Chapter 832 The system produces must-have products] Seek full order!

The products produced by the system must be high-quality goods, so Yingzheng does not worry about after-sales problems.

According to the instructions, Yingzheng first put one of his hair into a small switch box on the puppet doll’s head.

Then Yingzheng pressed the switch on the remote control in his hand.

With a “di” sound, the puppet wins the government so resurrected.

“Not bad, I didn’t expect it to be exactly the same as the widow.” Yingzheng said, looking at the puppet Yingzheng cheerfully.

“If you go back to the master, this is a puppet doll designated according to the master’s temperament. If the master needs it, he can start it directly.

“The puppet doll can complete all the instructions of the master.”

“Okay, then I will try your skills first.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

08 Now for the appearance of this puppet doll, Win Zheng has no doubts.

This move, including speech and demeanor, is simply a copy of the winning government, well, so the winning government is not worried about such things at all. Now it is mainly to look at the other aspects of this puppet doll.

For example, how is the puppet doll’s emperor’s confession of gods, and how much can you compare with yourself?

According to the instructions, there is half the strength.

Then you only need to try to win the government.

“Master, please!” Puppet Yingzheng made a please gesture.

Then Yingzheng nodded, and a fire knife slashed over.

And the puppet won the government without ambiguity. After parrying with his hands, he also hit back with a fire knife.

Then the winning government and the puppet winning government are almost dismantled in the palace, and there are almost fifty moves.

In the end, the puppet won the government and should be defeated.

However, this is also the case that the winning government did not use all its strength to deal with the puppet winning the government.

But even if you do your best, it takes at least ten tricks to win the government to defeat the puppet and win the government.

Although it’s not too slow, but at least in terms of self-protection, this puppet’s victory in politics is completely possible and basically there will be no major problems.

Coupled with the protection of Mengwu and a group of black armies, to be honest, basically it is unlikely that a puppet will be in any danger if it wins the government.

Thinking of winning politics here is also relieved. After all, how do you say that, now that you have this puppet to win politics, you can go out of the palace to do some things yourself.

Win Zheng was also very curious about some of the things that came out in Daqin recently.

It is said that the ancient beast phoenix appeared on Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea.

It is said that if you can get this phoenix, you can get supreme mana and you can live forever.

Regarding the immortality, winning politics naturally does not believe it, but since the news comes out, then winning politics is still willing to take a look.

After all, how do you say it, even if you can’t live forever, it would be very good to be able to get such a phoenix.

Originally, after the winning political soul passed through, it was already very miraculous after learning this emperor’s confession of gods, so what is impossible to happen, isn’t it?

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also happily put away the puppet doll.

This puppet doll is packed in a small box. As long as Yingzheng opens the small box, and then faces the puppet doll, the puppet doll will automatically enter the small box.

To be honest, it is very convenient, not only convenient but also very easy to use.

The entire puppet doll is completely under his own command.

Before getting the puppet doll, Ying Zheng was still worried that the puppet doll would one day betray him or something.

But now it seems that I have been worrying too much.

This puppet doll will never betray him, and this puppet doll is likely to become a big helper of himself.

After all, there is an extra one and a half of the self, which is still a very incredible thing in the entire Da Qin world.

I don’t want to think that there are a few people in the entire Da Qin world who can achieve their own cultivation level.

If there is another one, it will be fine.

Thinking of winning politics here, I also decided to prepare for goodbye these days, and then set off directly.

We must take a good look at the world of Daqin, and make good use of this 737 time to see how well the people of Daqin recuperate.

But before that, it is to wait first, and temporarily not use foreign troops.

Now the southwest direction has been completely resolved by Zhao Tuo, and the northern enemies of the Xiongnu and Donghu have also been completely wiped out.

It can be said that the entire Daqin is now free of external troubles and internal troubles. What needs to be done now is that there are a series of decrees in accordance with the Qin law promulgated by Yingzheng.

Then, recuperate and regenerate according to local conditions.

Thinking of this, Shengzheng also relaxed in his heart.

Don’t hurry to look around now, as soon as Da Qin recovers, he will use troops against the Western Regions. At that time, he really can keep himself busy. If you want to rest, I am afraid that there is no time to set a password.

Thinking of winning here, I fell asleep deeply.

In my sleep, I have dreamed of many people and many things.

In short, Yingzheng met his family in his dream and also dreamed of many other things. .

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