Chapter 831 Or my own system understands itself]

“Oh, the system is still my own relatives, and the wife is better than others. I said the system, do you have any way, if there is a way, please help me think of one.”

“The host, the system naturally has a way, but the host does not have any chance to draw a lottery right now. If there is a chance to draw a lottery, then if there is a lottery chance, then there may be a lottery.

“Aren’t you a system? You can give me a lottery directly, and you have to host a lottery. I said you are not interesting at all. What if I get something else.” Yingzheng said angrily.

“The host doesn’t have to worry at all. Even if it gets something else, “Seven Three Three”, it is good for him. The host can try to smoke it so that he can get what he wants.” The system said.

No way, now the system hasn’t released tasks, and I don’t have a chance to draw a lottery. It seems that I can only redeem it.

If this is a redemption, I don’t know how many points will be consumed.

After thinking about it, Ying Zheng directly opened the exchange shop and saw the auxiliary category in the shop.

Win Zheng finally found a very powerful thing.

“Remote control puppet doll!”

When Ying Zheng saw this thing for the first time, he knew that this thing was tailor-made for himself.

It’s not because of anything else, but mainly because you look at it. According to the description of the system, the role of this remote control puppet doll is completely prepared for winning the government.

First of all, judging from the system description, this puppet doll is exactly what it is.

The remote control of this thing is in the hands of Yingzheng, and after setting the program for this puppet doll, the program can be directly started.

After starting the program, the puppet doll can start to deal with all things according to the host’s daily habits.

And the most awesome place to talk to, this thing can talk to the host through the air, and the host’s words can also be directly transmitted through the remote control.

Let’s put it this way. In this way, a problem is avoided, that is, once there is a major military affairs, the winning government is not there.

Then Ying Zheng can directly convey his meaning through the mouth of this puppet doll.

How is it? Isn’t it awesome?

Do you think this is over? You are too young and naive.

There is another thing about this puppet doll that is the most powerful, that is, this puppet doll can inherit the general strength of the host.

In other words, this puppet doll can inherit the emperor’s enchantment art of winning politics, and if it encounters any danger, this puppet doll can also have the effect of self-protection.

At this point, it is simply perfect for winning politics.

Therefore, winning the government naturally has to be exchanged.

However, after seeing the redemption points, the winning government also took a breath.

“1W points, my god, is this stuff a little too expensive.” Yingzheng looked at the points speechlessly and said.

“Host, you have to know that you are reluctant to have children and can’t catch wolves. If you don’t want to earn this point, then you have no chance to get such a puppet doll, and then the host has no chance to do many things that you want to go.

“So it’s just 1W points, it’s not expensive anymore.”

Hearing the system, Yingzheng couldn’t help but say: “You think I don’t know, you just want my points, I say you are also your own system anyway.”

“Why do I change my way every day thinking about cutting my leeks?” Yingzheng said dissatisfied.

“Host, the system only analyzes the host based on the optimal situation. As for how to do it, it’s the host’s own business. This system can’t manage it,” the system said.

Forget it, I have such 1W points, and I finally got it out, so I definitely need to use it.

Since this guy says it all, then winning politics now must find a way to get all these things out, isn’t it?

“1W points are 1W points. Anyway, they are all used.” Ying Zhengyi gritted his teeth and directly exchanged the puppet doll with his hard-earned 1W points.

Originally, winning the government only had 1W points, but now they are gone. Naturally, it is very stressful, but for the benefits of winning the government.

Even if these 1W points are gone, there is no big deal. After all, how do you say it,

Anyway, winning politics won’t have any big ideas. As long as you can make good use of this puppet doll, you may have unexpected effects on yourself. 1.3.

Thinking of winning here, I couldn’t help but cheer up.

“It’s so realistic.” Ying Zheng looked at the puppet doll standing motionless in front of him, and was suddenly a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this puppet doll is exactly the same as his own, and even the mole on his body is exactly the same. It can be said that even if anyone wants to check it out, it will definitely not be revealed.

This thing, the control is in the hands of the winning government, so there is no need to worry about winning the government at all, and how to say it.

If you want to win the government, you can destroy this puppet doll at any time.

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