Chapter 841 Preparation before the test] Please order!

“Got it.” Everyone replied again.

At this point, there is not much idea to win politics.

After all, this is the same for everyone, and everyone hopes to receive a disciple with good morals.

After all, sometimes if a person is too immoral, that’s not a good thing.

Thinking of winning here is also a little admired by the disciple listening to Yuge.

At this time, I saw that after the man left the ring, an old man with a childish hair and a childlike face walked onto the ring with a smile.

After seeing the old man stepping onto the ring, he said to everyone present: “Since you are all here today to participate in the apprentice gathering meeting of Tingyu Pavilion.”

“Then I won’t talk about the extra words. There are only three places. Come on, everyone. 08. If I can get in, I will listen to the rain pavilion. It is not a problem to practice advanced spells for longevity.”

“Maybe it is possible to fly in the daytime in the future, so you have to seize the opportunity.” said the old man.

“Follow the commander’s decree.” Everyone replied again.

After doing it for a long time, this guy is the head.

Ying Zheng looked at this Tong Yan Hefa guy also a little strange in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the head of Listening Yuge was so old.

However, in terms of appearance, this old guy’s cultivation base is indeed not low, and he can be considered a very powerful existence.

Winning this point is naturally very clear in mind.

And the most important thing is for winning politics, this guy’s cultivation base doesn’t seem to be as low as winning politics.

In fact, vaguely winning politics can still feel this Taoist Ling Xu’s cultivation base, I’m afraid it is comparable to himself.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with this person, at least for winning politics.

If it wasn’t for this time I wanted to run out on a whim, I’m afraid I would never meet such an expert.

Thinking of winning here, I also decided to wait and see what this trial looks like.

Anyway, I wouldn’t be able to live it, after all, I didn’t want to be a disciple of Ting Yuge.

But there is one thing to say, look at the trial of Ting Yu Pavilion, maybe you can know what strength the Ting Yu Pavilion is.

Thinking of winning politics here, I have made up my mind, so I’ll just check it out later, I’m too lazy to get it right.

At this time, I saw another man in a white robe walking up and saying: “This competition is mainly divided into three levels.”

“The first hurdle is that everyone has to walk over the pontoon bridge. The pontoon bridge can only be passed by someone who is predestined.”

“If you have no fate, you will be beaten back right away when you step on this pontoon. No matter how many times you try, it will be useless.”

“So later, as long as you are flew back by the pontoon bridge, you can pay there and then leave Huashan. You will come again when you listen to the Yuge Recruitment Conference next time,” the man said.

“After passing this pontoon, it is the second level. The second level is to pass an icy and snowy canyon. This level is mainly to test the endurance of everyone.

“The canyon is very cold. You will get a paper crane that transmits thousands of miles before entering the canyon. If you can’t stand the cold, you will throw the paper crane up into the sky.”

“Our disciples will come to rescue you soon. Of course, when you come back, please pay and leave.”

“The third level is the last level. Those who arrive here must pass the last test of Tingyu Pavilion, which is to pass the test of Linglongya.

“If you can pass the test of Linglongya, then you can officially become my disciple of Ting Yuge.” The man said.

As soon as the man’s voice fell, someone said to the side: “No, Master.

“Isn’t Yuge referring to the recruitment of three disciples? What if there are more people? What if there are more than three people who are lucky enough to pass the test?”

“Don’t you accept it?” someone in the crowd asked.

At this time, I saw the man smiling and saying: “This question is a good question. Don’t worry about this. I heard Yuge said that it meant recruiting three disciples.”

“But if everyone can get through it, then I heard from Yuge that there are as many as 740 moves, and I will definitely not break my promise.” The man said.

After Ying Zheng heard the man’s words, he immediately felt that this guy probably really hadn’t been cleaned up.

This is the one who has not been severely beaten by the society.

Actually dare to do this with myself, and nothing else, as long as they are willing to win the government, they can completely let these people present to pass this level.

Isn’t it just tricks to fool these ordinary people who don’t have any spells?

But when I think about it, it’s hard to say anything about winning the government.

Anyway, I didn’t plan to win the government. I thought about doing so much, and I almost quit by myself.

At this time, Lu Youjia on the side said to Ying Zheng: “Brother Zhao Zheng, we are in the same room. The eight of us help each other together. If we can live together with eight people.”

“From now on, let’s listen to the existence of Yuge’s brothers.” Lu Youjia said with a smile. .

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