Chapter 835 Go out] Please order!

Finally walked outside through the tunnel entrance.

Standing on the broad mountainside, Ying Zheng took a deep breath of fresh air.

If this tunnel is possible, I really don’t want to go again.

If it weren’t for this stuff, it had to be kept secret, otherwise Winning was really planning to find someone to repair it.

At least make the inside better so that you can walk out of it very comfortably.

No need to walk out like this time.

It’s just that there is no way. The idea is to think about it in your own head. If you really do it, it will be impossible.

Thinking of winning here, I can only helplessly walk towards the front.

The place where this tunnel leads out is about twenty miles away from Xianyang City ~ on the mountainside.

There are no other people around this mountain,

It also looks relatively-remote and quiet.

Winning is also very happy to see such a scene.

This feeling is the same as a free bird, without the restraints in the palace all at once, the feeling of being light all over is really great.

Thinking of winning here, he happily walked forward.

At this moment, the miniature microphone hidden in the hair also made a sound.

“Your Majesty, this matter needs.”

“Your Majesty, please decide on this matter.”

The microphone of this puppet doll is a very small round battery-like thing that allows the user to hide directly in the hair near the ear.

In this way, you can pass the sound directly, and then you can hear clearly.

This is also set by Yingzheng for the puppet doll. As long as it is in the early dynasty and other important things, you need to let yourself know.

And you can pass all the words you want to reply to the puppet doll through the consciousness in the brain wave, so that the puppet doll can directly express its meaning through the brain wave consciousness.

At this time, Ying Zheng stood on the mountainside while listening to the ministers in the Xianyang Palace reporting to himself about the early affairs.

Very good, this puppet doll has accomplished all these things very well and put all his ideas into place.

It can be said that for winning politics, the biggest surprise and discovery of this system so far is this puppet doll.

There are also such good things. I was busy going to the lottery before, and I didn’t take a good look.

In this way, if Yingzheng walked and passed the puppet doll over, he would completely follow his own consciousness and give feedback through brain waves.

Then the puppet doll also followed.

After coming out of the back mountain of Xianyang City, Yingzheng also walked directly and reached the edge of the Weishui River.

This should be a way that Qin kings of the past dynasties thought of when designing this tunnel.

That is, as soon as there is something urgent, you can also hurry over, and then get on the boat by the Weishui River, go quickly to the rear, and continue to direct the overall situation.

It is also because of this that winning politics can come to the edge of the Weishui River.

At this moment, I saw a boatman loading goods on the edge of the Weishui River. Winning was also curious, so he went straight up and asked: “Where did the boatman go.”

“Go to Hedong County here.” The boatman said cheerfully.

“Then the boatman, can you take me for a ride? How much is the boatman’s price. If the price is right, I will follow your boat.” Yingzheng said with a smile.

0……Look for flowers…

“What is this young man saying? Isn’t it just taking a boat? Why don’t you need any money? You can just get on the boat if it’s okay, but where are you going to the young man?” the boatman asked.

“I’ll go to Huashan.” Yingzheng replied.

“Huashan, it’s not far, it’s only an hour and a half. Our Weishui from Xianyang to Huashan is really fast down the river, that is, an hour and a half.”

“Lady, what do you do in Huashan?” the boatman asked.

“I heard that Huashan has a good scenery, so I wanted to go and see, thinking about the territory of my Daqin.” Yingzheng said cheerfully.

“Sing, the younger generation still has ideas, but the younger generation, now my Daqin has just ruled the world, there are still some bandits and refugees in some places, the younger generation you go to Huashan alone.

‘You’re not afraid of getting into trouble. “The boatman asked.

“The okay boatman, there won’t be any trouble, besides, if I really encounter any trouble, it may not be me who suffers.” Yingzheng replied.

In this way, with the boatman’s boat, Yingzheng arrived at Huashan in a short time.

Otherwise, the Huashan Mountain is really a place of interest in the Central Plains.

After Ying Zheng got off the boat and bid farewell to the boat family, he walked in the direction of Huashan.

This Huashantang is very magnificent.

From the side of the Weishui River, one can already vaguely see the whole picture of Huashan Mountain.

And on the road to Huashan, are there some strange sounds coming out?

Although Ying Zheng also knew that in the pre-Qin period, some legendary monsters or monsters still existed. factory,

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