Chapter 843 Pass the second level] Please order!

Lu Youjia and the others didn’t have any cultivation bases, and being able to enter the second round of the Tingyu Pavilion accepting disciples competition is basically a burning high incense.

Now that with the help of the winning government, it can basically be said that it is not too much to sit back and relax.

After hearing the words of Yingzheng, everyone nodded to Yingzheng and said: “Zhao Zheng, you have the final say, we will listen to you.”

It can be seen that after the performance of Yingzheng just now, everyone’s confidence has also been greatly boosted.

At this time, I saw Yingzheng leading everyone directly into the valley.

As soon as I entered the valley, a biting cold wind blew over. It was because I had a lot of power to win the government, and I felt a little bit cold.

It is conceivable that the people next to me can’t resist this kind of cold.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also directly sacrificed a huge fire dragon, and then swam around everyone.

The fire dragon itself was transformed from the Qi of the emperor who won the government.

It can be said that 743 can withstand all the cold in this world.

When everyone first came in, they were already too cold to bear.

However, the fire dragons that should be summoned to win the government suddenly felt warmth one by one.

“Zhao Zheng, you are really amazing. Where did you come from? Why do you still use such spells? Why don’t you teach us the spells?”

“Let’s be your disciple, so that we can be as powerful as you in the future.” Everyone looked at Ying Zheng cheerfully and said.

Hearing what everyone said, Yingzheng also said with a smile: “Don’t you guys, I don’t have any way to help you.”

“I just came to Huashan to take a look. As for accepting apprentices, I have never thought about it, and it’s not bad to listen to Yuge. You didn’t come to listen to Yuge.”

“Hey, I feel that the people listening to Yuge are not as capable as you.” Lu Youjia said.

(aibd) Hearing what Lu Youjia said, Yingzheng also smiled and did not speak.

At this time, in the entire canyon, there are already only the few people that Yingzheng has left.

The other players who participated in the competition have basically been abandoned at this level.

Under the protection of the fire dragon, everyone walked slowly toward the front.

Finally, after walking for almost a quarter of an hour, I finally walked out of the Grand Canyon.

As soon as he left the valley, Ying Zheng summoned the fire dragon back.

The main reason is that the valley in Yuge is a bit strange.

You just came out of the valley, and the temperature in the valley immediately rose.

It’s not cold at all, it’s even a little hot.

It’s going to be deadly cold at one time, and terribly hot at one time, isn’t it killing someone.

But winning politics doesn’t bother to care about it.

The main problem of winning politics now is to bring these guys to the third level.

After the second level, the third level is ahead.

When it came to the third level, I saw a big cliff in front of everyone.

And in front of the cliff stood a disciple of Tingyu Pavilion.

When this disciple saw Ying Zheng bringing these people there, his face was also slightly appreciative.

“Several people seem to have passed the test of the second level of my Ting Yu Pavilion, then please come here, this is my test of the third level of Ting Yu Pavilion.” The man said.

Hearing the man’s words, everyone followed him to the man’s side.

At this time, I saw the word pointing to the floating cliff in front and said: “This Linglongya is specially set by me to test the sincerity of my disciples.”

“If it is a disciple who is devoted to cultivating the Tao and has good morals, then he can walk through this Linglongya, and vice versa.” The disciple didn’t say anything here.

“How about the other way around?” Lu Youjia asked curiously.

“Otherwise, it will fall directly from this Linglongya.” The disciple said with a smile.

“Oh, I’m going, you are not a pitfall, such a high cliff, the underside is still dark and sloppy, you will not be able to see the root hair after this fall.” Lu Youjia looked down and said.

“Don’t worry, we already have disciples waiting below, if it falls.”

“Naturally there will be a disciple who will catch you and take you out of here. Don’t worry about this, don’t worry.” The disciple said with a smile.

Hearing what this male disciple said, Ying Zheng was also a little bit muttered in his heart.

These people are ordinary people, no matter how sincere the heart is, it is impossible to walk this Linglongya out of thin air.

Isn’t it embarrassing to hear Yuge?

Could it be that this Yuge is completely selling dog meat by selling sheep’s head, just don’t want to accept these people, and then get moths out?

Thinking of winning here, I couldn’t help but snorted coldly: “I said you are too insincere to listen to Yuge.

“Even if you don’t want people and want to drive them away, you should make a better excuse.” Yingzheng said disdainfully.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the disciple on the side looked at Yingzheng a little dumbfoundedly and said, “Why does this brother say this?”

“Does this still need to be asked?” Ying Zheng pointed to Linglongya in front of him and said: “This Linglongya cliff has no bridge at all.

“You let us ordinary people go over there. If we want to have this ability, why do you listen to Yuge?” Yingzheng said. .

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