Chapter 834 A road in Huashan since ancient times] Please order!

This Huashan has always been the place that Yingzheng wants to go, but it has never had the opportunity to go.

It is said that Huashan is one of the three mountains and five sacred mountains, but until now, Yingzheng has not had the opportunity to visit Huashan.

Now that I have a chance, then this Huashan must be visited.

And maybe you can still see immortals in Huashan, so you can see if you can really be a god.

Thinking of winning politics here is also a plan.

While eating, Zhao Gao on the side also said: “Your Majesty, if your Majesty really wants to make a tour, it is better to find an opportunity to secretly escort your Majesty out of the palace.”

“It shouldn’t be too long, just take it as a good time to go out and have fun. Now Daqin is already in the country, with no external troubles and internal worries, so it doesn’t matter if your Majesty sneaks out for a few days.”

Looking at Zhao Gao’s cheerful expression, Ying Zheng finally understood why most emperors throughout the ages would use eunuchs as their cronies.

Indeed you 737 have to admit that this eunuch is really too good at trying to figure out the emperor’s mind.

However, how can this guy figure out the idea of ​​winning the government?

“Once Zhao Gao, I can’t say anything like this silly thing, just find a time to take you on an open tour with you.

‘But now everything is about restoring national strength and people’s livelihood. As for the rest, just push back. “Yingzheng said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Zhao Gao said, arching his hands.

That night, Ying Zheng was in the palace, seeming to be preparing to go to bed, but in fact he was preparing everything for himself to go out.

All other things are easy to say, but this Qin country’s banknotes must be brought along.

This thing was invented by Yingzheng himself in order to solve the problem of insufficient copper and silver in Daqin.

Coupled with the problem of the scarcity of gold, the Qin State banknote was invented. (aibd)

It’s a pity that there are no banks and ATM machines in this era. Otherwise, winning the government must find a way to get more money in the bank card.

In this way, you can get it wherever you go.

Forget it, winning the government is also like carrying a large amount of Qin banknotes of almost one million.

This one million is enough to win politics on the road.

When Yingzheng did business in Xianyang City, he had already made a lot of money, and now he became the first emperor.

There are a lot of gold and silver scouted from the inner treasury of the nobles of the Six Nations.

These were all exchanged for Qin’s banknotes by Yingzheng Unified.

In this case, winning the government will naturally not be short of money.

After preparing the money, Yingzheng fell asleep happily.

Early the next morning, winning the government was to quietly get the puppet to win the government without everyone knowing it.

After activation, the winning government also explained some things that need attention when the puppet wins the government.

Ying Zheng quietly got out of the tunnel.

This kind of tunnel was very common in the Six Kingdoms during the War Results period. Basically, any palace minister’s residence had this kind of tunnel.

This does not include such tunnels in the palace.

The purpose is to at least be able to escape from the bottom to the inside as soon as there is something urgent.

Such tunnels are usually connected to the outside of the city, and then there is an exit in a hidden place outside the city.

This exit may be halfway up a mountain, or it may be an abandoned ancient well.

In short, everything is possible.

In the Qin Palace, there are several such tunnels.

Of course, this kind of tunnel is also the secret of the Qin kings in the past, except for the Qin king, no one else knows it.

This is also a tool for King Qin to escape at a critical moment.

However, Qin kings in the past did not use this thing.

On the contrary, the Qin kings of the past dynasties let all the great kings of the other six great powers use it.

But it didn’t work. In the end, it was ended up by the winning government.

After entering the tunnel, the tunnel is also very dark and a bit damp.

But fortunately, after all, it was a tunnel for King Qin to escape, so at least in terms of ventilation, there were some other issues that were handled relatively well.

The most important thing is that, for winning politics, this tunnel is after all the hard work of the ancestors.

Okay, let’s not talk about it, at least this idea is worthy of affirmation.

Walking in the tunnel, listening to the ticking of water droplets around, Ying Zheng also carefully brought out the fire fold to light up.

“Damn, fortunately, it’s not an escape, otherwise this tunnel can really ask the dead.” Ying Zheng couldn’t help cursing.

After walking for a while, the tunnel obviously began to turn.

Relying on the faint light, there are still bursts of majesty.

Yingzheng also slowly looked for the exit.

Generally, as long as there is a wind blowing in such a tunnel, you can basically find an exit if you walk in the direction of the wind.

So for the winning government, it is not a big problem to find an export.

After walking for almost an hour, I finally saw the faint light in front of me.

This tunnel is quite long.

But think about it, if the tunnel is not long, then it is impossible to lead out of the city at all. .

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