Chapter 807 The end of the bickering]

As a Confucian student, Yan Yue only learned about the military.

Even so, it inspired the aggressive nature of arrogant Confucian scholars, and wanted to show off their knowledge before you literary and martial artists.

“Fei Ye King, Fei Ye.

After Yan Yue bowed his salute, he spoke in public: “Weichen just doesn’t want to let the country fall into war again and let the people’s lives be overwhelmed. The king still has to learn more from Zhou etiquette.”

“Zhou Li?”

King Qin Yingzheng was displeased, and his interest just now swept away. His expression sank: “If Zhou Li can save the world, how can the world start to ignite the flames of war? If it’s not for a few people to level the Four Kingdoms, how can this chaos in the world end?”

As soon as the voice of the victory fell, the bolder and bolder said: “Majesty, even if you are majestic and mighty, but it is not the work of the 08 sage!”

“Attack its country, destroy its dynasty, take in its people, administer the Qin government, and the subjects will flourish. You can attack it!”

King Qin Yingzheng responded domineeringly, and did not forget to remind Yu Yue, “This statement is from the “Sima Law” written by Jiang Ziya, who was admired by you and other Confucian scholars for eight hundred years.”

The arrogant face is red with red ears,

This sentence attacked his country, applied Qin government, and attacked, and the refutation was arrogant!

The other civil and military officials were also full of enthusiasm.

This sentence is too domineering, it really is the style of King Qin to win politics!

Baiyue blushed, but his quarrel was even more triumphant: “The king, his battle hurts public opinion, and the king is too aggressive.”

As soon as the words of arrogance fell, King Qin Yingzheng suddenly got up, and the Great Sword appeared from Yan Shun’s hands: “Stop the war with war, save the people and the fire, the war is also possible!”

As soon as King Qin Yingzheng said this, there was a tendency to swallow the mountains and rivers!

After saying that, the long sword Wu Dongchu in the hands of King Qin wins a string of sword flowers in the hands of the political general.

“Whether it is the widow who swept the Four Kingdoms or attacked the Huns, it is for the sake of no war in the world. The widow also tells you that in the world, whoever dares to refuse, the widow will beat him and break the mountains and rivers when he beats the other country.”

After saying this, King Qin won the government and raised his hand, and the Tai’a long sword fell into the scabbard.

Baiyue felt the domineering power of King Qin to win the government, but this guy is also a hard bone. Now that King Qin has refuted him so speechlessly, he forcibly defended: “The king, killing is too heavy, it is against the heavens!”

“Killing is safe in the world, why not kill?” “Qin Wang Yingzheng’s heart surged with anger.

Baiyue still wanted to continue to argue.

After the words of King Qin Yingzheng fell, he looked at the arrogant: “We are determined, Doctor, please withdraw!”

“The King”

Presumptuous still has to speak.

Yingzheng frowned, and his eyes showed murderous intent: “The doctor dare to say more, no one…

Before Ying Zheng could finish speaking, Yan Yue said proudly: “Even if you die, Confucianism will survive….

The ministers were a little helpless, and this arrogance was obviously not giving the king’s face.

“Integrity?” Doctor, are you talking about the integrity of scholars?”

After hearing this arrogant remark, King Qin Yingzheng’s expression changed drastically, and he suddenly raised his right arm!

“Today, the widow will let you choose between integrity and the life and death of thousands of Confucianists!”

“Yueyue, you know, if the hand of the widow is dropped, even if your Confucianism is tens of millions, I dare to pit it! Even if there are 90,000 cars in the book, I, King Qin, will dare to burn it!”

“Dare you give it a try?”

The voice of King Qin Yingzheng fell, and all the civil and military in front of him were frightened!

Li Si and Zhao Gao fell face down on the ground, sweat dripping from their cheeks and falling to the ground.

They were terrified!

Hearing the words of Yingzheng, Yan Yue shuddered and knelt down at the feet of King Qin Yingzheng.

This sentence: Even if your Confucianism has tens of millions, the Lian dare to pit it! Even if there are 90,000 cars in the book, Lian dare to burn it, causing Yan Yue to fall into endless panic!

He still knew the temperament of King Qin Yingzheng. Before the ministers and the former King Qin, he would not joke with himself.

At this time, King Qin gave him only one choice.

Since you want integrity, the widow will let the entire Confucian family be buried with you!

Let your integrity be ruined by Confucianism!

Qin Wang Yingzheng dare to kill all Confucian scholars in the world?

Ying Zheng looked around at all the ministers of civil and military affairs who were kneeling in front of him, and continued: “It’s not that the widow has never burned books, nor is it that they haven’t burned anyone. Now, it seems that 723 is too few burned, and not many are burned! ”

King Qin’s words to win the government are like a heavy hammer, knocking on the heart of Yuyue!

The little arrogant overstepped, shaking all over! He almost urinated his pants.

Even if Xuanyue is not afraid of death, if Confucianism perishes in Daqin because of him, how can he bear such a crime!

His fate is an injustice that can’t bear the world’s scholars!

He looked up at the right hand raised by King Qin Yingzheng, as if seeing thousands of Confucian scholars wailing, and seeing countless Confucian classics burned!

“The widow is not the emperor of the Zhou dynasty, nor the princes and kings of the Warring States. I will not treat you so-called scholars and scholars with courtesy, and even if you are scolded, you will be respected as emperors.

“The widow is the great king of Daqin, and the reason why widow dare to step on Zhou Li, dare to kill you scholars.”

After Qin Wang Yingzheng said this, he turned and walked towards the exit of the city wall, where there was a car parked.

Seeing King Qin sitting in the chariot, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the trembling premonition with resentful eyes.

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