Chapter 844 The test of Linglongya] Please order!

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the male disciple laughed and was about to speak.

At this time, a majestic voice remembered in the air: “This little brother, since you want to join the Tingyu Pavilion, then you must accept the test of my Tingyu Pavilion.”

“If you think you can’t pass this test, you can abstain now.”

Yingzheng didn’t come to join Tingyu Pavilion, it was just an accidental fool.

So after hearing this, Ying Zheng also smiled and said: “I didn’t come to participate in the competition of Tingyu Pavilion. I came to Huashan to see the scenery of Huashan.”

“As a result, Xilu was confused and got you in the competition meeting of Tingyu Pavilion, and now you are telling me to let me abstain.

“Since I’m here, there is no saying that I will abstain. I’ve passed the third level, but I won’t join Yuge,” Ye Changfeng said.

Hearing Ye Changfeng’s words, the majestic voice sounded again: “This little brother, you can pass it first.”

Yingzheng knows that this guy is a bit despised.

If it’s about cultivation level, it’s not about winning politics, this guy is not his opponent at all.

It can even be said that if it is on cultivation level, Yingzheng can now directly repay everyone who listens to Yuge.

There are no duplicates yet.

But now Yingzheng mainly wants to enter the Tingyu Pavilion with all the people in his room.

So Ye Changfeng did not leave.

At this moment, I saw the male disciple saying to everyone: “Now, please slowly step on this floating bridge at Linglongya. You can’t see this bridge.

“But you don’t have to worry, as long as you walk through it sincerely, then there will be no problem.” The man said.

Hearing what the man said, everyone stepped onto it with doubt.

At this time, the first person will go up first.

I saw that after He Yousan stepped on, the imaginary scene of falling off the cliff did not happen.

Instead, he stood firmly on it, suspended in the air.

“He Yousan, you’re pretty amazing, you didn’t actually fall.” Lu Youjia said with joy.

“Yeah, it seems to be true, then I will pass you first.” He Yousan said with a smile.

I saw He Yousan walked a few steps ahead happily, and then heard He Yousan’s “Wow”.

Then I saw He Yousan fell directly.

“Ah!” After He Yousan fell, there was also a heart-piercing cry.

After a while, only a disciple of Tingyu Pavilion took He Yousan directly away from here.

“Yes, He Yousan is no chance.”” Yan Dawen said helplessly.

There is no way. After reaching the third level, there is really no way to help them in this place.

Because this Linglong Bridge must be walked over by one person.

The first one succeeds or fails before the next one follows, so there is no way to win the government.

At this time, I saw Davin followed along.

But this time this time Davin was not so lucky.

Jian Dawen just took the first step and fell straight down.

After a while, he was also rescued by Ting Yuge’s disciples.

Went to another one,

Then came Zhang Laoliu.

In this way, a total of eight people, except for Ying Zheng and Lu Youjia, all the others were dropped.

Seeing such a situation, winning the government also decided to go first.

At this time, I saw Lu Youjia grabbing Yingzheng and saying: “I have always wanted to come here to listen to Yuge, but now it seems that there is no chance.”

0………Look for flowers…

“There are eight people in our room, now you and me are left, Brother Zhao Zheng, I believe you must be fine, but I have no chance.”

“Let me go first, if I fell, I will recognize it,” Lu Youjia said.

Seeing Lu Youjia like this, he couldn’t bear to win the government.

“Since you are leaving, let you go first.” Yingzheng said to Lu Youjia.

In this way, Lu Youjia first walked on the floating bridge of Linglongya.

And the fall in the imagination did not happen.

After Lu Youjia stepped onto the floating bridge, he quickly covered his eyes.

Even the winning government was a little worried for him, but this legendary fall did not happen.

This is the first step to success.

Then Lu Youjia walked towards the front step by step.

To be honest, Lu Youjia doesn’t know if he is nervous to win politics, but he is really nervous to win politics now.

After all, how should I say, every step this Lu Youjia takes, his heart trembles in winning the government.

Winning Zheng is also unwilling to see Lu Youjia fall. After all, there are eight people in a room, and only two people are left: Winning Zheng and Lu Youjia.

Winning the government is sure to be able to live, but winning the government will not join the Tingyu Pavilion.

But if this Lu Youjia can’t make it through, this competition will be wiped out.

Thinking of winning here is also a sweat for Lu Youjia.

At this time, I saw Lu Youjia walking towards the front step by step tremblingly.

It didn’t take long to walk, and finally, under the treacherous gaze of Ying Zheng, Lu Youjia finally succeeded in getting to the other side. factory.

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