smile but not a smile, Ying Zheng also said in an angry tone: “If you don’t kill you today, let’s go.”

“But don’t come out and do all kinds of evil in the future. If you let me know that you are still here deliberately charming people, then I will definitely not spare you next time.

After finishing talking, winning politics is going to go.

At this time, I saw Shu’er grabbing Yingzheng and saying, “I don’t care, I met you, Yingzheng brother today, and I want to go with you.”

“I’ll go wherever you go. The emperor of Da Qin, if I don’t follow me well, wouldn’t it be a big loss?”

Yingzheng also somewhat convinced Shu’er.

It’s not easy to say, when is it now, Shu’er is not lucky (aibd) that she didn’t kill her by herself.

Why should I still follow myself?

“What are you thinking about? I want to travel around the world of Daqin. It is inconvenient to bring a weak girl with me. Where do you go, don’t delay my time.” Yingzheng said impatiently.

“I’m not.” Shu Er looked at Ying Zheng and said coquettishly: “In short, I met the Emperor of Qin today.

“From now on, you will eat fragrant and spicy food, and you will enjoy endless glory and wealth. Who told your majesty to arrest me today.”

Seeing Shu’er like that, winning the government is also a little speechless.

What kind of thing is this? If it weren’t for winning the government, it’s really not easy for Shu’er to cultivate herself. She would have returned to the West now.

This has to follow oneself, still speaking so bluntly.

“If you want to follow me, you can do it, but you have to listen to me. If you dare to kill innocent people along the way, then don’t blame me for not giving you good fruit.” Yingzheng said.

“Thank you, Yingzheng, I will definitely listen to you.” Shu Er was naturally happy.

In this way, Ying Zheng took Shu Er and left the dry well.

“I’ve also seen the dry well. There is nothing in it. Except for the blind tricks you made later, how did you allow those people to be controlled by you willingly?”

Regarding Shu’er’s shot, he is still curious about Yingzheng.

After all, how should I put it, although Shu’er has some means, she is also a person who practices charm.

However, after all, the cultivation skills are not yet at home, and it is not an existence that can charm whoever wants to be charmed by this dry well.

At this time, I saw Shu’er smiling and saying: “This is not to blame Shu’er, those guys are looking for death by themselves.

“I just used my avatar to say a few soft words from Wu Yi in their ears. I didn’t expect these stupid men to drill into the sink under my cloth one by one.

“The man is really too good to lie, hehe.” Shu Er said.

Since Yingzheng’s soul wears to Daqin, what kind of woman hasn’t seen?

But this is really the first time I have seen someone like Shuer.

But there is no way, it’s better to stay by your side than to go out to harm others.

In addition, Shu’er is a cultivator of charm, and to be honest, it is pleasing to the eye.

Take it with you.

That night the two found a good place to camp.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Ying Zheng took Shu Er back to Sanchuan County.

Originally, this win was to visit Sanchuan County.

As a result, I encountered such a stall on the way, so Yingzheng did not have the opportunity to visit the Sanchuan County.

After all, it was the site of Emperor Zhou, so the whole Sanchuan County seemed to be relatively prosperous.

In addition, under the governance of the winning government, the high-quality trade in the Qin Dynasty is also relatively developed.

This Sanchuan County is also located on the edge of the Wei River, with developed water transportation and a transportation hub in the Central Plains. Naturally, there are everything going from north to south.

Shu Er came to Sanchuan County for the first time, so she was very curious about everything.

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