Chapter 833 Sima Xin, stop flattering] Please order!

When I woke up again, it was already the next morning. I touched my back, and all of his body was sweaty.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, how can I sweat so much, it is probably because I have been a little overworked recently.

After thinking about the recent events, winning politics is also a little bit ridiculous to laugh at himself.

After all, how to say it, this thing really makes people feel a little funny.

After changing into court clothes, Ying Zheng sat on the dragon chair in the main hall.

After accepting the courtiers’ prayers, Yingzheng said: “There is nothing the princes have to report.

“Return to Your Majesty.” Sima Xin stood up and said: “Today, the minister has gotten an anecdote. I heard that in the generation of Sili I heard that there was auspiciousness. This indicates that my great Qin will always be Yongchang.”

“E?” Upon hearing Sima Xin’s words, Ying Zheng asked curiously: “What is auspicious you are talking about? Sima Xin, I said you people just like to use some auspiciousness to fool widows at every turn.”

“This is auspicious and not auspicious, don’t the widows still know?” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Since becoming the King of Qin, Yingzheng has heard and seen too many ministers who use such things to invite merit and flattery.

Therefore, it is not surprising to win the government.

At this time, Sima Xin said: “My Majesty, I don’t know if this Xiangrui is a fake minister, but the minister has also heard about it. It seems that Xiangrui seems to be real.”

“That’s why the minister reported it to your majesty, and regardless of whether this auspiciousness is true or not, after all, my Daqin is now in full swing, and it must be a family of eternal generations, prosperous and eternal, 々.”

What Sima Xin said almost meant it. If it was for Zhao Gao or Li Si, then it must have been able to search for a flower.

However, Sima Xin can’t be blamed for this. After all, how can I say that Sima Xin is also a talent in the end of Qin, and it would be good to be able to do this.

I saw that Ying Zheng said to Sima Xin cheerfully: “It’s OK, you said it was in Sili, right.”

“Yes, your Majesty, it’s in Sili, which is Hanoi County.” Sima Xin said.

“Okay, then I will go and have a look tomorrow.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Regarding such things, Yingzheng is definitely interested in going to see it. Wouldn’t it be a pity if we didn’t go and take a look.

As a result, as soon as the words of Yingzheng were finished, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty looked at Yingzheng with a dazed expression and said: “Your Majesty, where are you going?’

“This Hanoi county is far away from Xianyang. If your Majesty wants to see it, you must prepare to go.

Yes, Ying Zheng also wanted to give himself a big mouth, and one of them accidentally missed the words directly.

If you want to go by yourself, you really want to go, but if you want to go by yourself, how can you say it.

Now that the words come out, it must be a way to come back to life.

Therefore, the winning government also laughed, patted his head and said: “Look at the memory of the widow, the widow always remembers when he was a proton in Handan.”

“Hey, thinking of being a proton at that time, if it weren’t for annihilation, it would be hard to understand the hatred in my heart.

There is no way to win politics. If you don’t say this, there is no way to get it right.

Fortunately, when all the ministers heard this, they all said: “Your Majesty, let him pass the past. Why should I be so stubborn? Now the King Zhao is just a prisoner of my Da Qin.”

“If your Majesty still has trouble solving the hatred in your heart, kill them all.”

Hearing what the ministers said, Ying Zheng also smiled and waved his hand and said: “It’s all right, I just sigh with emotion.”

“”I said that after the six countries were destroyed, the old nobles of the six countries will not be held accountable. With a word, how can I go back and forth at this time. ”

“After all, if there is nothing wrong with Aiqing, then let’s retreat first.” Yingzheng said.

“Retreat.” After Zhao Gao shouted in a sharp voice, all the ministers also bowed and left the Qin Palace Hall.

After returning to the bedroom, Ying Zheng first asked the dining room to prepare meals for himself, and then he ate while looking at Daqin’s map.

Begin to figure out where to go first if you go out.

Let’s not say anything else, at least this first stop is definitely going to Hanoi County first.

Because what Sima Xin said is also very interesting for winning politics (Zhao Hao Zhao) thought, this Hanoi county turned out to be Xiangrui Song.

When Yingzheng had no soul to wear before watching costume dramas on TV and movies, it was always auspicious.

The words within the emperor’s auspicious.

But up to now, Shengzheng has never seen any auspicious appearances, so Yingzheng is also curious about what this auspiciousness is, and I must go and see it.

If you can’t see this, then it is really too bad for winning the government. It is not just a problem of losing, it is simply for winning the government.

That is simply a humiliation to one’s faith.

Thinking of winning politics here, I decided to leave Xianyang and enter Huashan first.

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