Chapter 852 Enchantress] Please order!

Yingzheng walked into the darkness while observing around.

It’s really like a mysterious space here, there is nothing else at all, except for the pictures of memoirs that I don’t know where it came from.

It was dark all around.

Yingzheng knows that this place is not right, but Yingzheng really can’t understand why it is such a place, it can make such a big noise.

I just looked at the things in the dry well, how come I came to this place.

At this moment, I heard a loud roar suddenly in front of me.

Yingzheng was a little concerned about what happened before, so he rushed over.

This voice really makes people feel a little bit curious.

There shouldn’t be anything in this place.

Why is there such a situation?

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also hurriedly chased the sound source.

Not long after running, Yingzheng only felt that he had tripped over something under his feet.

Then I heard a cry from Yingzheng, and then fell to the ground.

When Yingzheng stood up in the next second, he was already wet.

“Water?” When Ying Zheng saw that there was still water under his feet on his body, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

How can there be water in this place?

“Win the government, you Daqin is the virtue of water. You like water all your life. Wouldn’t it be good to have water everywhere?”

Hearing this voice, Ying Zheng also cursed: “Who on earth are you? If you don’t come out again, believe it or not, I demolished your place today, 々.”

“Hahaha.” The woman let out a silver bell-like laugh: “Winning the government is worthy of being the first emperor of Daqin and the first emperor of the Central Plains.

“The temper is grumpy, I like it.

“It’s just that, you can’t break me here, because this is nowhere, this is your heart.”

“In my heart?” Yingzheng obviously didn’t know the meaning of what the woman said.

Where do you start with this straightforward statement?

Winning does not think that he has the ability to enter his inner world.

The joke was made.

“Don’t believe me.” The woman said, “My dry well is a full moon well from a thousand years ago.”

“Be able to see through the hearts of the people in the world, and be able to read the minds of everyone in the world, no matter what you want or what you want to do.”

“My dry well can see one, two, three, winning politics. Now that you enter this world, those pictures are your past.”

“And in the front is what you want in your heart, but this obsession is too heavy, and it will eventually be eaten back by yourself.” The woman said again.

Although what the woman said seemed to make sense, it seemed meaningless to win the government.

After all, for Win Zheng, this woman is not someone of her own, she actually came to talk with herself here for a long time.

Moreover, he is still unwilling to come out to meet people, which is very uncomfortable for winning the government.

Therefore, the winning government is naturally the kind of woman who wants to talk to this woman and blows her head well.

“Monster, if you continue to pretend to be like this, don’t blame my subordinates for being merciless today.” After Ying Zheng finished speaking, a flame was already in his hands.

“To win the government, are you really afraid of taking yourself back?” the woman asked again.

“Backlash? I have never heard of the word backlash when I was born with Yingzheng.”

As soon as the voice fell, winning the government immediately stretched out his hand, directly in a dark void, and then he just grabbed both hands.

Then he tore out the hands, including the hands of the people.

After a burst of screams, Ying Zheng finally returned to the real world.

At this time, the winning government was already standing next to the dry well, and it seemed that he would fall by himself at any time.

*”You evildoer, dare to harm me. “Yingzheng was furious.

Then there was a harder hand, only to hear “Oh”.

A woman wearing a white dress was deeply searched on the ground by Ying Zheng.

At this time, Shuer, who was held by the side by the winning government, did disappear into a cloud of smoke.

“Blindfold.” Seeing this situation, Ying Zheng suddenly understood in his heart.

“Oh, you are so rude, do you treat weak women like this? You don’t know how to pity and cherish jade.” The woman looked at Ying Zheng with a sad expression on her face.

“Monster, I didn’t expect you to still practice charm, don’t you know that your little actions are of no use to me? (Zhao? Zhao)” Ying Zheng said coldly.

“Oh, brother Yingzheng, don’t you have the heart to watch people lying on the ground, come and pull me.” The woman gently stretched out her slender hand after she said it.

Then reach out to the winning government and let the winning government pull yourself up.

To tell the truth, Rao is a determined man such as Winning Government, but he was still a little stunned by the charm of this woman.

For ordinary people who are not determined, it is not just a matter of minutes for this woman to eat.

It is also because of this win that the government snorted coldly: “Either you get up now, or I send you back to the West.”

“Oh, brother Yingzheng, you are so fierce. If a weak woman falls and you refuse to accept it, you are still fierce.”

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