Chapter 842 Follow me to take you through the customs] Please order!

Yingzheng smiled and said: “We can help each other, but I never thought about being a disciple of Tingyu Pavilion, I just came to have fun.”

“If you need any help, just call me. I promise to let you pass the customs.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing Ying Zheng’s words, Lu Youjia looked at Ying Zheng with excitement and asked: “Really? Brother Zhao Zheng, are you afraid that you are lying to me?”

“What did I lie to you, don’t you know if I lied to you?” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

At this moment, as the man on the broadcast station told everyone that the test had begun, all the people who came to the test all walked to the pontoon of the first level.

At this time, someone started to enter the pontoon continuously.




“Ah, my dream of listening to Yuge.”

I don’t know what is the use of this floating bridge in Tingyu Pavilion.

But there are almost five people who go up this time, and only one can stay.

The others were all bombed out directly.

When Di Jun saw such a situation, he also said to the eight people in the same room with him.

“You all hold hands, and then I stand in the middle, you stand on both sides of me, hold my hands, don’t move, you know?” Ying Zheng looked at Lu Youjia and the others and said.

“Brother Zhao Zheng, is this all right?” Looking at many people who were shot out, Lu Youjia couldn’t believe it.

“Do you care about him? If you don’t want to fly away, you just listen to me, 々.” Yingzheng said.

Yes, anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, and Lu Youjia also knows that he may not be the lucky one not to be bombed.

So after thinking about it for a while, he said directly and firmly holding the winning government.

Then under the leadership of Yingzheng, these seven people set foot on the pontoon with Yingzheng.

As soon as I stepped on the pontoon bridge, I could feel a force coming from the bridge. It seemed that I was going to send away all the seven people besides myself on the spot.

This is really miserable. There are eight people in total. As long as one wins the government, nothing else.

I don’t know what material the pontoon is made of.

But for now, this pontoon bridge should be blessed by a special magic circle.

But it doesn’t matter, such a small spell is no problem at all for winning the government.

As far as winning politics is concerned, you only need to do a little bit of subtotal.

After Ying Zheng stepped on it, he immediately used the Qi of the emperor, and he forced the spell prohibition of the floating bridge to suppress it.

In this way, under the eyes of the people who were bombed, Ying Zheng took the eight people and walked slowly to the opposite side of the pontoon.

Completed the first level test.

Although it is a bit weird to pass this way, there is one thing to say.

Yingzheng and these seven people did not break the rules, nor did the rules say that it is not allowed to do so.

Therefore, the law enforcement elder from Yuge saw that Yingzheng and others walked over the pontoon like this. Although he felt a little strange, he didn’t care about it.

After all, there is indeed no violation.

After crossing the pontoon, we reached the second level.

Not long after everyone walked, they arrived at the gate of a valley. At this time, a disciple of Tingyu Pavilion was handing out the paper crane called Qianli Transmission to those who passed the first level.

According to the disciple of Ting Yuge, if you were in the valley, it would be too cold to bear.

Then you will directly throw this paper crane into the sky.

Tingyu Pavilion will soon have an elder-level figure with a high level of cultivation to rescue you out.

So it’s totally useless to worry about whether your life is in danger, as long as you throw out the paper crane in time.

Hearing what this disciple said, Ying Zheng also looked at the paper crane curiously.

This paper crane is still good, and it feels that there should be a spell restriction blessed by someone on it.


Ying Zheng thought of this and smiled.

Then eight people led the beloved into the gorge under the leadership of Yingzheng.

At this time everyone had just arrived at the gate of the canyon, and Wang Deming was already shivering from the cold.

This is still so cold in Taniguchi. If this enters Taniguchi, it will be fine.

At this time, I saw Wang Deming trembling and saying to everyone: “*” I couldn’t stand the cold when I got to Taniguchi.

‘Forget it, I’ll just leave it here. ‘Wang Deming will go back after he finishes talking.

At this time, in the valley, some people threw out paper cranes intermittently.

It didn’t take long for the elder of Listening Yuge to fly in and send people out.

But how could this person be like this?

Now that they are here, it is natural to find a way to handle these things, how can it be possible to leave.

This is not a habit of winning politics.

Thinking of winning politics here, he smiled and said to Wang Deming and others: “Okay, I am here, can it still make you chill.”

“You will go in and follow me later, don’t leave me half a step, I promise you will pass this second level warmly.”.

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